14 seconds! Chinese people’s own CPU + operating system, achieving a leap

One second, two seconds, three seconds… Several "code farmers" from Beijing Xinchuang Enterprise sat in front of a laptop, holding their breaths and concentrating, their hearts seemed to beat at the same frequency as the second hand.

At the 14th second, the computer desktop "lit up" smoothly, and the laboratory was suddenly full of joy.

From fighting each other, to clenching their fingers into fists, Tongxin has joined forces with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry to jointly promote the development of domestic operating systems.

In the rapid iteration of technology, the boot time of domestic operating systems has been gradually shortened, finally achieving a 14-second leap in 2022.

In March 2022, Tongfang laptops equipped with Loongson 3A5000 4-core processor, Tongxin UOS operating system, and Kunlun BIOS firmware achieved a leap in 14-second boot time, representing that the computers of "China Core" and "China Soul" are moving from "usable" to "easy to use", expanding the Chinese people’s place in the information technology industry that Intel and Microsoft have occupied for many years.

Each line of code leaping towards "14 seconds" hides the creativity and ambition of several generations of "Beijing code farmers". They represent Beijing’s "soft power", some are white-haired gentlemen who have been fighting for decades, and some are just entering the industry. The difficulties in the chain of information technology application and innovation are making key breakthroughs in their side-by-side struggles.

Loongson CPU out of the "darkest hour"

Boot speed is the first impression of computer performance to users. 10 years ago, it took 10 minutes or even longer to open a computer equipped with domestic hardware and software.

CPU (Central Processor) is the heart of the computer. If you want to speed up the computer, you must first pass this hurdle. Do Chinese people have their own CPU?

Yes. In the early morning of August 10, 2002, the computer installed with the "Loongson No. 1" CPU was successfully started, ending the history of the Chinese people relying entirely on imported CPUs to manufacture computers. In 2010, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing jointly funded the establishment of Loongson Zhongke Company, hoping that the R & D results will be accelerated and industrialized.

However, just over two years later, Longxin Zhongke fell into the "darkest moment".

The Loongson team with strong academic taste has been focusing on improving CPU performance, but has not come up with a general-purpose CPU that meets the mainstream needs of the market. The high investment in research and development has made the company’s funds tight, and even unable to pay salaries for a while, resulting in the loss of talent.

"This crisis forced us to recognize the reality." Founder Hu Weiwu realized that the R & D staff of "Shanghai" gave up the establishment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but forgot to pay attention to the real needs of the market. In other words, although the organization has been transformed, the concept has not kept up.

Hu Weiwu, Chief Engineer and Chief Designer of Loongson, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

At that time, the mainstream CPU in the market was a multi-core design. Intel’s main focus was dual-core and quad-core. In order to be superior, Loongson started with eight cores. Hu Weiwu admitted that the premise of "more people and more power" is that everyone must be strong. Although Loongson has eight cores, the performance of each core is not as good as that of humans. Loongson’s CPU was not accepted by the market at that time, and the reason is very simple – it is not easy to use.

After several years of detours, Loongson finally put down its "body" and turned its attention to the CPU in the field of industrial control, and then successfully applied it in the field of information technology. In constant trial and error and iteration, Loongson’s revenue exceeded 100 million yuan in 2015, achieving break-even for the first time.

From 2015 to 2020, the performance of Loongson increased by 10 times, which made it possible to support 14-second boot. Tongfang’s computer, whose boot time was shortened to 14 seconds, was equipped with the CPU of the Loongson 3A5000 series, and its performance was close to the mainstream level of open market CPUs.

Domestic operating system is just emerging

For the majority of computer users, the classic icon of the Windows operating system is deeply etched in their memory. The CPU is the heart of the computer, and the operating system is the soul. If Godson is benchmarking Intel, then who can benchmark Microsoft?

In 2011, when Hu Weiwu was struggling for a higher-level CPU, Liu Wenhuan, general manager of Tongxin Software, decided to start from scratch and build a domestic operating system.

"If conquering chip technology is like climbing the Himalayas, solving the domestic operating system is exploring the Mariana Trench." Before that, he worked in an information security company for more than a decade and increasingly felt that if the operating system bottleneck could not be solved, information security could only be on paper.

In the same period, a group of software companies with the same ideals were born in China. But the ideal is full and the reality is skinny. The first wave of early adopters found that computers equipped with domestic operating systems are not only slow, but also unable to chat, work and play games as normally as Windows. Although new domestic systems continue to be launched, these software companies have fallen one after another in the face of the gap in technology and the cruel choice of the market.

Overcoming difficulties cannot be solved by one’s own efforts. To solve the user pain points of slow boot and short battery life, CPU, operating system and other industries must jointly tackle key problems.

In 2019, Tongxin Software Technology Co., Ltd., jointly established by multiple domestic operating system manufacturers, was established, headquartered in Beijing Economic Development Zone Xinchuang Park, and established technical support institutions, R & D centers, and general software and hardware adaptation centers in Wuhan, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other places.

From fighting each other to clenching their fingers into fists, Tongxin has joined forces with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry to jointly promote the research and development of domestic operating systems. In the rapid iteration of technology, the boot time of domestic operating systems has been shortened step by step, and finally a 14-second leap has been achieved in 2022.

"The gap between domestic operating systems and the products of top international manufacturers has narrowed from 10 years or more to three to five years," Liu Wenhuan said.

Today, the Tongxin operating system has been implemented in a number of key industries such as banks and telecom operators, and the latest home version was also unveiled at the beginning of this year. However, the new domestic operating system still faces the risk of "supply cut" in the upstream open-source community, which in turn affects the sustainable development of the industry.

"The reason is that the root community based on Linux open source systems in China is abroad." Liu Wenhuan said that the root community can help operating system manufacturers get rid of the constraints of the upstream open source community and get better protection at the level of information security. To put it figuratively, the "supply chain" should also be secure.

Two months after achieving 14-second boot, based on the world’s three major independent open-source communities, Tongxin released China’s first desktop operating system root community "Deepin Community", starting from "roots", mastering the development rights of open-source operating systems, upstream community dominance, and attracting global enthusiasts to contribute code and ideas for domestic operating systems.

"Raise" an autonomous industrial chain

In 2014, the popular Windows XP system stopped serving, and for a time, a large number of enterprises and individual users were in disarray. Although most functions can still be used normally after the shutdown, they cannot get Microsoft vulnerability patches and system upgrade support, and are vulnerable to viruses and hackers.

Six years later, Windows 10 was discontinued, and the exact same situation played out. This further stimulated Beijing’s drive to build an independent innovation industry system.

Looking back 30 years ago, Hu Weiwu, who was still a doctoral student at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, needed to use a high-performance computing machine that had just been imported from abroad for his experiments, but the computer’s password was in the hands of foreigners and needed to be monitored in a glass house.

Hu Weiwu, chief engineer of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief designer of Loongson, accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV

This picture was deeply engraved in his heart. Therefore, when Loongson was just starting out, all the well-known companies that could think of came to Hu Weiwu to discuss technology licensing cooperation. "I understand these behaviors as’surrender the gun and not kill ‘!" He saw that behind the technology licensing was to make Loongson give up the ability to innovate and develop, so he decisively refused.

Thirty years later, the young man in red became a white-haired gentleman, and Hu Weiwu launched another more thorough and difficult "entrepreneurship".

The global information industry is mainly built on Wintel (Microsoft-Intel Alliance) and AA (Android-ARM) two ecosystems based on Instruction Set Architecture and chip design. If you want to produce CPUs that match them, you must first obtain the Instruction Set Architecture "license".

"In order to achieve a fully independent innovation CPU, we must also achieve autonomy at the underlying technical level of the Instruction Set Architecture." In 2021, LoongArch officially released LoongArch, the LoongArch autonomous command system architecture of Loongson, achieving a major technological breakthrough in its ecological construction. This marks that LoongArch has moved from a follow-up development to a completely independent development in terms of independent information technology system and industrial ecological construction.

The Loongson 3A5000, which supports a 14-second boot time, is based on the LoongArch autonomous command system architecture and no longer requires foreign authorization.

One innovation breakthrough after another, tempering the Beijing Xinchuang industry chain: ZTE database, Guoke Tianxun avionics bus protocol chip, QINGTENG and other global benchmarking products were born, the domestic information technology system was initially formed, Beijing Economic Development Zone Tongming Lake National Xinchuang Park, has gathered more than 90% of the country’s information technology leading enterprises, forming a high-performance chip, operating system, database, machine end point, system integration, cyber security services and other industry chain Xinchuang industry ecosystem.

