Deep integration of data and reality empowers thousands of industries

The "digital doctor" came to the door for "consultation", found 281 "crux" from 6 business data streams and 22 business modules, and issued a diagnostic report, helping "Old Nanning Taste" Nanning Food Co., Ltd. to open up the whole process data node, realize the efficient coordination of sales, production, supply chain and after-sales, and greatly reduce the operating costs of enterprises.
Digitally empowering local enterprises to build an energy digital factory for Guangxi Rongxing Zhongke Development Co., Ltd., so that all aspects of production can be "visible", traceable and early warning, and it is expected to reduce the cost of electricity by more than 1 million yuan per year.
Nowadays, more and more "made in Nanning" have been plugged into the wings of the digital economy and are rapidly moving towards "made in Nanning".
The digital economy is the "first move" to grasp the future. Nanning City is taking digital industrialization and industrial digitalization as the main line, relying on key parks such as China-ASEAN Artificial Intelligence Computing Center and China-ASEAN Geographic Information and Satellite Application Industrial Park to build key digital economy industrial chains such as artificial intelligence, spatial information, and Xinchuang; improve the efficiency of Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center Cloud as a Service, carry out the "Fertile Soil Plan" of digital transformation, promote the construction of digital factories and intelligent factories, and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. Continue to inject surging impetus into the high-quality development of the capital’s economy and society.

"Digital doctor" takes the pulse for companies

In March this year, Guangxi Chunjiang Food Co., Ltd. welcomed a group of special "digital doctors". "Digital doctors" carry out digital diagnostic services for enterprises by knowing the real situation, research, discussion, analysis, diagnosis, etc. After in-depth analysis and accurate matching of enterprise needs, guide enterprises to carry out intelligent transformation and digital transformation.
"It is with their on-site diagnosis that we have a’good prescription ‘for our digital transformation." In the opinion of the person in charge of the company, the digital transformation of the enterprise faces many business difficulties and pain points, mainly in the lack of comprehensive digitization of business processes, data islands between various systems, and the lack of big data platforms. "Chunjiang is a food processing enterprise, and’Chunjiang pickled pepper duck paw’ is well-known both inside and outside the region, but the current market competition is becoming more and more intense. How to use digital and information technology means to enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise is exactly what we need to think about."
At this time, under the guidance of the Nanning Municipal Big Data Development Bureau, Huawei – Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center sent a "timely rain" to the enterprise – dispatched a digital diagnostic service team to go deep into the enterprise, pointed out the "crux", and designed an overall digital factory solution according to the needs of the enterprise.
"At present, we are accelerating the construction of the Chunjiang digital factory. After completion, the factory can be processed and digitally managed through the App, and the overall visual management and monitoring of production can be realized. It is estimated that the equipment failure rate can be reduced by 30%, and the production capacity and revenue of the enterprise can be increased." Long Tingting, regional director of Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center, introduced.
Promote the digital transformation of traditional industries, empower industrial transformation and upgrading with digital technology, and rejuvenate more and more "Nanning Manufacturing". Since 2019, Nanning City has joined hands with Huawei to jointly build Huawei – Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center. Focusing on digital scenarios such as enterprise production, marketing, and R & D, from digital diagnosis to providing core digital solutions, the center has served more than 450 enterprises in the past 4 years, helping local enterprises such as 6:30, CRRC Aluminum, and Chunjiang to achieve digital upgrading and cost reduction and efficiency increase.
85% of companies achieve positive annual sales growth, with an average growth rate of 15%.

"Fertile Soil" helps industrial digital transformation

In March this year, after a digital transformation, the production workshop of Guangxi Rongxing Zhongke Development Co., Ltd. was transformed – the energy digital factory allows information interconnection between equipment, real-time monitoring of operating energy consumption, accurate data analysis and traceability early warning, so that the operation status of each paper production line can be "one network".
"Shangyun in all aspects of production not only reduces costs and increases efficiency, but also enhances the competitiveness of the enterprise." Huang Bingyan, the general manager of the company, calculated an account. After the energy digital factory is put into use, the company can reduce the cost of electricity by more than 1 million yuan per year, and increase the grinding capacity of 100 tons per month. The product quality is also more guaranteed. "In order to expand production capacity, we have built a new production line. It is expected that after the completion of September this year, the four production lines will form an annual output of 60,000 tons of tissue paper." Huang Bingyan is full of confidence in the future development of the company.
Rongxing Zhongke’s gorgeous turn is a digital model of energy efficiency management created by our city’s active digital transformation "Fertile Soil Plan".
In recent years, Nanning City has taken digital industrialization and industrial digitalization as the main line, relying on Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center and other platforms, penetrated into counties (cities, districts) and development zones, covered all aspects of enterprise production and operation, and helped Nanning industrial enterprises to solve the pain and difficulties encountered in the process of transformation. Selected representatives of enterprises to support, continue to implement the "fertile soil plan" of digital transformation, and transform and upgrade a number of smart workshops and smart factories around key industries such as industrial equipment manufacturing. This year, it plans to cultivate more than 8 intelligent manufacturing benchmarking enterprises, create fertile soil for Nanning’s industrial digital transformation, accelerate the formation of benchmarking demonstration effect, and drive more Nanning industrial enterprises to complete digital transformation.
"Digital transformation is not simply to provide an ERP software, it requires not only technical investment, but also a return to business dominance. It is a long-term system engineering." Li Qing, deputy general manager of Huawei Cloud in Guangxi, told reporters that after years of deep cultivation, Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center has become the first digital transformation promotion center in Nanning. It has created more than 25 benchmark enterprises in various industries, covering software information, industry, papermaking, machinery manufacturing, business services and other industries.
In addition, Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center deepens the integration of production and education, and cooperates with 25 universities including Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning Vocational TechAcademy, and Guangxi University of Finance and Economics to carry out professional construction. Currently, more than 3,200 professionals have been trained, which strongly supports the demand for digital transformation and development talents.

