After 11 years of running, I have these six insights.

The longer you run, the more you can feel. Running can make people feel free and liberated, release the pressure and tension of the body, and make people’s emotions relaxed and relaxed.

In the process of running, people canThinking and reflectionThis is one of the reasons why many runners love running. Running can make people jump out of the daily chores, precipitate their thinking, and meditate on their own life, work, interpersonal relationships and other issues. Especially in the process of running for a long time, the body will enter an automatic state, and the brain will have more space to reflect and think.

It has been about eleven or twelve years since I started running. With the increase of running time, running not only changes my body, but also slowly I find that many concepts are changing, and many concepts are even quite different from those when I started running.

Enjoy the running process more and more

Running, like any other skill, takes time and experience to master. It’s true that I just started the ordeal of running, and I can’t talk about enjoying it.

But when you keep running, you will gradually improve your skill level, so that you can more easily enter the state of "enjoying" loudly and experience more fun and sense of accomplishment.

In addition, the positive impact of running on physical and mental health also makes meEnjoy running more.. For example, running can release chemicals such as endorphins and dopamine, which can improve mood and happiness.

Running is an exercise with long-term benefits. When we insist on running, we will enjoy this process better and get more sense of accomplishment and motivation from it, which will make you stronger, healthier and more confident.

Patience is very important in running.

First of all, in running, it is difficult to see rapid and significant progress in a short time. However, if you can persist and be patient and gradually adapt to running, you will find that your skills and physical fitness are slowly improving. Since running is a long-term exercise form, when you accumulate experience and persist,Patience becomes one of the keys to success..

Secondly, some difficulties need to be overcome in running, such as external environment, climate change and personal fatigue. When you can be patient and solve difficulties, your self-confidence and perseverance will be significantly improved.

Patience is also needed in training and competition, which includes full preparation, planning your own plan and keeping calm. If you are anxious and lack rational thinking, you may be mobilized too early in the competition or training, and you will not achieve your best performance. Maintaining a patient, stable and positive attitude is the key to achieving the best results.

In a word, running needs long-term investment, hard training and high self-discipline. On the road of running, having patience can help you stick to it and overcome unexpected things and difficulties.

The process of running is as important as the result.

When you start running, you will pay more attention to the process objectives of running, such as your skills, posture and breathing during running, and optimize your performance according to these. By improving your running skills, you can improve your running efficiency and make running more relaxed and comfortable. By paying attention to the process goal, you can enjoy the running process and feel happy during the exercise.

Beginners usually set some goals in order to persist in running, such as completing a 5-kilometer running plan. Running distance is one of the easiest criteria for beginners to measure their progress. They will gradually improve their endurance and running speed, and constantly challenge longer distances and higher difficulties.

When you have some running experience, you will pay more attention to the result goal.For example, they will pursue higher speed and better performance, and pay attention to quantitative indicators such as competitive ranking or running performance. Will pay more attention to their own skills and training methods in order to achieve better performance and higher ranking, such as participating in marathons or other competitive exercise programs.

Although it is very important to achieve these goals, paying too much attention to the outcome goals will make you ignore many successful experiences in the process and lead to excessive anxiety and loss.

Runners at each stage have different concerns in running, because their goals and experience levels are different. When running, both the process goal and the result goal are very important, and they complement each other.

When you gradually optimize your performance by paying attention to the process goal and achieve the result goal, you will feel a greater sense of accomplishment and motivation, so that you can keep exercising for a longer time.

Therefore, both the process goal and the result goal are very important, and they should be balanced during running.

I prefer jogging now.

When you run for a long time or have formed a stable habit, you will prefer jogging.

As you get older and run longer,More and more people will find that jogging is a good way to relieve fatigue and restore physical strength.. In addition, jogging can also reduce the risk of injury and make sports healthier and safer.

An important benefit of jogging is that you can easily keep your training plan when you are easily tired or tired. When I run at a jogging speed, I have time to clear my mind, which is closely related, and I am immersed in the deep experience because of the abundant oxygen supply.

To a certain extent, slow running is really not as exciting as fast running. However, the most important thing in running is to enjoy the process and stick to it. No matter what form you insist on running, you can achieve the goal of pursuing exercise and health.

Therefore, if you like jogging and can keep the habit of running, it is a good choice to continue jogging.

Pay attention to the quality of running rather than the quantity.

In modern society, with the enhancement of people’s health awareness, running has become a widely popular fitness method. However, for many people, running is not only for health, but also a manifestation of competition and pursuit of higher achievements. Therefore, many people are obsessed with the quantity and speed of running and ignore the importance of running quality.

In fact, the quality of running includes not only the posture, breathing and rhythm of running, but also the meaning and purpose of running. Running should not only exist to achieve a certain goal, but should become a way of life and a way to enjoy life.

If we blindly pursue the quantity and speed of running, then we will easily fall into the burden of running and lose the happiness and pleasure brought by running itself. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the quality of running.Let running become a way to enjoy life, not a pressure and burden..

In the process of running, we can appropriately slow down the speed, slow down the breathing, and adapt our body and mind to the running process. At the same time, we can also pay more attention to the posture and breathing mode of running, so that running can become a process of relaxation and enjoyment.

Experienced runners will not run at all costs for the amount of running, nor will they force themselves to complete the 30-kilometer long-distance training under the condition of physical fatigue. Instead, they should suspend training when their state declines.

In a word, running should not be a burden, but a way to enjoy life. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the quality of running and make running a pleasant and happy lifestyle.

Running makes people more stable.

Running can not only exercise the body, but also exercise willpower and self-control. In the process of running, people need to overcome fatigue and discomfort and persist in completing the whole exercise process. This persistent spirit and self-control ability will also play an active role in daily life, making people more stable and firm.

Modern people have a fast pace of life and often feel pressure and anxiety. butRunning is a kind of exercise that can help people relieve stress and anxiety.. Through running, people can release the negative emotions accumulated in the body, and at the same time, they can promote the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine in the body, thus helping to improve their emotional state and mental health.

Running can make people feel physical strength and self-confidence, which helps to improve people’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Through running, people can gradually improve their running performance and enjoy the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction brought by sports, thus becoming more calm and confident psychologically.

In a word, running can improve people’s physical health, mental health and emotion. Long-term running can make people reflect and think better, gain a deeper understanding and improve their self-awareness and self-management ability.

What do you feel after running? Welcome to share!