Beijing Economic Development Zone National Xinchuang Park Tongxin Software Technology Co., Ltd. "Ecological Adaptation Dispatch Center"

"Some products are like raising pigs, which can be slaughtered for meat in one year; some products are like raising cattle, which can be plowed and worked in three years; our products are like raising children, which can be raised for 20 years." Hu Weiwu compared technological research to "raising children", which vividly condensed the difficult process of information technology breakthrough, and also foreshadowed that the autonomy of the credit creation industry still has a long way to go.

The "Beijing code farmers" who have worked hard for many years still need to make greater innovation breakthroughs in order to benchmark the international first-class and create a solid "foundation" for China’s economic digital transformation and industrial chain upgrade.

The future of NIO is ecological?

Article | Interesting understanding of business, Li Wenqi

In addition to selling cars, what else can car companies sell? The answer may subvert your perception.

Recently, Huiding Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huiding Insurance Brokerage") changed its corporate name to NIO Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. This move has attracted widespread attention because it is understood by industry insiders as the acceleration of NIO’s layout in the insurance sector.

Image credit: Qichacha

In recent years, not only NIO, but also the number of new energy vehicle companies that value the auto insurance market has gradually increased. Xiaopeng, Ideal, BYD and Tesla have all made plans.

Dong Hao, a veteran in the automotive industry, said that compared with traditional property insurance companies, new energy vehicle companies entering the new energy vehicle insurance market have more advantages in vehicle loss assessment and insurance premium estimation. Car companies can use this as a service breakthrough point and develop more high-profit after-car ecosystem services.

But just like the two sides of the coin, can the beautiful new energy auto insurance really help NIO develop the after-car ecosystem? And, how much support will the continuous cross-border NIO give to the auto insurance business after the launch of mobile phones, charging piles and other products? This may be the point that the current industry pays more attention to.

01. Crowded car insurance track, NIO is catching up

According to the latest statistics released by the Ministry of Public Security, as of the end of September 2023, the national new energy vehicle ownership reached 18.21 million, accounting for 5.5% of the car ownership. From the first to the third quarter of 2023, 5.198 million new energy vehicles were registered nationwide, an increase of 40% year-on-year, accounting for 28.5% of the new car registration.

There is no doubt that the outbreak of the new energy vehicle market has made new energy vehicle insurance a huge blue ocean market. Soochow Securities estimates that by 2025, the scale of new energy vehicle insurance premiums will reach 186.50 billion yuan, accounting for 17.9% of the total proportion of vehicle insurance premiums; by 2030, this scale will reach 454.10 billion yuan, accounting for 32.1% of the proportion of vehicle insurance premiums.

For this huge and promising market, a number of new energy vehicle companies have entered the market.

In July 2018, XPeng Motors established Guangzhou XPeng Motors Insurance Agency, which was later renamed Guangzhou Smart Choice Consulting Services Co., Ltd.; in 2020, Tesla Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. was established in Shanghai; Li Auto also fully acquired Yinjian Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. in June last year, and later changed its name to Beijing Ideal Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. At the 2022 Annual General Meeting, BYD Chairperson Wang Chuanfu said that BYD would enter the new energy automobile insurance industry.

There are many benefits to the deployment of new energy vehicles in the field of auto insurance – after obtaining the relevant insurance license, new energy vehicle companies can configure insurance through car owners to form a complete closed loop of car manufacturing, sales, and after-sales services, which is expected to become a new profit growth point for car companies.

In this context, it is logical for NIO to accelerate the layout of insurance. As early as the beginning of 2022, NIO invested in the establishment of NIO Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 50 million yuan; but unfortunately, until the company was cancelled, the company did not obtain relevant qualifications, let alone carry out related insurance business.

The reason is actually very simple. Insurance qualifications themselves are a scarce resource. In recent years, the insurance intermediary market has developed rapidly, but there are also pain points of uneven operation quality of intermediaries. Regulators have tightened the approval of insurance intermediary licenses.

But this did not discourage NIO’s determination to explore the insurance market, and instead looked for a "curve" entry route. In December 2022, Anhui NIO Data Technology Co., Ltd., controlled by NIO founder Li Bin, wholly invested in Huiding Insurance Brokerage, and then the original executives also withdrew one after another. It was not until September this year that Huiding Insurance Brokerage changed its name to NIO Insurance Brokerage, and NIO finally went official in its own insurance business.

Picture source: NIO Insurance Broker official website

For this acquisition, NIO did not disclose the specific transaction amount. But according to the market situation, it will not be too low. For example, when BYD transferred 100% equity of Yi’an Property Insurance this year, it spent 4 billion yuan to invest in insurance licenses with higher "gold content". In this regard, some market analysts said that the application for relevant license qualifications in the insurance industry is relatively long. NIO’s operation of Huiding Insurance Brokerage is behind "using money for time". It is naturally easier to buy chickens and lay eggs than to raise big chickens and then lay eggs.

"But the insurance industry is more complicated, and it’s not a one-day job." Zhang Xiang, a visiting professor at the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology and an automotive industry research institute, said to "Interesting Business": "NIO obtains qualifications through acquisitions, and then opens up sales, insurance, after-sales and other links. For the insurance business, it can deeply cultivate the precise customer group, which is a big advantage. But it should be noted that new energy vehicle insurance is not a profitable business at the moment."

02. Is there enough "ammunition"?

The license qualification is grafted through the "banknote ability", and the subsequent challenges that NIO has to face are the financial ability, technical ability and network layout. No matter what, stronger "banknote ability" is required. "Especially the financial ability level is a big test for new energy vehicle companies," said Mr. Fei, an industry insider.

Because behind the blue ocean of new energy vehicle insurance, there is a hidden high compensation pressure and the resulting general loss. Shenwan Hongyuan Group’s research report shows that the current new energy vehicle insurance compensation rate generally exceeds 85%, and the industry is facing greater underwriting loss pressure.

Zeng Yi, general manager of China Pacific Insurance Property and Casualty Insurance, has also publicly stated that the insurance rate of new energy vehicles is nearly double that of fuel vehicles, and the year-on-year increase in automobile travel in the first half of this year has posed a certain pressure on the underwriting cost of new energy vehicles. China Pacific Insurance’s 2022 interim results show that the new energy vehicle insurance premium grew rapidly in the first half of last year, accounting for 6.6%. However, the new energy vehicles underwritten by Pacific Insurance Property and Casualty Insurance are still losing money.

A set of data obtained by the reporter of the Economic Observer also shows that the insurance rate and compensation rate of new energy vehicles are at a high level. In the first half of 2023, the number of new energy vehicle insurance settled compensation cases increased by 1021.9% year-on-year, and the average compensation for resolved cases was 5801 yuan, an increase of 764 yuan compared with the same period in 2022. However, the average insurance premium for new energy vehicle insurance was only 4081 yuan, a decrease of 47 yuan compared with 2022.

All kinds of phenomena have confirmed that the new energy compensation amount is currently much higher than the insurance premium income. This also means that all players entering the new energy vehicle insurance field must prepare sufficient ammunition. So, is NIO ready?

At the end of August this year, NIO-SW (09866) announced its unaudited financial results for the second quarter ended in the first half of 2023. Data show that NIO’s revenue in the second quarter of 2023 was 8.7717 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.8%; gross profit was 870 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 93.5%; net loss was 6.0558 billion yuan, an increase of 119.6%; adjusted net loss was 5.4457 billion yuan, an increase of 140.2%.

Image source: Screenshot of earnings report

From the perspective of the general environment, new car-making forces have shown varying degrees of losses; in the first half of this year, Li Auto’s total revenue was 47.44 billion yuan, and its net loss was 3.24 billion yuan. In comparison, NIO’s loss situation is much more serious.

According to the annual report of NIO-SW (09866), between 2018 and 2022, although NIO’s total revenue is growing, it has been in a state of loss. The losses in the five years were 23.328 billion yuan, 11.413 billion yuan, 5.3041 billion yuan, 4.02 billion yuan and 144.37 yuan. By the first half of this year, NIO’s net loss has exceeded 10 billion yuan, which is 10.926 billion yuan.

What can be seen is that in the context of the recovery of the new energy vehicle market in the first half of this year, NIO still maintained a situation where revenue and gross profit continued to decline and losses continued to expand. Whether it is a single quarter or the entire first half of the year, NIO’s net profit attributable to the parent set a record low for the same period in history.

In terms of delivery, NIO’s situation is also not optimistic. According to public data, NIO delivered 15,641 vehicles in September this year, an increase of 43.8% year-on-year and a decrease of 20% month-on-month. It was the most severe decline in the sales list of new energy vehicles in September.