The vitality of the digital economy continues to be released

The China-ASEAN artificial intelligence computing center has been put into practice running, providing services to 26 enterprises and institutions, with a computing power utilization rate of more than 70%; the China-ASEAN New Smart City Collaborative Innovation Center focuses on the digital economy, attracting more than 50 domestic and ASEAN enterprises and research institutes such as iFLYTEK, Inspur, and Yunbaobao to settle in; the China-ASEAN Digital Economy Industrial Park has opened and operated. As of June this year, 44 enterprises have entered the park, covering intelligent manufacturing, domestic operating systems, databases, middleware, commercial passwords and other fields… Walking in the land of Yongcheng, digital enterprises gather wood into forests, and the vitality of the digital industry is bursting. You can feel that the booming digital economy is accelerating its embrace of thousands of industries.
In recent years, the Nanning Big Data Development Bureau has vigorously promoted the integrated development of the digital economy, actively built a key industrial chain of the digital economy, and vigorously promoted the construction of the China-ASEAN Information Port Nanning core base to a new level. As of now, 55 Nanning core base projects have been completed, China Mobile (Guangxi Nanning) data center, China Telecom ASEAN International Information Park and other projects have been put into operation one after another, and the digital economy industry agglomeration effect has gradually formed.
Data show that in 2022, there will be more than 7,290 digital economy enterprises in Nanning, accounting for 48.3% of the total in the region, ranking first in the region. A number of digital economy leading enterprises such as China Eastcom, Shuguang Group, Runjian Shares, and Yunbaobao have settled in, and the digital economy has become an important force for the city’s economic growth.
Accelerate the construction of digital Nanning, strengthen digital empowerment, accelerate the process of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, and promote the transformation of the manufacturing industry to intelligent manufacturing, so as to seize the opportunity in the development of industrial upgrading and achieve leapfrog development.
"Next, we will focus on the transformation and upgrading of Level 3-5, focusing on the key industrial clusters of new energy, new energy vehicles and parts, electronic information, new metal and chemical materials, advanced equipment manufacturing, aluminum deep processing, forest product processing, food processing and other key industrial clusters built by Nanning City. We will select some more representative and intelligent enterprises to carry out digital diagnosis and digital transformation, and continuously expand the talent echelon to build a competitive and highly innovative talent training system, promote the intelligent upgrading of enterprises, and build a new ecosystem of digital economy." Li Qing said.
According to the plan, by the end of 2024, the Huawei-Nanning Digital Economy Industry Innovation Center will serve more than 800 enterprises, train more than 5,000 digital talents in Nanning, create more than 30 benchmarking projects, hold more than 50 technical salons, and contribute more digital power to the economic and social development of Nanning City.
Our reporter Wei Jing, intern Wen Wen

Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry, suggested strengthening the "smart transformation" of the food manufacturing industry and accelerating the development

On March 5, the Second Session of the 14th National People’s Congress was grandly opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In his second year in office, Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and wine designer of the wine design department of the Shede Wine Industry Production Technology Center, brought 5 suggestions in the fields of new quality productivity, Baijiu internationalization, and regional development, actively responding to industry and social concerns. Among them, "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity" and "Suggestions on Strengthening the Work of Intelligent Reform and Digital Transformation in the Food Manufacturing Industry" are closely related to the high-quality development of the food manufacturing industry.

Chen Borong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry

At present, the food manufacturing industry is in a critical period of development from traditional to modern, from artificial to intelligent, and from experience to science. These topics that Chen Berong focuses on not only reflect the industry’s in-depth thinking on moving towards high-quality development, but also reflect the determination and responsibility of the wine industry to promote the intelligent upgrade of the wine industry, develop new quality productivity, help China Baijiu go global, and promote social and economic development.

Focusing on cultivating new quality productivity and gathering new impetus for high-quality development

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made important arrangements to accelerate the construction of a digital China, emphasizing the construction of a modern industrial system, the promotion of new industrialization, and the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

As one of the basic industries of the national economy, the food manufacturing industry is constantly accelerating the process of digital intelligence. In particular, the Baijiu industry has vigorously carried out informatization and digital construction in the past ten years, and comprehensively improved the intelligence level of R & D, production, marketing, management and service. Among them, Baijiu leading enterprises have accumulated a lot of practical experience.

As a frontline worker in Baijiu’s scientific research, Chen Berong deeply understands the key role that "smart transformation and digital transformation" plays in the development of Baijiu’s industry. In order to improve the intelligent level of the industry and promote the full-link transformation and upgrading of enterprises, Chen Berong put forward the "Suggestions on Strengthening the Smart Transformation and Digital Transformation of the Food Manufacturing Industry" at the two sessions this year. When it is implemented, it is recommended to take the Baijiu industry first and choose parks with better basic conditions to carry out pilots, such as Sichuan Tuopai Green Ecological Food Industrial Park. She suggested building industry traceability standards, guiding enterprises to build traceability systems, improving industry service quality, and opening up industry data assets, ensuring intelligent manufacturing levels, improving industry production efficiency, and strengthening national policy guidance and talent training. She also suggested actively exploring and promoting the Chuanjiuyuan universe project to enhance the industry’s innovative layout.

