Focus Interview 20140322 Slaughter Ski Day Tour



March 22, 19:38


CCTV- News

March 22, 19:38


CCTV- News

March 23, 03:45


CCTV- News

March 23, 05:45


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  CCTV News (Focus Interview): Traveling abroad was met with black guides and forced consumption. These phenomena often appeared in the past, which often turned happiness into disappointment. This phenomenon has decreased since the introduction of the Tourism Law, but it does not mean that it has disappeared.

  There are many advertisements for various ice and snow projects in the central street of Harbin. The Yabuli Ski Resort in shangzhi city is well-known, so it is naturally popular with tourists. However, the quotations of various travel agencies to Yabuli Ski are not quite the same. In Jingu Building on Central Street, a staff member contacted a travel agency, and the other party promised to give preferential prices.

  Travel agency staff said that 160 yuan is a tour fare, including round-trip fare, ski resort tickets and ski equipment, and there is a free lunch at noon, which sounds very cost-effective. What is the actual situation? The reporter decided to experience it for himself.

  According to the agreement, at 5: 45 the next morning, the reporter got on a tourist bus and counted it. There were 23 tourists in the whole group. Yabuli Ski Resort is 197 kilometers away from Harbin, which takes about three hours. After running more than 100 kilometers through the first service area, the tour guide began to speak.

  It turns out that the tour guide said that skiing is only one part of this trip, and there are also two visiting experience activities. But it’s not free. You have to pay out real money.

  Going to Yabuli used to be skiing, but now it is added to visit Linhai Snowfield, go up the mountain to enjoy the snow, and pay 600 yuan money. Most tourists are unwilling to go, and the tour guide mobilizes reluctant tourists again and again.

  In the ice and snow, the coach has run out for more than 100 kilometers. Plus friends and relatives come out together, but also because of the show. In desperation, all the tourists in the car bought a package ticket. If there is not enough cash, the tour guide said that you can draw a card when you get off later.

  There used to be a saying that "you can’t get off when you get on a thief’s boat". It is estimated that this is the feeling of passengers in the car now. According to the Tourism Law, it is forbidden to arrange other paid tours, and even if someone wants to spend money to play, it can’t affect other tourists. However, along the way, one after another, extra projects are said to be voluntary, but it is not easy to say no to play. So what about these projects that have to be played?

  At about nine o’clock in the morning, the coach arrived in Yabuli, and the reporter and tourists got on the horse-drawn sledge and entered the Linhai Xueyuan.

  The pass includes 200 yuan tickets for Linhai Xueyuan, which is described as a fairyland on earth. There are three scenic spots to visit. The first one is to see the three monsters in Northeast China, a slightly decorated earth house of 40 to 50 square meters. Someone is processing a corn cake and selling it on the spot.

  A adobe house and a yard were completed in less than five minutes. Go on for about 100 meters and you will reach the scenic spot of birch forest, which is scattered and uneven on the roadside where the horse-drawn sledge passes. The stay here is shorter, and even after a minute or two, the birch forest is finished.

  People were urged to visit the last place: bandits’ lair. The so-called bandit nest turned out to be a ditch more than ten meters long, covered with trunk and straw. Tugougou was finished in about 30 seconds, and when I was near the exit, I finally saw two scenic spot staff dressed as bandits. It turned out that this was the interaction between bandits and tourists that the tour guide said. Out of the bandits’ nest, I have experienced the three visiting spots in Linhai Xueyuan. Unwilling tourists were overjoyed to see specimens similar to bears, sika deer and wolves on the roadside, and ran over to take pictures as a souvenir, but the words of the driver’s uncle swept everyone away again. The tourist asked if it was made of bearskin. Grandpa said, no, it’s made of paper.

  The tourists visited Linhai Xueyuan in more than half an hour, and took the cable car to Guokui Mountain after lunch at 11 o’clock. Guokui Mountain is more than 1300 meters. The air is fresh and the scenery is really good, but there is no time to stay. Tourists will take a slide car down the mountain after taking a few photos in a hurry. At 12 o’clock, the reporter finally saw the gate of Yabuli Ski Resort. The travel agency said that the tickets and ski gear were included in the paid tour fee, but I didn’t expect that there was still an expense, so please ask the coach.

  Most tourists can’t resist persuasion, so they hire a coach, and the two-hour coach costs 240 yuan. But if you think that everything will be all right after paying this coaching fee, you are wrong.

  The skiing time arranged by the travel agency is from 12 to 2. After the reporter got the ski equipment, dressed neatly, and checked the clothes, it was already 12: 40 when he walked into the ski resort. After the coach explained the essentials, it was almost 1 o’clock, and the reporter finally followed the coach to take the cableway up the mountain. The cableway goes up the mountain and slides down the mountain. It takes beginners more than 20 minutes to get down once. There is not enough time to skate for the second time, so we have to move on the small ramp below. At this time, the coach spoke again.

  The coach’s topic gradually became clear. It turns out that when you hire a coach, you have to pay the ski resort fee and a tip to the coach.

  However, in addition to the previous 240 coach fees, the reporter gave the coach a tip from 200 yuan. Without dressing and undressing, I borrowed my ski gear, and spent about half an hour skiing inside and outside. The coaching fee alone went to 440 yuan, and many other tourists were pestered but gave tips. At 6 o’clock in the evening, the coach returned to Harbin. According to the reporter’s accounting, there are six hours’ drive and one hour’s meal time in 12 hours. It took three hours to visit the scenic spots and climb the mountain. It takes two hours to ski, but it takes only 40 minutes to really stand on the snowy road. In addition to the original tour fee in 160 yuan, I also took out a pass for scenic spots in 600 yuan, a coach fee in 240 yuan and a tip in 200 yuan, and a one-day skiing tour in Yabuli cost a total of 1,200 yuan. Some people who come here for skiing spend more money than journalists.

  Whether forced or semi-forced, hard or soft, it is trying to get you to pay for money for various reasons. Some travel companies and tour guides have made small profits in front of them, but they have smashed the brand of the scenic spot and ruined the reputation of the tourism industry because of small losses. Tourism law stipulates that tourists have the right to know the true situation of tourism products and services; Have the right to choose tourism products and services independently; Have the right to refuse compulsory trading. However, the maintenance of rights requires consumers to be conscious and act, and more importantly, functional departments need to have ways and actions to take the initiative to protect consumers’ rights and interests.