Revenue decline, delivery decline, but NIO did not reduce investment. According to the financial report data, in the second quarter of this year, NIO’s development investment reached 3.34 billion yuan, close to Tesla’s 3.98 billion yuan, but significantly higher than the ideal 2.43 billion yuan and XPeng Motors 1.37 billion yuan. Statistics can be seen from the previous data, starting from the fourth quarter of 2022, NIO’s R & D expenses have exceeded 3 billion yuan for three consecutive quarters.

It is equivalent to saying that behind NIO’s bet on auto insurance, NIO’s own financial performance and delivery are not optimistic. In the future, whether it can provide support at the auto insurance level depends on the importance of the business in the NIO ecosystem.

"If NIO’s main business is doing very well and can give greater support to the auto insurance business, then overall, auto insurance must be the icing on the cake for NIO," Mr. Fei added: "On the contrary, if its own losses increase, coupled with the high underwriting pressure of auto insurance, the pressure on NIO will be relatively large in the short term."

03. Crossing the border all the way, what is NIO in a hurry?

To the outside world, NIO is less and less like a car company. This indifference is mainly due to NIO’s full range of crossovers – mobile phones, charging stations and now car insurance business.

In June this year, it was reported that the NIO mobile phone had passed the MIIT radio approval; as expected, on September 21, NIO Innovation and Technology Day, NIO released the first ship mobile phone, NIO Phone. According to Li Bin, "NIO makes mobile phones not because mobile phone companies cross the border into the automotive industry, nor do they rely on mobile phones to make money, but NIO users need a mobile phone that is undoubtedly linked to NIO."

But in the eyes of many users, this is not the case. On social platforms, many netizens complained that "it is easier to adapt NIO to more models. The probability of buying another mobile phone alone is not high, and buying a car and giving a mobile phone is almost the same." "It is obviously something that can be done by an app, but you have to develop a mobile phone!" The topic of who the NIO mobile phone is sold to has also triggered widespread discussion.

Image source: Weibo

In addition to the heavy injection of mobile phones, NIO also continues to invest in the field of supplementary energy. By the end of 2022, NIO had 1,315 replacement stations; in early 2023, Li Bin put down his big talk and wanted to build another 1,000 replacement stations. According to NIO’s official data, as of October 20, NIO has arranged a total of 1,969 replacement stations, 3,252 charging stations, and 936,544 third-party charging piles.

Industry analyst Yu Shengmei said that the current construction of power stations is fragmented and chaotic, and the industry is expected to enter the fast lane after the establishment of the national standard. Whoever has the first-mover advantage will be able to enjoy the dividends first.

But at present, it is difficult for the NIO power exchange model to rely on itself to make profits in the short term. According to the calculation of Oriental Securities, generally speaking, the power station reaches break-even, and the utilization rate is about 20% or more, that is, each station needs to serve 88 times a day to barely make a loss. According to NIO President Shen Fei, the break-even line of NIO power station is about 50-60 orders a day, and the current average daily order volume of NIO power station is 35-36 orders.

From a product perspective, this is indeed a good story, but so far, this good story has not brought much benefit in business practice.

As early as 2013, Tesla had experimented with replacing power stations in the United States, but was troubled by factors such as construction costs and profitability, and finally chose to give up. Similarly, behind the replacement of power by NIO owners is the reality that NIO "keeps changing power and loses money". Because the cost of adding replacement stations is extremely high, it is a typical asset-heavy business.

The data shows that the cost of the first generation of NIO substation is about 250-3 million, about 205 are established, and the cost of the second generation substation is 1.50 million yuan, and the number is 1100. According to this data, NIO has roughly invested more than 5 billion yuan in the substation.

Since June this year, NIO’s third-generation power station has maintained a construction speed of 120-150 seats per month. If the cost of the second-generation power station is estimated, NIO’s investment in the construction of power stations in 2023 is expected to be more than 1.50 billion yuan.

In addition to power station equipment, battery storage, battery depreciation, etc., it also requires personnel costs, site expenses, and commercial electricity bills. This is equivalent to saying that NIO has invested more than 10 billion yuan in power station replacement.

Moreover, this business, which was originally intended to be blessed by NIO’s "service", has also become a point of complaint for car owners. In April this year, NIO made adjustments to user rights and interests. Since June 1, the number of free power changes for the first owners of some models has been adjusted to 4 times per month. Previously, this right corresponded to 4-6 free power changes per month according to whether charging piles were installed.

According to NIO’s explanation, free power exchanges will gradually decline until they are fully charged on demand. From a business perspective, this is understandable, but at the same time, such adjustments also make NIO, which has always won by "service", more passive.

Auto insurance, mobile phones, and energy supplementation systems are all major projects worth tens of billions of dollars. At present, whether it is just starting auto insurance, mobile phones that have already launched products, or power stations that have invested tens of billions of dollars, they have not brought profits to NIO. Instead, they are likely to become a drag on NIO’s business.

Standing at the moment, the bigger question from the outside world is, what should NIO, which is gradually tearing off the "service" label, use to impress users?

As one of the three giants of the "new car manufacturing forces", NIO’s story is very good, but returning to the essence of business, performance is the basic set. Especially, as the industry competition intensifies, NIO, which has been expanding its own boundaries, and its own performance pressure, may become more and more difficult.


1. Qubit, "Reassessing NIO, It’s Time"

2. International Finance News, "Cars can’t be sold," Loss King "NIO wants to make mobile phones across borders"

3. Finance and Economics Eleven, "While making large losses and investing heavily, what does NIO think?"

4. Shanghai Securities News, "Is NIO going to sell insurance?"

Deep integration of data and reality empowers thousands of industries

The "digital doctor" came to the door for "consultation", found 281 "crux" from 6 business data streams and 22 business modules, and issued a diagnostic report, helping "Old Nanning Taste" Nanning Food Co., Ltd. to open up the whole process data node, realize the efficient coordination of sales, production, supply chain and after-sales, and greatly reduce the operating costs of enterprises.
Digitally empowering local enterprises to build an energy digital factory for Guangxi Rongxing Zhongke Development Co., Ltd., so that all aspects of production can be "visible", traceable and early warning, and it is expected to reduce the cost of electricity by more than 1 million yuan per year.
Nowadays, more and more "made in Nanning" have been plugged into the wings of the digital economy and are rapidly moving towards "made in Nanning".
The digital economy is the "first move" to grasp the future. Nanning City is taking digital industrialization and industrial digitalization as the main line, relying on key parks such as China-ASEAN Artificial Intelligence Computing Center and China-ASEAN Geographic Information and Satellite Application Industrial Park to build key digital economy industrial chains such as artificial intelligence, spatial information, and Xinchuang; improve the efficiency of Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center Cloud as a Service, carry out the "Fertile Soil Plan" of digital transformation, promote the construction of digital factories and intelligent factories, and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. Continue to inject surging impetus into the high-quality development of the capital’s economy and society.

"Digital doctor" takes the pulse for companies

In March this year, Guangxi Chunjiang Food Co., Ltd. welcomed a group of special "digital doctors". "Digital doctors" carry out digital diagnostic services for enterprises by knowing the real situation, research, discussion, analysis, diagnosis, etc. After in-depth analysis and accurate matching of enterprise needs, guide enterprises to carry out intelligent transformation and digital transformation.
"It is with their on-site diagnosis that we have a’good prescription ‘for our digital transformation." In the opinion of the person in charge of the company, the digital transformation of the enterprise faces many business difficulties and pain points, mainly in the lack of comprehensive digitization of business processes, data islands between various systems, and the lack of big data platforms. "Chunjiang is a food processing enterprise, and’Chunjiang pickled pepper duck paw’ is well-known both inside and outside the region, but the current market competition is becoming more and more intense. How to use digital and information technology means to enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise is exactly what we need to think about."
At this time, under the guidance of the Nanning Municipal Big Data Development Bureau, Huawei – Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center sent a "timely rain" to the enterprise – dispatched a digital diagnostic service team to go deep into the enterprise, pointed out the "crux", and designed an overall digital factory solution according to the needs of the enterprise.
"At present, we are accelerating the construction of the Chunjiang digital factory. After completion, the factory can be processed and digitally managed through the App, and the overall visual management and monitoring of production can be realized. It is estimated that the equipment failure rate can be reduced by 30%, and the production capacity and revenue of the enterprise can be increased." Long Tingting, regional director of Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center, introduced.
Promote the digital transformation of traditional industries, empower industrial transformation and upgrading with digital technology, and rejuvenate more and more "Nanning Manufacturing". Since 2019, Nanning City has joined hands with Huawei to jointly build Huawei – Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center. Focusing on digital scenarios such as enterprise production, marketing, and R & D, from digital diagnosis to providing core digital solutions, the center has served more than 450 enterprises in the past 4 years, helping local enterprises such as 6:30, CRRC Aluminum, and Chunjiang to achieve digital upgrading and cost reduction and efficiency increase.
85% of companies achieve positive annual sales growth, with an average growth rate of 15%.