At the same time, Chen Berong is concerned about the current imbalance in the level of digital intelligence promotion in the industry, and the high participation threshold for small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized wine merchants, which is a pain point related to the overall high-quality development of the industry. To this end, she put forward the "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity". She suggested that we should increase the policies and financial support for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry and the circulation industry, support the establishment of public DataRocks in the wine industry, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia and research, and cultivate professional talents. At the same time, we should formulate and improve relevant standards for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry to ensure the standardization and safety of

It is worth noting that a number of wine industry representatives put forward suggestions on the development of new quality productivity at the two sessions, which is undoubtedly a positive reflection and response to the higher level and more sustainable development of our country’s wine industry. It is foreseeable that with the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society, new technologies and new models will be more widely used in the wine industry, injecting new impetus into the sustainable prosperity and development of the industry.

Fosun and Yuyuan are deeply empowered and willing to forge new engines for the development of the wine industry

The development history of Baijiu is the history of innovation in winemaking technology. In the current wave of intelligence and digitalization, China’s wine industry focuses on technological innovation, technological research and development, and enhances its core competitiveness. Among them, famous wine enterprises play a leading role.

As a famous wine enterprise in China and one of the six golden flowers of Sichuan wine, Shede Wine Industry has taken "science and technology innovation drive" as one of the top strategies under the guidance of the science and technology innovation strategy of Fosun and Yuyuan. From hiring chief scientists, cultivating scientific research talents, building high-energy scientific research teams, to building the three major industry-university-research innovation platforms of "China Shede Aging Wine Research Institute", "China Ecological Brewing Industry Technology Research Institute" and "Sichuan Wine and Grain Industry Technology Research Institute", Shede Wine Industry has provided strong technical support for the development of science and technology innovation work.

In recent years, Shede Wine Industry has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence. By continuously optimizing the production supporting facilities and equipment such as three-dimensional warehouses, new water purification workshops, wine storage equipment, and filling equipment, Shede Wine Industry has improved the level of factory intelligence and promoted the improvement of production and operation quality and efficiency. Not only that, Shede Wine Industry closely combines "ecological brewing" with the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, and is committed to empowering the green development of enterprises with technological upgrades. For example, in 2022, the company invested in the biogas purification of biological natural gas in wastewater treatment stations. Since it was put into operation, it has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6,000 tons every year, effectively purified and utilized about 3 million cubic meters of natural gas, and saved about 6 million yuan in gas purchase costs. Due to its good results in carbon reduction and efficiency, the project was successfully selected into the "2023 Model Case of China’s Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Synergy" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

At the same time, Shede Wine Industry is also committed to applying digital means to create a deep consumer experience, not only pioneering "dynamic wine age" in the industry, but also realizing the visualization, dynamics and transparency of wine age through digital means. It also pioneered the innovation and implementation of the high-quality Baijiu full-link grading traceability system based on blockchain technology, realizing the traceability and closure of Shede Old Wine from raw grain, brewing, storage, packaging, circulation to consumption, etc., bringing users a high-quality consumption experience of true vintage and true old wine.

Thousands of sails are competing for the "new" line, and the tide is surging in the east like a rainbow. As a contemporary advanced productive force, the new quality productive force will continue to release strong momentum with the in-depth promotion of scientific and technological innovation. Represented by Shede Wine Industry, many leading enterprises have anchored technological research and development and are committed to promoting the technological progress and digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of the industry, and together contribute more to accelerating the cultivation and development of the new quality productive force.


Cars are comparable to "BBA" but are being chased by Internet Tech Giants. Where is the profit point of NIO that lacks "core"?

  "Investor Network" Wen Xia Jing 

  According to the latest operating data released by NIO (NYSE: NIO), the company delivered 20,060 vehicles from January to March this year, an increase of 423% year-on-year, and successfully achieved the goal of achieving 20,000 deliveries in Quarter 1 predicted by Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO. However, at the same time as the good news, NIO encountered the embarrassment of chip shortage: the NIO foundry Hefei Jianghuai Manufacturing Plant stopped production for 5 days, affecting the production of at least 500-1000 vehicles.

  Li Bin admitted that due to the impact of the supply chain (chips and batteries), NIO’s monthly production capacity of 7,500 vehicles is also under pressure.

  It is worth noting that NIO, one of China’s "three heroes of new energy vehicle manufacturing", is still in a state of heavy losses. NIO’s current situation is that, on the one hand, the production capacity is constrained by the shortage of chips, and the operating pressure is overwhelmed by the haze; on the other hand, the car manufacturing track is already crowded with Internet bosses who "show their muscles", and the competition drama can be imagined. 

  NIO, whose share price once fell to the "delisting red line" of $1, has just "come back to life" from the brink of danger, but the pressure it faces has not eased. Under the dilemma of "internal and external troubles", how can Li Bin and NIO break through the dilemma of "profitability difficulty"?

  Under the gamble, the gross profit margin turned positive, and the huge loss was still "leading" the new car-making forces 

  NIO is the company with the highest monthly delivery volume of "new car forces". In February this year, its delivery volume was 5578 vehicles, which was 2.4 times that of Li Auto, which is also a new car force, and 2.5 times that of XPeng Motors. It ranked among the top ten luxury car sales and once surpassed luxury car companies such as Land Rover and Porsche.

  However, before April 2020, NIO was on the verge of "dying" due to its high debt.

