Zhang Xuesong: Culture is not high and low, it can enter the audience’s heart through artistic expression.

Chao News Client Reporter Chen Tangdi

Zhang Xuesong, director of Zhejiang Song and Dance Theatre of Zhejiang Performing Arts Group, was born in 1980s. He became attached to dance at the age of 6, entered an art school at the age of 9, joined the army as a soldier at the age of 14, entered the Dance Academy of Minzu University of China at the age of 16, entered Beijing Modern Dance Company at the age of 20, joined the New Point Dance Workshop under the Singapore Arts Council at the age of 21, joined Zhejiang Song and Dance Theatre at the age of 27, and became a director at the age of 35. She has been in close contact with art for more than 30 years.

During her career as a director, her works have been fruitful: the G20 Summit cultural performance "What I remember most is Hangzhou", the fire collection ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the welcoming ceremony of the Asian Games airport, and the closing ceremony of the Asian Games. It’s hard to imagine that this 85-year-old beauty from Northeast China has so much energy hidden in her body. As one of the three directors among the 22 students of the second batch of "1111" talents for stage art in Zhejiang Province, what are the inspirations and receipts from the tutors’ lectures and the observation of Xi ‘an Art Festival? Let’s listen together.

The first time I saw Zhang Xuesong was in the photo of the tutor of "1111" talents teaching. Her attentive expression in class and confident eyes facing the camera suddenly attracted me. So I looked through the students’ information and Baidu’s information. It turned out that she was a director and also directed the G20 Hangzhou Summit and the closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

During the interview, there was a girl’s hearty voice on the other end of the phone. When asked if she would go to Xi ‘an to watch Zhang Yimou’s play Boundless, she frankly said that she almost didn’t see the performance, but the stage art experience she learned in Xi ‘an benefited a lot.

In Zhang Xuesong’s view, Xi ‘an is a city with a highly developed cultural tourism industry. The stage art works of cultural tourism are everywhere. Those stage plays reflect the history and culture of Xi ‘an all the time and present them to the audience in a visual and artistic three-dimensional way. Whether you are an artistic observer in the spring or an ordinary audience, you can feel the unique local artistic aesthetics and understand the historical and cultural heritage in various works.

For example, in the stage art drama "The Legend of Camel Bell", we dig deep into the traditional culture of the Tang Dynasty, trace the trail of the camel team on the Silk Road, and spread the cultural legend of Xi ‘an’s most glorious historical period with positive energy. "Walking in the city of Xi ‘an, you can always understand the culture of the city of Xi ‘an through these stage plays, and all the stage plays are basically sold out. You can deeply feel that the original culture is not high and low, but it can enter the hearts of the audience through this artistic expression, which has greatly inspired my career. "

At the end of the interview, she said that she was very grateful to the instructor of the "1111" training, which not only helped her learn other art categories, but more importantly, broadened her horizons and opened up other art majors, which benefited a lot from the instructor’s teaching. "Art has no boundaries, and aesthetics is interoperable. In the teaching of these majors, they not only add inspiration to the direction of artistic creation, but also feel their perseverance in art and their state of mind when encountering setbacks and difficulties. "

(Image provided by the respondent)

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