"Fertile Soil" helps industrial digital transformation

In March this year, after a digital transformation, the production workshop of Guangxi Rongxing Zhongke Development Co., Ltd. was transformed – the energy digital factory allows information interconnection between equipment, real-time monitoring of operating energy consumption, accurate data analysis and traceability early warning, so that the operation status of each paper production line can be "one network".
"Shangyun in all aspects of production not only reduces costs and increases efficiency, but also enhances the competitiveness of the enterprise." Huang Bingyan, the general manager of the company, calculated an account. After the energy digital factory is put into use, the company can reduce the cost of electricity by more than 1 million yuan per year, and increase the grinding capacity of 100 tons per month. The product quality is also more guaranteed. "In order to expand production capacity, we have built a new production line. It is expected that after the completion of September this year, the four production lines will form an annual output of 60,000 tons of tissue paper." Huang Bingyan is full of confidence in the future development of the company.
Rongxing Zhongke’s gorgeous turn is a digital model of energy efficiency management created by our city’s active digital transformation "Fertile Soil Plan".
In recent years, Nanning City has taken digital industrialization and industrial digitalization as the main line, relying on Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center and other platforms, penetrated into counties (cities, districts) and development zones, covered all aspects of enterprise production and operation, and helped Nanning industrial enterprises to solve the pain and difficulties encountered in the process of transformation. Selected representatives of enterprises to support, continue to implement the "fertile soil plan" of digital transformation, and transform and upgrade a number of smart workshops and smart factories around key industries such as industrial equipment manufacturing. This year, it plans to cultivate more than 8 intelligent manufacturing benchmarking enterprises, create fertile soil for Nanning’s industrial digital transformation, accelerate the formation of benchmarking demonstration effect, and drive more Nanning industrial enterprises to complete digital transformation.
"Digital transformation is not simply to provide an ERP software, it requires not only technical investment, but also a return to business dominance. It is a long-term system engineering." Li Qing, deputy general manager of Huawei Cloud in Guangxi, told reporters that after years of deep cultivation, Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center has become the first digital transformation promotion center in Nanning. It has created more than 25 benchmark enterprises in various industries, covering software information, industry, papermaking, machinery manufacturing, business services and other industries.
In addition, Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center deepens the integration of production and education, and cooperates with 25 universities including Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning Vocational TechAcademy, and Guangxi University of Finance and Economics to carry out professional construction. Currently, more than 3,200 professionals have been trained, which strongly supports the demand for digital transformation and development talents.

The vitality of the digital economy continues to be released

The China-ASEAN artificial intelligence computing center has been put into practice running, providing services to 26 enterprises and institutions, with a computing power utilization rate of more than 70%; the China-ASEAN New Smart City Collaborative Innovation Center focuses on the digital economy, attracting more than 50 domestic and ASEAN enterprises and research institutes such as iFLYTEK, Inspur, and Yunbaobao to settle in; the China-ASEAN Digital Economy Industrial Park has opened and operated. As of June this year, 44 enterprises have entered the park, covering intelligent manufacturing, domestic operating systems, databases, middleware, commercial passwords and other fields… Walking in the land of Yongcheng, digital enterprises gather wood into forests, and the vitality of the digital industry is bursting. You can feel that the booming digital economy is accelerating its embrace of thousands of industries.
In recent years, the Nanning Big Data Development Bureau has vigorously promoted the integrated development of the digital economy, actively built a key industrial chain of the digital economy, and vigorously promoted the construction of the China-ASEAN Information Port Nanning core base to a new level. As of now, 55 Nanning core base projects have been completed, China Mobile (Guangxi Nanning) data center, China Telecom ASEAN International Information Park and other projects have been put into operation one after another, and the digital economy industry agglomeration effect has gradually formed.
Data show that in 2022, there will be more than 7,290 digital economy enterprises in Nanning, accounting for 48.3% of the total in the region, ranking first in the region. A number of digital economy leading enterprises such as China Eastcom, Shuguang Group, Runjian Shares, and Yunbaobao have settled in, and the digital economy has become an important force for the city’s economic growth.
Accelerate the construction of digital Nanning, strengthen digital empowerment, accelerate the process of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, and promote the transformation of the manufacturing industry to intelligent manufacturing, so as to seize the opportunity in the development of industrial upgrading and achieve leapfrog development.
"Next, we will focus on the transformation and upgrading of Level 3-5, focusing on the key industrial clusters of new energy, new energy vehicles and parts, electronic information, new metal and chemical materials, advanced equipment manufacturing, aluminum deep processing, forest product processing, food processing and other key industrial clusters built by Nanning City. We will select some more representative and intelligent enterprises to carry out digital diagnosis and digital transformation, and continuously expand the talent echelon to build a competitive and highly innovative talent training system, promote the intelligent upgrading of enterprises, and build a new ecosystem of digital economy." Li Qing said.
According to the plan, by the end of 2024, the Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center will serve more than 800 enterprises, train more than 5,000 digital talents in Nanning, create more than 30 benchmarking projects, hold more than 50 technical salons, and contribute more digital power to the economic and social development of Nanning City.
Our reporter Wei Jing, intern Wen Wen

Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry, suggested strengthening the "smart transformation" of the food manufacturing industry and accelerating the development

On March 5, the Second Session of the 14th National People’s Congress was grandly opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In his second year in office, Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and wine designer of the wine design department of the Shede Wine Industry Production Technology Center, brought 5 suggestions in the fields of new quality productivity, Baijiu internationalization, and regional development, actively responding to industry and social concerns. Among them, "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity" and "Suggestions on Strengthening the Work of Intelligent Reform and Digital Transformation in the Food Manufacturing Industry" are closely related to the high-quality development of the food manufacturing industry.

Chen Borong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry

At present, the food manufacturing industry is in a critical period of development from traditional to modern, from artificial to intelligent, and from experience to science. These topics that Chen Berong focuses on not only reflect the industry’s in-depth thinking on moving towards high-quality development, but also reflect the determination and responsibility of the wine industry to promote the intelligent upgrade of the wine industry, develop new quality productivity, help China Baijiu go global, and promote social and economic development.

Focusing on cultivating new quality productivity and gathering new impetus for high-quality development

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made important arrangements to accelerate the construction of a digital China, emphasizing the construction of a modern industrial system, the promotion of new industrialization, and the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

As one of the basic industries of the national economy, the food manufacturing industry is constantly accelerating the process of digital intelligence. In particular, the Baijiu industry has vigorously carried out informatization and digital construction in the past ten years, and comprehensively improved the intelligence level of R & D, production, marketing, management and service. Among them, Baijiu leading enterprises have accumulated a lot of practical experience.

As a frontline worker in Baijiu’s scientific research, Chen Berong deeply understands the key role that "smart transformation and digital transformation" plays in the development of Baijiu’s industry. In order to improve the intelligent level of the industry and promote the full-link transformation and upgrading of enterprises, Chen Berong put forward the "Suggestions on Strengthening the Smart Transformation and Digital Transformation of the Food Manufacturing Industry" at the two sessions this year. When it is implemented, it is recommended to take the Baijiu industry first and choose parks with better basic conditions to carry out pilots, such as Sichuan Tuopai Green Ecological Food Industrial Park. She suggested building industry traceability standards, guiding enterprises to build traceability systems, improving industry service quality, and opening up industry data assets, ensuring intelligent manufacturing levels, improving industry production efficiency, and strengthening national policy guidance and talent training. She also suggested actively exploring and promoting the Chuanjiuyuan universe project to enhance the industry’s innovative layout.

At the same time, Chen Berong is concerned about the current imbalance in the level of digital intelligence promotion in the industry, and the high participation threshold for small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized wine merchants, which is a pain point related to the overall high-quality development of the industry. To this end, she put forward the "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity". She suggested that we should increase the policies and financial support for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry and the circulation industry, support the establishment of public DataRocks in the wine industry, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia and research, and cultivate professional talents. At the same time, we should formulate and improve relevant standards for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry to ensure the standardization and safety of

It is worth noting that a number of wine industry representatives put forward suggestions on the development of new quality productivity at the two sessions, which is undoubtedly a positive reflection and response to the higher level and more sustainable development of our country’s wine industry. It is foreseeable that with the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society, new technologies and new models will be more widely used in the wine industry, injecting new impetus into the sustainable prosperity and development of the industry.