  As we all know, the delivery volume of the automobile industry is equal to the sales volume. It stands to reason that as the company with the largest monthly sales volume, the profit should be the largest. But this is not the case. Although NIO leads China’s new energy vehicle industry by its own sales and is dubbed "China Tesla", the continuous loss and the reality of "selling one at a loss" once caused NIO’s share price to fall to the "delisting red line" of $1.

  Just as Li Bin and his NIO were struggling, the Hefei Municipal Government and the 7 billion reached a gambling agreement with NIO.

  The agreement stipulates that NIO will invest in the acquisition and establishment of NIO China, requiring NIO China to generate revenue of 14.80 billion yuan in 2020, 120 billion yuan in 2024, and list 6-8 new models, and achieve total revenue of 420 billion yuan from 2020 to 2025.

  The money brought by this bet saved NIO in times of crisis, but this step-by-step implementation and batch arrival requirements and agreements also made Li Bin and his NIO dare not slack in the slightest.

  From the financial report released by NIO, there are many bright spots in NIO’s financial report in 2020. NIO’s total revenue in 2020 reached 16.258 billion (RMB, the same below), an increase of 107.8% year-on-year; among them, the gross profit margin rose from -7.4% in Quarter 1 to 17.2% in the fourth quarter, and the annual gross profit margin for the whole year was 11.5%. This is the first time that NIO has turned positive after being listed for three years.

  But even so, NIO’s full-year net loss in 2020 was as high as 5.304 billion, and the 11.295 billion of losses compared to 2019 was significantly narrowed, but it was still a reality that NIO was not profitable.

  Compared with Li Auto, which is the three heroes of China’s new car manufacturing forces, Li Auto’s annual revenue in 2020 was 9.461 billion, an increase of 3231.33% year-on-year, and the loss was only 152 million; NIO’s revenue was 1.3 times the ideal, but the loss was 35 times!

  Under the background of obtaining local government investment 7 billion, NIO has achieved a significant increase in revenue and a positive gross profit margin, which is a seemingly bright "answer sheet". In theory, NIO can increase profits as long as it increases delivery, thereby reducing losses and achieving profitability. However, judging from NIO’s current core shortage dilemma and further planning in 2021, the outlook for NIO to achieve profitability is not optimistic.

  Is the high cost pushing the "power exchange model" 42.50 billion cash flow enough to burn? 

  In early March, NIO announced that it currently has cash reserves 42.45 billion (including cash and cash equivalents, restricted currency cash, and short-term investments).

  Even if the funds are abundant, the amount of money Li Bin plans to "burn" is not small, judging from the new layout for 2021 announced by Li Bin at the earnings conference.

  Li Bin declared that in 2021, NIO plans to "improve the efficiency of the system", specifically, from research and development, sales, and the establishment of replacement stations and the improvement of the charging and replacement mode. Li Bin said that he plans to invest 5 billion research and development expenses in 2021, and build 20 new NIO centers and 120 NIO spaces; in addition, NIO still insists on the "replacement mode" different from Tesla’s charging mode, and plans to build more than 500 replacement stations and improve the charging mode in China in 2021, establishing 600 supercharging stations and 15,000 destination charging piles.

  Industry commentator Zhang Shule believes that NIO’s power exchange model has a bright future. "Although the power exchange model is different from Tesla’s charging model, it has new opportunities."

  Zhang Shule said that because the benefits of the power exchange model are obvious, its charging speed is fast, and it can form an efficient turnaround rate of car "charging", which is far more convenient than the use of charging piles for electric vehicles to occupy parking spaces. It is also more suitable for the promotion of the core areas where parking spaces are tight and electric vehicle charging demand is high. "At present, the state has also increased its support in the field of new energy vehicles, and electric vehicles have entered a rapid popularization stage in China, so the power exchange model has a strong application prospect." 

  Although the outlook for the power swap model is promising, NIO’s path to profitability remains uncertain.

  Zhang Xiang, a member of MIIT’s new industrialization capacity building "Changfeng" plan, a think tank for new energy and intelligent connected automobile industry experts, told Investor Network that NIO’s power exchange model is the core competitiveness of the future. Because it provides users with new experiences and choices.

  "But the current power exchange is a loss, and it will still be in a state of loss in the next few years." Zhang Xiang believes that the main reason why NIO cannot make a profit is that the construction investment of the replacement station is too large, and the lack of NIO’s inventory makes the utilization rate of the replacement station not high enough to subsidize the investment profitably. Zhang Xiang said, "NIO can only sell cars if it wants to make a profit. By raising the price of vehicles, it can obtain high profits to make up for the loss."

  NIO’s goals are lofty and its vision is perfect, but the reality is very skinny: on the one hand, it does not follow the popular route and adheres to the high-end market; on the other hand, in the face of a large number of losses, it also increases investment and insists on the development of the power replacement model.

  This could be said to be a dilemma for NIO. Although NIO’s losses narrowed in 2020, the main reason was the reduction in R & D investment and the construction of power station stations in 2020. If NIO wanted to make money, it had to "sell cars" in large quantities, but the cars it sold were only for the high-end market.

  Investor Network learned from NIO’s official website that the price of NIO’s models is more than 300,000 yuan. According to data from China Automotive Industry, NIO’s SUV ES8 surpassed BMW X5 for the first time in Shanghai in January 2021, becoming the first among medium and large SUV vehicles above 400,000. It can be said that as a car company, NIO can already rival traditional luxury car manufacturers such as "BBA (BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi) ".

