The official announcement: Volvo will stop production of diesel vehicles next year, and the overall electrification transformation will accelerate.

Nowadays, with the gradual increase of the market share of new energy products, major car companies have also accelerated the layout of this market. For example, Dongfeng Honda is about to launch a brand-new independent brand of new energy; Hyundai wants to join hands with BAIC Group to develop electric vehicles; Volkswagen cooperates with Xpeng Motors to develop pure electric vehicles.

It has to be admitted that joint venture brands have been involved in the "spring tide" of new energy. Volvo, as a luxury brand that laid out new energy routes earlier, also began to speed up on the road of full electrification. Recently, Volvo officially announced that it will stop production of diesel vehicles in early 2024. This means that it is a step closer to achieving full electrification. At the same time, Volvo will become the first mainstream traditional manufacturer to completely abandon diesel vehicles.

It should be noted that until 2019, diesel models will still be Volvo’s main market in Europe. With high reliability, low noise and low fuel consumption, Volvo’s diesel models are widely recognized in the European market. However, according to relevant data, with the rise of new energy vehicles, the market share of Volvo diesel models has also dropped from 50% in 2015 to 14.1% in July 2023.

Previously, Volvo Cars said that by 2030, the company plans to sell only all-electric vehicles; By 2040, the goal will be to become a carbon neutral company. Volvo’s decision to stop production of diesel vehicles has made people full of confidence in Volvo’s future new energy development.

In addition, Volvo sold its shares in the internal combustion engine development company as early as last year, saying that it would not invest any more money in new internal combustion engines. Moreover, Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo, said: "Electric powertrain is our future, and the company is fully focused on building a series of superior and pure electric vehicles to meet all the expectations of customers for Volvo." It is not difficult to find that Volvo’s determination to transform into electricity is great.

Not only that, Volvo will launch two pure electric SUVs in the next few months, namely Volvo EX90 and EX30, to meet consumers’ demand for Volvo’s new energy products. At the same time, Volvo also announced in August that Volvo EM90, Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, will be launched in the world on November 12th this year, and the reservation in Chinese mainland will be started simultaneously.

Known as "the safest and most secure pure electric SUV ever", Volvo EX90 appeared in the domestic market as early as April this year, and the new car will be listed in China market in 2024. It is reported that the Volvo EX90 is based on the Volvo SPA2 platform and has a good performance in terms of performance.

Another luxury pure electric small SUV, Volvo EX30, also made its world debut as early as June this year. The car is priced at 34,950 US dollars (about 249,000 yuan) in the US market and 36,000 euros (about 274,000 yuan) in the European market. In the China market, the pricing of Volvo EX30 may be more "people-friendly". Volvo EX30 is built on the vast architecture platform of Geely SEA, and smar Elf #1 is also from this platform.

As Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, Volvo EM90 is built on the vast architecture platform of Geely SEA. It is expected to be driven by dual-motor four-wheel drive, and is expected to be equipped with ternary lithium batteries and the latest Kirin batteries. The pure electric cruising range is expected to be around 800km.

In the eyes of Volvo CEO Luo Wenjin, electric power systems are superior to internal combustion engines. They produce less noise, less vibration, lower maintenance costs for customers and zero exhaust emissions. Therefore, whether from the point of view of consumers’ later consumption or Volvo’s goal of coping with climate change, electric vehicles are the best choice.

In the era of fuel vehicles, Volvo is the leader of automobile safety. In the new energy era, Volvo will sublimate safety into new energy vehicles and become the "leader" of new energy vehicle safety. You know, as early as April this year, Volvo released the World Tree Intelligent Security System, which combines the trend of electrification and intelligence to realize the inheritance and evolution of security.

Write it at the end

The debut of Volvo EX90 and Volvo EX30 indicates that Volvo has begun to accelerate on the new energy track. The suspension of diesel models is Volvo’s determination to fully electrify the outside world. Next, Volvo EM90 will be unveiled soon, which further enriches Volvo’s new energy product matrix.

(This article was originally produced by Wenwu Lane New Media Studio, please indicate the source: Wenwu Lane, author: Xia Mu)