Fosun and Yuyuan are deeply empowered and willing to forge new engines for the development of the wine industry

The development history of Baijiu is the history of innovation in winemaking technology. In the current wave of intelligence and digitalization, China’s wine industry focuses on technological innovation, technological research and development, and enhances its core competitiveness. Among them, famous wine enterprises play a leading role.

As a famous wine enterprise in China and one of the six golden flowers of Sichuan wine, Shede Wine Industry has taken "science and technology innovation drive" as one of the top strategies under the guidance of the science and technology innovation strategy of Fosun and Yuyuan. From hiring chief scientists, cultivating scientific research talents, building high-energy scientific research teams, to building the three major industry-university-research innovation platforms of "China Shede Aging Wine Research Institute", "China Ecological Brewing Industry Technology Research Institute" and "Sichuan Wine and Grain Industry Technology Research Institute", Shede Wine Industry has provided strong technical support for the development of science and technology innovation work.

In recent years, Shede Wine Industry has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence. By continuously optimizing the production supporting facilities and equipment such as three-dimensional warehouses, new water purification workshops, wine storage equipment, and filling equipment, Shede Wine Industry has improved the level of factory intelligence and promoted the improvement of production and operation quality and efficiency. Not only that, Shede Wine Industry closely combines "ecological brewing" with the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, and is committed to empowering the green development of enterprises with technological upgrades. For example, in 2022, the company invested in the biogas purification of biological natural gas in wastewater treatment stations. Since it was put into operation, it has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6,000 tons every year, effectively purified and utilized about 3 million cubic meters of natural gas, and saved about 6 million yuan in gas purchase costs. Due to its good results in carbon reduction and efficiency, the project was successfully selected into the "2023 Model Case of China’s Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Synergy" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

At the same time, Shede Wine Industry is also committed to applying digital means to create a deep consumer experience, not only pioneering "dynamic wine age" in the industry, but also realizing the visualization, dynamics and transparency of wine age through digital means. It also pioneered the innovation and implementation of the high-quality Baijiu full-link grading traceability system based on blockchain technology, realizing the traceability and closure of Shede Old Wine from raw grain, brewing, storage, packaging, circulation to consumption, etc., bringing users a high-quality consumption experience of true vintage and true old wine.

Thousands of sails are competing for the "new" line, and the tide is surging in the east like a rainbow. As a contemporary advanced productive force, the new quality productive force will continue to release strong momentum with the in-depth promotion of scientific and technological innovation. Represented by Shede Wine Industry, many leading enterprises have anchored technological research and development and are committed to promoting the technological progress and digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of the industry, and together contribute more to accelerating the cultivation and development of the new quality productive force.


A number of new regulations such as the new car-hailing policy will be implemented today. What should I pay attention to?

  China News Service, November 1st, the new policy of online car-hailing was officially implemented, and the legal status of online car-hailing was clarified for the first time from the level of national regulations; the first national standard for anti-smog masks was landed, and it will be difficult for anti-smog masks to "fish in troubled waters" in the future; the fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be independently formulated by airlines according to law… Since today, a number of new regulations have been implemented, involving many aspects of social life, which can be done and which are prohibited, clearly defined, and reminded the public and relevant institutions to pay attention.

  [The new policy of online car-hailing is officially implemented today. Who can operate online car-hailing?]

  The "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" jointly issued by the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments will come into effect on November 1. The "Interim Measures" bring the innovative thing of online car-hailing into the scope of taxi management, and clarify the legal status of online car-hailing for the first time from the level of national regulations.

  According to the regulations, the conversion of private cars to online car-hailing needs to meet the following basic conditions: 7-seat and below passenger cars; installation of vehicle satellite positioning devices and emergency alarm devices with driving record functions; vehicle technical performance meets the requirements of relevant standards for operational safety. At the same time, when the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car-hailing business.

  The regulations also specify the following requirements for online car-hailing drivers: obtaining a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding type and having more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking, and no record of 12 points in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles; no violent crime record; other conditions stipulated by the urban people’s government.

  There are many types and a lack of unified standards. At present, the mask market is chaotic. Many products are labeled as anti-PM2.5, but the protective effect is not satisfactory. In the future, it will be difficult for anti-smog masks to "fish in troubled waters".

  The national standard for "Technical Specifications for Daily Protective Masks" will be officially implemented on November 1. This is China’s first national standard for civilian protective masks. It is worth noting that the standard clearly states that it "does not apply to infants and young children, children’s respiratory protective equipment".

  The protective effect is the core indicator of the standard. The protective effect level is set according to the air quality category in the National Air Quality Standard, and is divided into four levels from low to high: D, C, B, and A. According to the national standard, the mask can reduce the inhaled PM2.5 concentration to less than 75 micrograms per cubic meter after wearing, so that the air quality inhaled into the body after filtration reaches a good level or above, which is qualified.

  [Civil aviation fare reform: self-determined fares for routes below 800 kilometers]

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission will be implemented on November 1. The notice requires further expansion of the range of market-adjusted price routes, with routes below 800 kilometers and above 800 kilometers competing with high-speed rail EMU trains. Passenger transport fares shall be determined by airlines according to law.

  At the same time, the airline formulates and adjusts the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of the market-adjusted price routes, and announces them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of the airline’s various routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  [Medical quality management clarifies responsibilities and encourages reporting of medical quality adverse events]

  The National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the "Measures for the Management of Medical Quality" in October, which came into effect on November 1, 2016. The "Measures" require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions. Encourage medical institutions and medical personnel to take the initiative to report medical quality (safety) adverse events, and promote information sharing and continuous improvement.

  The "Measures" require clear medical quality management of the main body of responsibility, organizational form, working mechanism and key links. It is clear that medical institutions are the main body of responsibility for medical quality, and the main person in charge of medical institutions is the first responsible person for medical quality management.

  [Enterprises that illegally issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will be included in the "blacklist"]

  The State Administration of Taxation issued the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales" on September 27, deciding to implement the publicity system for the list of motor vehicle enterprises that illegally issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales. The "Announcement" came into effect on November 1.

  The State Administration of Taxation will from time to time publicize the list of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales in violation of regulations. The list information can be inquired on the website of the State Administration of Taxation. Motor vehicle enterprises include motor vehicle manufacturers and motor vehicle distribution enterprises.

  Motor vehicle enterprises will be included in the "blacklist" if they fail to issue invoices for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious; if they issue a unified invoice for motor vehicle sales at a low price in violation of regulations, they issue other VAT invoices resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or the circumstances are serious; if they issue invoices in violation of invoice management regulations resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious.

  [Implementation of new regulations on the management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities]

  The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education recently announced that the "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Universities" will be officially implemented from November 1. The management measures make it clear that the basic scientific research business fees of central universities will be used to support central universities to carry out independent research work on topic selection. The use directions include: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to improve their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in schools to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting basic, supportive and strategic research across multiple disciplines; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  The administrative measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be charged in accordance with state regulations.

The sales volume of M5 in Wenjie broke out, benefiting upstream suppliers such as Changying Precision.

  As one of the hottest models on the market at present, the M5 has been creating miracles since it was delivered in March this year.

  In March of this year, the M5, which was just delivered, got rid of 3045 sets of sales, ranking fifth in the mid-to-high-end electric SUV market of more than 200,000 units in that month, just ahead of Model Y, Li ONE, BYD Tang and Weilai ES6;

  In April this year, under the influence of the epidemic situation in COVID-19, the sales volume of M5 in the sector continued to climb, reaching 3,245 units, and it also rose to the third place in the middle and high-grade electric SUV market of more than 200,000 units in that month.

  In May of this year, the market sales of the M5 in Wenjie really broke out, with monthly sales exceeding 10,000 units, reaching 10,500 units, up by 273.97% year-on-year, and the delivery of a single model of innovative brand broke the fastest record of 10,000 units.

  One of the reasons why Wujie M5 has such an eye-catching market performance is that this model is the first car of AITO, a high-end brand jointly built by Celeste and Huawei. As a model jointly developed by Huawei and Celeste, AITO Wujie M5 is also the first car equipped with Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit. The core power comes from Huawei’s Drive ONE pure electric drive range extension platform, and the whole car is also deeply involved in R&D and manufacturing by Huawei.

  With the outbreak of M5, the related industrial chain enterprises will also usher in "spring".

  Recently, some media listed the supporting suppliers of M5 core components in the form of charts, including dozens of enterprises such as Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Changying Precision and Zhilv Technology, most of which are domestic manufacturers.

  According to the chart, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited mainly provides the battery CELL for Wujie M5, and Changying Precision provides the electric connection bus and the battery box for Wujie M5. It is estimated that the bicycle ASP will exceed 3,000 yuan.