  However, this "burning money" dilemma of "selling while losing money" makes it all the more difficult for NIO to turn a profit.

  Technology bosses get together to build cars NIO comparative advantage 

  The next trend in the internet is cars.

  According to the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035) " document, the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 20% of the total sales of new cars in 2025. According to the statistics of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers in early January, the cumulative sales of our country’s automobile industry in 2020 were 2527.2 million, and the sales of new energy vehicles were 1.367 million.

  If the total sales of new cars in 2025 is 25 million, it means that the sales of new energy vehicles will reach 5 million. From 1.30 million to 5 million This means that new energy vehicles will have great market demand, and the new trend of making money will naturally attract the pursuit of Internet bosses.

  Recently, Lei Jun led Xiaomi into the new energy vehicle industry, intending to open up a new world in the automotive industry. Previously, large Internet companies such as Baidu and Apple have announced their entry in a high-profile manner.

  Although NIO has seized the trend and become one of the three heroes of China’s new car manufacturing forces, it does not have a strong corporate background similar to Baidu and Xiaomi, and NIO is in the dilemma of lack of core and loss.

  Even so, Li Bin still seemed full of confidence. He said at the "WISE 2020 King of the New Economy" conference that NIO is not just a car company, but also a car-oriented community, a community that shares joy and grows together.

  Industry commentator Zhang Shule told that although NIO has performed well in the field of domestic electric vehicles before, the main reason is the lack of strong competitors. However, with Baidu, Xiaomi and other Internet technology companies and various traditional car companies entering the new energy vehicles and even higher-dimensional smart cars, NIO’s future competitiveness will be greatly challenged.

  Zhang Shule believes that there will be a bubble in Internet car building, that is, the current artificial intelligence technology and vehicle to everything vehicle part are still in the exploratory stage, and it is inevitable that there will be PPT car building (that is, conceptual car building). However, with the technical background of Internet Tech Giants, there is no big problem for companies like Baidu and Xiaomi, because Internet companies have scientific and technological concepts, such as Baidu is to install "brains" for electric vehicles, and Xiaomi is a hardware retail distributor, forming a combination model to create cost-effective electric vehicles.

  Perhaps for NIO, finding a way to make a profit, get out of the loss dilemma, reach a gambling agreement, and avoid being acquired are the most practical problems it needs to solve urgently. (Produced by Thinking Finance) ■


"China Star Jump" Wen Ya trained hard and his thighs were blue.


Wen Ya training chart


Wen Ya practices diving.

  A few days ago, @ Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue @ China Star Jump triggered a new diving boom. During the visiting classes of fans and the media, we found that Wen Ya’s body had been seriously overdrawn after many days of training. In order to complete the strict training again and again, not only was her thigh bruised by water spray, which was worrying.

  Among the many stars who appeared in "China Star Jump", Wen Ya is the first female star to start diving training. With her own efforts, she also has a very good reputation among the staff. According to the staff, Wen Ya is the earliest to arrive at the training ground every day and the latest to leave. Girls love beauty, but Wen Ya has made painstaking efforts for training, which made her thighs covered with bruises caused by diving. Many fans expressed their anxiety after watching it, but Wen Ya didn’t mind it. She said that these efforts can let everyone see her beautiful diving process on TV, which is very worthwhile for her.

  In the interview, Wen Ya didn’t disclose more information, but some fans in Wen Ya said that Wen Ya’s nose had lost its sense of smell for a week because of a strong water impact during training, except for a thigh injury. Although the doctor said that this loss of sense of smell was not permanent, Wen Ya’s efforts to overdraw her body for the audience were really touching.

A number of new regulations such as the new car-hailing policy will be implemented today. What should I pay attention to?

  China News Service, November 1st, the new policy of online car-hailing was officially implemented, and the legal status of online car-hailing was clarified for the first time from the level of national regulations; the first national standard for anti-smog masks was landed, and it will be difficult for anti-smog masks to "fish in troubled waters" in the future; the fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be independently formulated by airlines according to law… Since today, a number of new regulations have been implemented, involving many aspects of social life, which can be done and which are prohibited, clearly defined, and reminded the public and relevant institutions to pay attention.

  [The new policy of online car-hailing is officially implemented today. Who can operate online car-hailing?]

  The "Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" jointly issued by the Ministry of Transport and other seven departments will come into effect on November 1. The "Interim Measures" bring the innovative thing of online car-hailing into the scope of taxi management, and clarify the legal status of online car-hailing for the first time from the level of national regulations.

  According to the regulations, the conversion of private cars to online car-hailing needs to meet the following basic conditions: 7-seat and below passenger cars; installation of vehicle satellite positioning devices and emergency alarm devices with driving record functions; vehicle technical performance meets the requirements of relevant standards for operational safety. At the same time, when the mileage of the online car reaches 600,000 kilometers, it will be forcibly scrapped; when the mileage does not reach 600,000 kilometers but the service life reaches 8 years, it will withdraw from the online car-hailing business.

  The regulations also specify the following requirements for online car-hailing drivers: obtaining a motor vehicle driver’s license of the corresponding type and having more than 3 years of driving experience; no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking, and no record of 12 points in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles; no violent crime record; other conditions stipulated by the urban people’s government.

  There are many types and a lack of unified standards. At present, the mask market is chaotic. Many products are labeled as anti-PM2.5, but the protective effect is not satisfactory. In the future, it will be difficult for anti-smog masks to "fish in troubled waters".