  It is understood that in new energy vehicles, Changying Precision is not only a leading connector supplier in the industry, but also a leading manufacturer of power battery boxes. The lightweight all-aluminum structure pack box produced by the company can realize IP68 dustproof and waterproof, which is the "toon" purchased by various power battery enterprises.

  (This article is for reference only, does not constitute a basis for buying and selling, and the risk of entering the market is at your own risk. )


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The Tiggo 8 PLUS bought in line is worth more than Highlander!

speed up apply the brakes oil consumption second rice rise Give you the most needed decent test tiggo 8 PLUS 290T Evaluation Editor-Yu Shuo:

I can fully understand why this car is so popular, and it has shown great persuasiveness from configuration to test data. However, in terms of vehicle drivability, it is still difficult for me to give it a high score. In the final analysis, it is still the sentence "Cars are used for driving", which is my expectation for Chery’s future products.

Evaluation Editor-Zhang Yijia:

After the test drive of the Tiggo 8 PLUS, it gave me a great feeling. Personally, I think Chery knows the psychology of consumers in China very well, at least in terms of data performance and configuration, it can meet the needs of most consumers.

Evaluation editor:

Most of the results are better than the three popular SUVs of China brand tested before, especially the on-wheel power data, acceleration and braking results. However, its noise performance also exposes some shortcomings, and coupled with the moderate driving experience, this product still has many places to be further optimized.

BYD’s new car named Qin PLUS unveiled at Guangzhou Auto Show.

  A few days ago, Aika Automobile was informed that the brand-new Yadi sedan that flowed out recently was officially named Qin PLUS. The design of the new car is in the same strain as that of Han, but it is younger and more refined. Qin PLUS is another masterpiece of BYD in the field of cars after Han Dynasty. According to informed sources, the new car will be officially unveiled at the 2020 Guangzhou Auto Show.

  First of all, from the front face, BYD Qin PLUS incorporates brand-new design elements on the basis of the design language of "Dragon Face". The larger "Dragon Mouth" front grille and the newly designed "Dragon Armor" bring strong sensory impact. The waistline on the side of the car is full and full of tension, and the transition between the front face and the side wall is clear and clear, highlighting the "sculpture sense" of the car body design; The size of the multi-strip aluminum alloy rim is further increased and looks more sporty.

  It can be seen from the tail that this brand-new car is very impactful in visual effect. The horizontal lines and downward curved curve design of the tail widen the overall visual effect. The straight through LED taillights are a highlight, and the overall shape is more slender. The light groups on both sides are as sharp as dragon claws, which is very recognizable. Slogan above the taillights adopts the latest font design, which is more design-oriented.

  In terms of power, BYD Qin PLUS is expected to adopt the super hybrid technology just released, equipped with a 1.5L high-efficiency engine dedicated to Xiaoyun-Plug-in, which is specially built for DM-i super hybrid technology, with a thermal efficiency as high as 43%. Xiaoyun-Plug-in special 1.5L high-efficiency engine has an ultra-high compression ratio of 15.5, which increases the stroke-cylinder diameter ratio. Atkinson cycle is adopted, EGR exhaust gas recirculation system is equipped, and a series of friction reduction measures are supplemented, and the engine control system is optimized. In addition, this system can also bring excellent NVH performance.

No starter, parking service! Zhijie S7 sells at a loss, Yu Chengdong: Huawei’s new company has sent an invitation to Sijie.

Every reporter Sun Lei, every editor Pei Jianru

The intellectual S7, which sells at a loss, went public.

On November 28th, Zhijie S7 was officially launched, and the new car was positioned as a medium-sized and large-sized pure electric coupe. Four versions of the car were launched, with the price range of 249,800 ~ 349,800 yuan, and the price of the entry model was lowered by 0.82 million yuan compared with the pre-sale price.

It is understood that Zhijie S7 is equipped with Huawei’s technologies or functions such as Huawei ADS2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, a new generation of HUAWEI DriveONE power platform, Huawei Turing intelligent chassis, HUAWEI xMotion intelligent body collaborative control system, etc., and its "Chinese content" is high.

"The specifications of Zhijie S7 are higher than those of Tesla Model S and Mercedes-Benz EQE, but the price is the same as that of Tesla Model 3." Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of terminal BG and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, said.

Reduce the selling price to cope with market competition

According to public data, in the past three years, the compound annual growth rate of the market scale of 200,000 ~ 300,000 yuan where Zhijie S7 is located reached 13.6%, and it still increased by 12.7% from January to May this year. The average monthly sales of new cars was around 350,000, and its share in the overall automobile market increased from around 15% in early 2020 to 24% now.

Specifically, in the market of this price range, the sales volume of fuel vehicles of the joint venture brand is highly stable, and the average monthly sales volume is always around 240,000, while the rest of the incremental part is mainly divided by Tesla Model Y, Model 3, BYD Han, Seal and other models. The latter three cars are the direct competitors of Zhijie S7.

According to the research report of Guojin Securities, "Zhijie S7 covers the pure electric medium and large car market in the range of 200,000 ~ 300,000 yuan, and the competition is fierce, but the market scale is large, and there is still room for penetration." An Conghui, CEO of Krypton, once said: "The level of 200,000 ~ 300,000 yuan must be the largest area in the market segment."

In this context, car companies that have seen the potential of this market segment have also laid out. In addition to Kyk-007, which has been pre-sold, it is reported that Kyk-007 will have two new products next year, both of which will focus on the market of 200,000 ~ 300,000 yuan, and the model code-named CM2E has been confirmed. The Xiaomi SU7, which is scheduled to be released next year, is also positioned in the middle and large-scale pure electric coupe, and the price of some of its configured models may be between 200,000 and 300,000 yuan.

Some people believe that in the face of existing and potential market competition, the price of Zhijie S7 will be further explored on the basis of pre-sale of 258,000 yuan. "The pricing of this model is very noisy within the company. At present, the prices of the four versions are all at a loss. After the sales volume comes up in the future, the cost will gradually decrease, turning losses into profits." Yu Chengdong said.

Image source: Every reporter Sun Lei photo

A Huawei channel staff member once said that the sales staff had already completed the product training of Zhijie S7. He believes that the pricing of the old model M7 is a failure, which also affects the product sales to a great extent. Huawei has learned a lot of experience in pricing, and the current pricing of Zhijie S7 should be very competitive in the market.

It is worth noting that, with the split of BU business of Huawei, HarmonyOS Zhixing’s models have completely turned into purchasing cooperation with other Huawei businesses or subsidiaries in terms of intelligent parts. In this context, HarmonyOS Zhixing vehicles may gain a more reasonable cost advantage in the above procurement in the future, which is regarded by the industry as the basis for the intellectual S7 to lower the price.

Regarding the future market performance of Zhijie S7, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities previously stated that the benchmark model of Zhijie S7 is Tesla Model 3. Considering the early channel laying and the competitive pressure of the same price segment, it is estimated that the steady-state monthly sales will be in the range of 5000~7000 vehicles. If the distribution of goods in subsequent stores exceeds expectations, the steady-state monthly sales are expected to exceed 10,000 vehicles.

First unmanned parking service, build a "moat"

In addition to price adjustment, as the first car of HarmonyOS Zhixing, Zhijie S7 also hopes to participate in the market competition by virtue of its advantages in intelligence. According to Huawei, HarmonyOS Zhixing’s models are blessed by Huawei’s innovative smart car technology, which has a better intelligent experience.

Industrial Securities Research Report believes that Zhijie S7 takes sports and technology as its main selling points, and is equipped with Huawei’s latest intelligent driving and cockpit system, with outstanding intelligent configuration. It is understood that Zhijie S7 is equipped with Huawei Turing intelligent chassis for the first time, and also has Huawei ADS2.0 advanced intelligent driving assistance system. In addition, this car is the first model equipped with HarmonyOS4 HarmonyOS system.

"HarmonyOS 4 smart cockpit uses the Ark engine to bring a new 3D car control desktop. At the same time, the intelligent voice assistant Xiaoyi is connected to the Pangu model. " Yu Chengdong said, "With HarmonyOS 4 and HUAWEI MagLink, the central control screen in the car can also achieve three-screen linkage with the rear screen."

In addition, Zhijie S7 is also equipped with Huawei’s parking and driving function for the first time. It is understood that its parking and driving function can independently complete a series of operations such as courtesy to pedestrians, reversing and avoiding, extreme passing, automatic parking and automatic pick-up without driving. Yu Chengdong said: "The parking and driving Beta program will be opened in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Suzhou, Dongguan and other cities in the first quarter of next year."

Image source: Every reporter Sun Lei photo

Parking on behalf of the driver function is considered by the industry to be the only way for L4-class automatic driving of passenger cars, while Xpeng Motors, Baidu and other enterprises have demonstrated similar functions before. In the recent OTA5.0, LI has also added the ability of the ideal AD Max 3.0 unmanned parking service. It is said that the release of the functions of Huawei and LI parking service has a subtle relationship with the Notice on Launching the Pilot Work of Intelligent Networked Vehicle Access and Road Access (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) recently jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments.

On November 17, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four departments jointly issued the "Notice", saying that intelligent networked automobile products with automatic driving function with mass production conditions were selected and pilot projects were carried out in limited areas. CICC said that the Notice will promote the development of technologies and business models for passenger cars L3 and travel services L4.

"The Notice regulates the reporting methods, testing requirements and responsibilities of L3/L4 access and road pilot projects. After the document is issued, it will enter the stage of centralized declaration. By the beginning of 2024, it is expected that a group of applicants will take the lead in achieving product access and road access after passing the requirements of audit and test verification. At that time, it is expected to reflect the technical capabilities and leadership of enterprises from the side. " CITIC Securities said.

CITIC Securities believes that under the impetus of the Notice, advanced intelligent drivers are expected to further accelerate the pace of research and development of autonomous driving technology and product launch, so as to strengthen consumer awareness and brand image, and thus establish a real "moat". In the eyes of many people in the industry, Huawei chose Zhijie S7 as the first unmanned parking service function to participate in the market competition and achieve the above goals.

"HarmonyOS Zhixing cooperative car enterprises will become key customers of Huawei’s new company"

It is worth mentioning that the Zhijie S7 is also the first model released after Huawei and Changan officially announced that they intend to set up a company engaged in R&D, design, production, sales and service of automotive intelligent systems and component solutions (hereinafter referred to as Huawei New Company). The emergence of Huawei’s new company also makes the industry worry about the HarmonyOS Zhixing model of Huawei’s cooperation with Cyrus, Chery, BAIC and JAC.

In this regard, national business daily reporter learned that the emergence of the new Huawei company will not affect HarmonyOS’s zhixing model. An insider who asked not to be named told the reporter, "As a technology platform, Huawei’s new company, HarmonyOS Zhixing’s cooperative car companies will become its key customers in the future." HarmonyOS Zhixing is the most comprehensive, close and in-depth cooperation mode between Huawei and car companies at present, while HarmonyOS Zhixing’s models are blessed by Huawei’s smart car innovation technology.

On November 28th, Yu Chengdong revealed at the launch conference of Zhijie S7 that Huawei had issued an invitation for equity opening to four car companies, namely Cyrus, Chery, BAIC and JAC, and hoped that China FAW Group would join.

In this regard, Sailis said that it has received an invitation to jointly invest in the target company and jointly participate in the creation of an electrified and intelligent open platform. The company is actively demonstrating matters related to participation in investment and cooperation. Jianghuai Automobile said in a statement on November 27 that the company has been in close communication and its scope has continued to expand since its strategic cooperation with Huawei in 2019. Regarding Huawei’s plans to set up an independent company for automotive intelligent systems and component solutions, the company paid close attention to it and actively discussed with Huawei related matters of participating in investment and cooperation. But JAC said,We have not received an invitation from Huawei for joint investment, and have not participated in matters related to investment and capital cooperation.

TF Securities predicted that Huawei’s new company is expected to continuously introduce more car factories to become shareholders in the future, and make it stronger and bigger together with the downstream car factories, which will help to improve the depth of cooperation with the downstream car factories.

Image source: Every reporter Sun Lei photo

"We have always believed that China needs to build an electrified intelligent open platform with the participation of the automobile industry, one with ‘ Locomotive ’ Open platform. We deepen cooperation with Changan, and at the same time, we will work together with more strategic partner car companies to continuously explore new models of openness and win-win, and jointly seize the opportunity of electrification and intelligent transformation of the automobile industry to realize the dream of the rise of China’s automobile industry. " Yu Chengdong said.

In this regard, Huajin Securities said in the research report that Huawei positioned Tier1, empowering OEMs with car modules and self-driving computing platforms as a whole, and rapidly increasing market share through intelligent selection mode in the short term, but the equity cooperation mode may be difficult to expand other OEMs. In the long run, under the trend of differentiated competition, OEMs will still empower themselves with self-developed core technologies and ensure their right to speak in the choice of Tier1.

Official announcement! Closed on New Year’s Eve; Ask M9 to go public! It will definitely break 10,000 vehicles; "science and technology innovation board first case" reconciliation! Investors were comp


On December 26th, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and North Stock Exchange announced the arrangement of closing for some holidays in 2024, and closed on New Year’s Eve.It will be closed from Friday, February 9 to Saturday, February 17, and will open as usual from Monday, February 19. In addition, February 4 (Sunday) and February 18 (Sunday) are closed for the weekend.

On December 26th, Huawei officially released the M9, with a starting price of 469,800 vehicles and a top allocation of 569,800 yuan.Yu Chengdong said that the M9 is "the best SUV within 10 million yuan and the most powerful SUV that can be seen on the road". On that day,Huawei officially announced: "After two hours on the market, the M9 will definitely break 10,000 units".

Investors v. Zeda Yisheng (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd. and 12 defendants, including controllers, senior executives and intermediaries, were settled by mediation.As a case involving listed companies in science and technology innovation board, the total amount of compensation in this case is more than 280 million yuan, of which the maximum compensation for a single investor is more than 5 million yuan, and the average compensation for investors is 38,900 yuan.

Tianyuecha App shows thatRecently, Wang Xiaofei added a piece of information about the person to be executed, with an execution target of 7.48 million yuan.According to the risk information, Wang Xiaofei’s shares of 9.2 million yuan, 3.47 million yuan and 200,000 yuan in Herunlin (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd., Beijing Hezun Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Beijing Xiaowangma Liuji Culture and Technology Development Co., Ltd. have been frozen by the Beijing No.3 Intermediate People’s Court.

International oil prices rose sharply.WTI February crude oil futures closed up 2.73% at $75.57/barrel; Brent February crude oil futures closed up 2.53% to $81.07/barrel.

macroscopic view

On December 26, the National Audit Office released the 2022 annual audit rectification report, which showed thatBy the end of September, 2023, relevant localities, departments and units had rectified more than 957 billion yuan, formulated and improved more than 1,600 rules and regulations, and held more than 2,540 people accountable.

On December 26th, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce issued the Opinions on Supporting Special Measures to Relax Market Access in Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone. It mentioned:Fully serve the financing needs of innovative resources in Macao; Encourage the research and development and production of traditional Chinese medicine preparations in Macao medical institutions in Guangdong and Macao medical institutions.

Li Chunlin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said on the 26th that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will focus on four aspects:Study and improve the top-level design of the market access system, continue to promote the relaxation of access to new formats and new fields, continue to carry out the collection and notification of cases that violate the negative list of market access, and promote the full coverage of market access effectiveness evaluation.

The central bank conducted a 7-day reverse repurchase operation of 383 billion yuan on the 26th, and the winning bid rate was 1.80%, which was the same as before.A 14-day reverse repurchase operation of 85 billion yuan was carried out, and the winning bid rate was 1.95%, which was the same as before. Due to the expiration of the 7-day reverse repurchase of 119 billion yuan on that day, the net investment was 349 billion yuan.

On December 26th, the Ministry of Commerce announced that in 2024, the allowable import volume of fuel oil for non-state trade was 20 million tons.In 2024, the allowable amount of fuel oil imports will be distributed on a "first come, first served" basis.


Lei Jun issued a document on 26th, saying that Xiaomi SU7 is in the trial production and climbing stage, and it will take several months for it to be officially listed. There is no final decision on pricing.However, "Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a bit expensive, but please believe that what we are doing is’ expensive for a reason’, and the experience will definitely exceed everyone’s expectations."

On the 26th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicles with Vehicle Purchase Tax Exemption (the first batch).Two millet SU7s are listed, and the name of the automobile manufacturer is "Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.".

Recently, the equity of Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. changed.The original shareholder Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group Co., Ltd. withdrew, and a new shareholder Beijing Yinglang Commercial Management Co., Ltd. was added, with a shareholding ratio of 100%.At present, Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. operates Shanghai Wanda Ruihua Hotel.

Recently, it has been reported that Longji Green Energy, a leading photovoltaic enterprise, has laid off employees on a large scale, mainly reducing laborers and Guan Peisheng. In this regard, Longji Green Energy’s secretarial department said on the 26 th thatI can’t comment on this at present.Enterprises are facing fierce market competition, and will certainly make corresponding resource allocation according to their operating conditions, changes in the market environment and future industrial restructuring.