  The national standard for "Technical Specifications for Daily Protective Masks" will be officially implemented on November 1. This is China’s first national standard for civilian protective masks. It is worth noting that the standard clearly states that it "does not apply to infants and young children, children’s respiratory protective equipment".

  The protective effect is the core indicator of the standard. The protective effect level is set according to the air quality category in the National Air Quality Standard, and is divided into four levels from low to high: D, C, B, and A. According to the national standard, the mask can reduce the inhaled PM2.5 concentration to less than 75 micrograms per cubic meter after wearing, so that the air quality inhaled into the body after filtration reaches a good level or above, which is qualified.

  [Civil aviation fare reform: self-determined fares for routes below 800 kilometers]

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration and the National Development and Reform Commission will be implemented on November 1. The notice requires further expansion of the range of market-adjusted price routes, with routes below 800 kilometers and above 800 kilometers competing with high-speed rail EMU trains. Passenger transport fares shall be determined by airlines according to law.

  At the same time, the airline formulates and adjusts the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of the market-adjusted price routes, and announces them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of the airline’s various routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  [Medical quality management clarifies responsibilities and encourages reporting of medical quality adverse events]

  The National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the "Measures for the Management of Medical Quality" in October, which came into effect on November 1, 2016. The "Measures" require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions. Encourage medical institutions and medical personnel to take the initiative to report medical quality (safety) adverse events, and promote information sharing and continuous improvement.

  The "Measures" require clear medical quality management of the main body of responsibility, organizational form, working mechanism and key links. It is clear that medical institutions are the main body of responsibility for medical quality, and the main person in charge of medical institutions is the first responsible person for medical quality management.

  [Enterprises that illegally issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will be included in the "blacklist"]

  The State Administration of Taxation issued the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales" on September 27, deciding to implement the publicity system for the list of motor vehicle enterprises that illegally issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales. The "Announcement" came into effect on November 1.

  The State Administration of Taxation will from time to time publicize the list of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified invoices for motor vehicle sales in violation of regulations. The list information can be inquired on the website of the State Administration of Taxation. Motor vehicle enterprises include motor vehicle manufacturers and motor vehicle distribution enterprises.

  Motor vehicle enterprises will be included in the "blacklist" if they fail to issue invoices for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious; if they issue a unified invoice for motor vehicle sales at a low price in violation of regulations, they issue other VAT invoices resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or the circumstances are serious; if they issue invoices in violation of invoice management regulations resulting in underpayment of vehicle purchase tax for more than 2 times (including 2 times) or if the circumstances are serious.

  [Implementation of new regulations on the management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities]

  The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education recently announced that the "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Universities" will be officially implemented from November 1. The management measures make it clear that the basic scientific research business fees of central universities will be used to support central universities to carry out independent research work on topic selection. The use directions include: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to improve their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in schools to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting basic, supportive and strategic research across multiple disciplines; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  The administrative measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be charged in accordance with state regulations.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris goes to sea and goes to the west. High-end intelligence goes to the world | Steam cover

Steam potential Auto-First| Zhang Chi

History is a cycle. Zheng He’s voyage to the Western Ocean 600 years ago opened China’s eyes to the world and made the world know about China. Today, 600 years later, many industries in China have started a brand-new "voyage to the West".

For most of the past century, cars have been imported, and China people can only look up and follow them.

Taking the automobile industry revolution led by new energy and intelligence as an opportunity, China brand cars have an excellent time to change lanes and overtake.

In the first quarter of this year, China’s total automobile export volume reached a new high, surpassing Germany and Japan, and became the world’s first in export.

Chery, as a leader in China’s automobile export, recently created the column "See the World with Eta Ursae Majoris" by its high-end brand Xingtu, which made more overseas consumers know about China automobile and raised a strong sense of national pride in China people’s hearts. This overseas column created by Starway has created many firsts of the brand: driving a Chinese blue brand vehicle in the Middle East for the first time; The first China international live broadcast; The first outdoor international broadcast of Gobi Desert; The first outdoor international live broadcast of Kuwait Sea.

At present, the total exposure of the project has reached more than 900 million times, attracting more than 16 million user interactions, setting off a car boom in China overseas, and the charm of intelligent manufacturing in China has been greatly demonstrated.

Starway takes the domestic market as the cornerstone and the international market as the transition. The two main lines fight side by side, and the two potential energies empower each other. With the multi-dimensional cooperation of market and brand, it will create a different road for China brand to rise.

Change lanes, overtake and sail out to sea.

In the future, China brand will definitely be born into a world-class automobile brand, and this idea has sprouted in the minds of China autobots.

China brand cars have never stopped exploring the sea and brand promotion, and have made many rounds of attempts. It is common for them to fail and hit a wall.

The automobile industry chain and intelligent manufacturing system, which grew up with the automobile market in China, nourished the automobile brands in China. In 2023, the watershed event of China automobile going overseas has appeared. I still remember that the shock of 2,000 overseas friends and dealers gathered at the Chery booth at the Shanghai Auto Show in April showed Chery’s outstanding performance and strong atmosphere in overseas markets, and it was also a prelude for China automobile to become a world-class brand.

Why can China become the largest automobile exporter today, and China brand cars can be sold for more than 400,000 yuan? What is the logic behind it?

China brand has obvious advantages in new energy and intelligence at the time of new energy transformation and profound changes in the automobile industry. The market share of China brand in China market is over 50%, and the new energy penetration rate of autonomous passenger cars is also over 50%. In many market segments, China brand cars have begun to become the leader.