On December 26, the market opened lower and went lower all day, and the GEM index led the decline. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.68%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 1.07% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 1.26%.The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today was 609.9 billion yuan, 1.8 billion yuan more than the previous trading day.

According to wind data, as of December 26th, the number of liquidation funds has reached 256 since 2023, setting a new high level in the past five years (since 2019).Among them, the number of liquidation of equity funds reached 61 in 2023, which was the highest since the beginning of Public Offering of Fund industry in 1998.


Shanghai Customs officially released the "Implementation Measures for Regulatory Innovation of Integrated Circuit Industry (Version 2.0)" on December 26th, which mentioned that,Change the "entry and exit" mechanism into the "enterprise filing" system.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Finance and other four departments jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of Internal Control in Public Hospitals. It is mentioned that,It is clearly required to strengthen asset management, prohibit borrowing to purchase large-scale medical equipment, and standardize the behavior of renting, lending and disposing of state-owned assets.

According to Announcement No.739 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,The first batch of production and operation licenses for genetically modified corn and soybean seeds were approved and issued, and the relevant production and operation licenses involved a number of seed listed companies.Including Dabeinong, Longping Hi-Tech, Fengle Seed Industry and Denghai Seed Industry.

people’s livelihood

Recently, Taobao publicized a proposal to change its platform dispute handling rules, which was formally implemented on December 26th.According to the new regulations, if sellers get too many bad reviews or violation records on Taobao platform, once they receive complaints, they may face the judgment of direct return or only refund.

Recently, some netizens reported on the idle fish App that the materials donated by Canada Goose to Gansu earthquake zone were resold. In response, the idle fish responded thatThe actual situation is that the user sells down jackets in order to drain the hot spots, and fabricated the information of relief materials, which is a malicious marketing drainage behavior.The platform has removed the goods at the first time and permanently banned the account.

Recently, Arifa’s auction of a luxury house in Guangzhou Qiaoxin Huiyuetai attracted attention. The starting price of this suite was 70 million, equivalent to a unit price of 191,700 yuan/m 2. According to the introduction of the subject matter, the property owners of this suite are Wang Guoan and Ni Suting.And Wang Guoan is the founder of the domestic beauty brand Han Hou.In this regard, Wang Guoan responded that the auction of this property was mainly to repay personal debts.

After the Jishishan earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2, Qinghai police severely cracked down on rumors related to the earthquake.A total of more than 40 clues about online rumors were collected and found, 3 people were given administrative punishment according to law, 16 people were criticized and educated, and 3 typical cases of fabricating and publishing earthquake online rumors were published.


It was learned from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate that the case of Qu Min, former member of the leading group and vice chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, was investigated by the National Supervisory Commission (NSC) and transferred to the procuratorate for examination and prosecution.A few days ago, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Qu Min on suspicion of accepting bribes.

On December 26th,The Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People’s Court publicly pronounced the case of Hu Wenming, the former party secretary and chairman of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, accepting bribes and abusing his power by state-owned company personnel.After trial, he was sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment and fined RMB 5 million.

On December 26th, the State Council appointed and dismissed state employees.Lu Lei was appointed as the deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China.

Overseas news

The three major US stock indexes closed up across the board,The Dow rose 0.43% to 37,545.33, the S&P 500 rose 0.42% to 4,774.75, and the Nasdaq rose 0.54% to 15,074.57.

Most of the popular Chinese stocks rose.Genxi Bio rose by 60.26%, Shengmei Semiconductor by 7.34%, Weilai Automobile by 10.81%, Xpeng Motors by 1.63% and LI by 3.77%.

Late at night on December 26th, Beijing time,The Office of the US Trade Representative announced that it would further extend the 301 tariff exemption period for 352 imported goods from China and 77 imported goods from China related to epidemic prevention in COVID-19.The deadline was extended from December 31st this year to May 31st, 2024.

Comex February gold futures settlement price closed up 0.03% to $2,069.8 per ounce.

In October, the house price index of 20 big cities in S&P/CS in the United States rose by 4.87% year on year.Expected to rise by 5%, the previous value rose by 3.92%.

Brazilian Finance Minister Haddad said,Brazil will tax diesel fuel in 2024.

Indian police said on December 26 local time,The Reserve Bank of India (the central bank) received a bomb threat email saying that bombs had been planted in 11 different locations in Mumbai.The specific locations of three bombs were listed, and the police then went to the scene to investigate, and no suspicious items were found.

December 26, local time,The Russian government announced the extension of the export ban on ammunition and shell casings until the end of 2025.

The Singapore Economic Development Board released data on the 26th.Singapore’s industrial output in November increased by 1% year-on-year, with an estimated increase of 2.2%; In November, industrial output decreased by 7.8% month-on-month, and it is estimated to decrease by 5.1%.Singapore’s output of electronic products increased by 7.3% year-on-year in November.

On December 26th, Siyoung Choi, head of Samsung Electronics OEM business, delivered a speech at the 2023 International Electronic Devices Conference, saying that,Samsung Electronics postponed the mass production of its new factory in Taylor, Texas, USA from 2024 to 2025.

Recently, the official website of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine published a draft law.It is proposed to lower the legal minimum age of personnel who can be mobilized to carry out combat missions from the current 27 years old to 25 years old.

The South Korean Ministry of Finance said on the 26th that the South Korean Cabinet approved the plan to spend 412.5 trillion won (about 317.79 billion US dollars) of the annual budget of 550 trillion won from January to June next year.This means that 75% of the fiscal expenditure in 2024 will be implemented in the first half of the year.

Japanese Finance Minister Suzuki Shunichi said on December 26th that,The Japan Financial Agency has issued business rectification orders to the core departments of Tokyo Maritime Holding Company, MS&AD Insurance Group Holding Company and Damage Protection Holding Company. The reason is that these companies collude to manipulate prices when signing contracts with corporate customers.

Recently, Haiyan Zhang, general manager of Microsoft Xbox game AI, announced that he had signed a cooperation agreement with Inworld AI, a digital human development company.Will bring a series of development tools to developers, allowing the creation of AI-based NPCs for games.

Important announcement

Eston:The holding subsidiary plans to increase capital and share to introduce the national manufacturing fund.

Dabeinong:Terminate the intention agreement with Aonong Investment and Aonong Bio.

Renfu Medicine:Ethyl eicosapentaenoic acid soft capsule was approved by FDA.

Longyun shares:The company’s business scope does not involve "short play" business, and there is no relevant investment or business plan.

Gansu Energy:Chairman Liu Wanxiang resigned.

Lizhong Group:The subsidiary company obtained the customer’s approval certificate for heat-free alloy materials.

Zhongtian technology:It is planned to set up a Pakistan branch.

Azure creature:There are few R&D projects reserved by the company’s synthetic biotechnology innovation laboratory, and it is not yet industrialized.

Yuanxing Energy:Directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company did not participate in soda ash futures trading.

Entrepreneurship in the west:The external power supply project of Ningdong Railway Electrification Reconstruction Project was approved.

Samsung Medical:Pre-winning the bid of 209 million yuan for China Southern Power Grid bidding project.

A.D. shares:The holding subsidiary Gongyuan Xinneng’s application for listing on the North Stock Exchange was completed.

Baiyun Airport:Sign a contract for the transfer of the right to operate the parking business with Post Parking.

Wolong electric drive:The holding subsidiary’s application for listing on the New Third Board was accepted.

Constant aluminum shares:It is planned to publicly list and transfer 5.38% equity of Origen.

Aojing Medical:Received the notification of major national projects.

Funeng shares:The subsidiary cooperates with related parties to develop distributed photovoltaic projects.

Haixing Power:Pre-winning the bidding project of China Southern Power Grid with 165 million yuan.

CITIC Publishing:The Administrative Measures for Online Games (Draft for Comment) has no impact on the company’s business.

Central South Culture:The company is a co-producer of the online drama "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars".

Guang Yuyuan:Shanxi Guangshengyuan applied for the design patent of "wine bottle (far-word brand Guilingji wine)" without the permission and authorization of the company.

Tianqi shares:The company has been in business contact with Xiaomi Automobile in the early stage.

Xiangyuan new material:The company’s products have not been used in semi-solid batteries yet.

Zhuhai Port:International Composite Materials, a shareholding company, will be listed on the GEM on December 26th.

calendar of finance and economics

half past nine  China’s annual profit rate of industrial enterprises above designated size in November this year, and China’s annual profit rate of industrial enterprises above designated size in November.

five o’clock pm  Swiss December ZEW investor confidence index

eleven o’clock pm  December Richmond Fed manufacturing refers to the United States