In 1908, Ford Model T led the first automobile industry revolution, and then Toyota’s lean production promoted the second automobile industry revolution. The third industrial revolution is already on the way.

In the global automobile industry chain, China brand has been doing dirty work for too long, and needs to share more harvest fruits. The revolution of the automobile industry will be an excellent time to reshuffle the cards and upgrade the brand of China.

Eta Ursae Majoris was born at the right time.

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Group, once compared Chery to Volkswagen and Starway to Audi. Yin Tongyue said: "Xingtu is the pinnacle of the brand pyramid of Chery Group, and it is a global high-end strategic brand of Chery facing the future layout. It must be duty-bound to lead Chery’s mission of technological breakthrough and brand promotion".

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is the first strategic product in Starway Development Phase 2.0, which bears the heavy responsibility of "market breakthrough, user breakthrough and brand breakthrough".

In fact, China’s automobile market is diversified, and the barrier for consumers to choose independent high-end products has gradually broken the ice. Behind it is the real improvement of the quality of China brand automobile products. More importantly, in terms of design, configuration and intelligence, China brand has crushed the joint venture brand. Even though the price has gone up, it still has a super high quality-price ratio.

Pre-sale in Eta Ursae Majoris is a highlight moment, with 12,900 pre-sale orders and 5,118 large users in a short time. Up to now, in Eta Ursae Majoris’s sales structure, four-wheel drive models account for 64%, which is the best-selling China car in the four-wheel drive version within 200,000 yuan, which further robs the joint venture brand of the right to speak on four-wheel drive pricing. Moreover, the portrait of users in Eta Ursae Majoris has also ushered in an upward leap, accounting for more than 70% of the purchases, more than half of which are joint venture luxury users, and 9% of users once owned BBA. These data indicate that there are a group of people in the market who dare to break the inherent cognition, be good at thinking and have the courage to choose China products, which is also an important foundation for Star Road and even China brand to form market breakthroughs and user breakthroughs.

Chery is partial to Starway, and all new technologies are the first to bring it. Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is the first product of Eta Ursae Majoris 2025 Laboratory’s scientific research achievements. It was born in M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, which won the special award of the third China Automobile Fengyun Festival by China Radio and Television General Station. It is the first product of this architecture and the first product put into production by a brand-new smart factory. Of course, Eta Ursae Majoris has lived up to expectations. It is a car with the brand positioning of "smart, trendy and energetic", which will effectively promote the landing of brand image and form a brand breakthrough.

150,000-200,000 yuan, the market is full of water and fish.

In addition to its excellent technology, it enjoys the advantage of equal rights in technology. In fact, Eta Ursae Majoris’s domestic traditional energy passenger car market of 150,000-200,000 yuan is the second market segment. Among them, there are many well-known mainstream joint venture brands such as Tiguan L and CRV. Some people will say, why is Starway wrestling with them?

Design is the translator of the brand, and Starway Eta Ursae Majoris won the 16th American IDA Design Gold Award for its excellent appearance interpretation. IDA International Design Award is one of the four top industrial design awards in the world. In recent two years, the models that have the chance to win IDA Gold Award in the automobile field are basically ultra-luxury brands, and Starway can win the award of changing items, which represents the real rise of automobile design in China.

In fact, Starway has surpassed many joint venture brands in the sense of new energy in appearance, exquisite interior and driving quality of chassis. The flying fish super-sensing chassis adopted by it combines a series of advanced equipment, such as CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft Stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, intelligent brake-by-wire system, freewheeling steering system, etc. Many technologies are also difficult to see on 400,000-class vehicles. This chassis has truly achieved the luxury driving control quality of "starting without looking up, braking without nodding, turning without tilting, bumping without sprinkling water". In addition, with the functions of all-terrain technology system and all-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, the vehicle’s passability and ability to get rid of difficulties are ahead of the same level.

Moreover, 200,000 yuan can enjoy the co-driver’s queen’s seat, L2 driver’s assistance, Sony stereo and Qualcomm 8155 chip configuration, which is unimaginable in joint venture brands. With the luxury quality of 400,000 yuan, Eta Ursae Majoris launched a "luxury equal rights" campaign for 200,000 yuan SUVs on the market, which is the most cost-effective SUV within 200,000 yuan.

The sense of value is universal. Starway is replacing BBA in some overseas markets, and even "BBE" in some countries. Starway is one of the rare China brands whose overseas sales and prices are higher than domestic ones, and their excellent performance is positively affecting the cognition of domestic consumers. As the cornerstone of sales, domestic sales have made the star road stable and far-reaching. At present, Xingtu brand has formed a positive cycle, and it is forming a unique high-end model of its own brand through the efforts of domestic and international dual markets to build a brand upward.

Concept of steam potential: Eta Ursae Majoris’s domestic and international dual kinetic energy has gradually become a new trend

Farmers who are simple and lack of ability will not lose their time in the world, and they will not lose their geographical position in the world. They will get people in harmony and never waste everything. 2,300 years ago, Xunzi, a great Chinese philosopher, told us that it is necessary to make the best use of the right time, the right place and the right people in order to succeed in business. China’s automobile brand is facing a golden opportunity of "harmony between the right time and the right people".

If China brand tried many rounds of brand promotion more than ten years ago, and even went out and hit a wall, it was a tuition fee that had to be paid. Then Eta Ursae Majoris’s voyage to the sea is more like Zheng He’s taking China’s tea and porcelain to other parts of the world 600 years ago, so that the world can appreciate China’s manufacturing and another understanding of automobiles. Eta Ursae Majoris and even Xingtu brand, driven by the dual kinetic energy of domestic and international markets, is becoming a new fashion of China brand cars.

Brilliant! BYD Han’s brand-new color matching exhibition car is amazing at Shanghai Auto Show.

  Economic Daily-China Economic Net April 22-On April 19, at the BYD booth of the 19th Shanghai International Auto Show, BYD Han, the "global super-safe intelligent new energy flagship car", led the exhibition with new colors of "Energy White" and "Smart Blue", and decorated the interior with colored carbon fiber and traditional large lacquer panels respectively. Mastermind casting, integrating modern trends, paying tribute to traditional culture and conforming to the tonality of luxury products, BYD Han’s brand-new color matching exhibition car not only represents the latest achievements of BYD’s continuous improvement in design, but also highlights the self-confidence of Chinese aesthetics, which detonated the auto show scene at one time.

  Energy white with terracotta brown, writing BYD Han EV advanced texture

  The matte energy white used in the exterior decoration of BYD Han EV on the booth is inspired by Dehua white porcelain, which is dense in texture, glittering and translucent as jade, moist and greasy in glaze, and full of energy. In terms of technology, this Chinese EV adopts a special "fluorophlogopite" coating, which is more delicate and uniform, and the texture is bright and transparent. Together with matte varnish, it finally realizes the color change texture of silk metal.

  Matching with the white appearance of Han EV energy, it is a brand-new terracotta brown interior color. Its color inspiration comes from, "Top-grade terracotta sand, out of the mountains and stones of Chen Jin, above the white stone bed, with twelve pieces as one, looks like a bright day without a red lotus." The delicate luster of terracotta brown makes Han EV show the leather texture of top-grade leather, and its sense of luxury is further enhanced.

  In detail, this Han EV is decorated with carbon fiber on the C-pillar and the tail tail, and the matte carbon fiber is also added to the interior decoration, which echoes the color of terracotta brown, creating a very luxurious and sporty driving experience. Thanks to the brand-new color scheme, the exclusive sense of dignity of Chinese luxury of Han EV is strongly highlighted, and the performance of China mass-produced new energy cars represented by its 100-kilometer acceleration of 3.9s is further highlighted.

  Smart Blue with Sky Grey shows the multi-faceted nature of BYD Han DM.

  Since its listing, BYD Han’s appearance color has its own representative color from the space-time of the universe to the field of humanities and culture. The Han DM exhibited in this exhibition further adopted the wisdom blue which represents the creativity of human beings, and applied the painting process of two-color paint. The high-saturation blue hue presented in high-light illumination is gorgeous and colorful, and it will turn into a deep dark blue phase in dark environment. The strong contrast between light and dark gives people an extraordinary visual experience, which is very intriguing.

  On the interior, Han DM is equipped with BYD’s latest "Sky Grey" light-colored interior, and its design is inspired by China’s "elegant culture". The style, layout and detailed modeling combine the Chinese aesthetic concept and the essence of China culture, which is reminiscent of ink painting and painting, misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, elegant without losing style, showing the strong oriental elegance of Han, and embodying the profound cultural connotation and aesthetic interest of Chinese luxury. In addition to the brand-new color matching, Han DM also added the traditional big paint technology to the decorative panel, further sublimating the ancient charm of Chinese style.

  From the contrast between light and shade of wisdom blue to the collision between tradition and modernity of grey in the sky, the brand-new color matching of Han DM complements its diversified product personality. Han DM has five power modes that can be switched intelligently. It is mainly driven by electricity in daily commuting, which is quiet and fuel-efficient. When it enters the high-speed motor and cooperates with the engine, it can not only achieve the ultimate performance of generate, but also cruise efficiently, thus realizing the full-dimensional satisfaction for users.

  Decorating automobile accessories with large lacquer craft, BYD empowers lacquer art to revitalize.

  In the Han DM exhibition car, the decorative panels made of lacquer technology are particularly eye-catching. This is the result that BYD invited Mr. Fu Yizhou, the national inheritor of lacquer technology, as a consultant, and Mr. Wu Yongqiang, a lacquer expert from Guangdong Academy of Arts and Crafts, personally designed and produced for Han. It is a cross-border masterpiece that skillfully combines exquisite lacquer technology with interior design of new energy vehicles, and it is also a new exploration for BYD to practice the innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

  In the Han Dynasty, the splendid culture of the Chinese nation was transmitted to the world through the Silk Road, and lacquer reached its peak as a decorative craft in the Han Dynasty. Since then, lacquer craft, as a treasure of China culture, has been passed down in the thinking collision between artists and designers. Nowadays, BYD Auto reproduces the impression of the Silk Road in BYD Han through the continuation and innovation of culture, and the art is sublimated again, and the charm of traditional lacquer art will be appreciated by more consumers.

  As the flagship of BYD’s dynasty, BYD Han took luxury as the bone and tradition as the rhyme from the beginning of design, and opened up a harmonious but different way of Chinese luxury. The two brand-new color-matching exhibition cars at the Shanghai Auto Show have further increased and integrated traditional and modern elements, which fully embodies the inclusiveness and tension of BYD Han’s design.

  On April 13th, 2021, the results of German iF Design Award were announced, and BYD Han EV made the list, becoming the first award-winning car model of China brand, which further proved that BYD Han’s high-end aesthetic experience based on the profound connotation of Chinese luxury is leading the trend of new energy vehicle design.