Full of stamina! The new style of Starway Chasing the Wind appeared in 4S shop, and M38T was officially named "Eta Ursae Majoris" in Chinese.

For Chery, Xingtu brand is a second venture. Before that, Ruiqi high-end brand was launched, but it ended in snow storage. For Chery, Xingtu brand, which started a second venture, naturally cannot be allowed to fail. This time, it learned a lesson, took SUV as the breakthrough point, and gradually spread. Although the sales volume was not very bright, it was a step by step to continuously improve the existing models. At the same time, its 2.0 strategy was officially launched. The Atlanti X mass production concept car released at Chengdu Auto Show was M38T.(Pictures and texts shall not be used or reproduced without my permission)

Let’s take a look at the first car you can experience, that is, the brand-new car chasing the wind. The real car that arrived at the store only photographed the front end. Fortunately, the focus of the appearance change is really concentrated on the front end, mainly the front bumper part, which is very close to the grille of the Eta Ursae Majoris production version (that is, the model with the project number M38T), and of course it can’t be completely consistent. After all, chasing the wind is the nature of later follow-up, and Eta Ursae Majoris is the original design. Just chasing the wind means that the production car directly modifies the exterior interior and adds a powertrain, so the listing speed is faster. From this, it is judged that the subsequent Lingyun/Lingyun S and Lanyue may move closer to this style. Of course, this is only a logical judgment based on the unification of family modeling, which does not represent official information.

The interior is very surprising, which is much more eye-catching than the previous test car. The blue, white and black three-color matching scheme is enabled, especially the white part in the middle is very eye-catching. The whole interior is basically the same as that of Tiggo 8Pro and Oumengda except for the steering wheel (exactly the same as that of Eta Ursae Majoris) and the shift interface modification. In addition, the air outlet of the through air conditioner and the trim panel edge of the door buckle are all equipped with orange decorative lines, which makes the whole interior atmosphere look relatively younger.

At the same time, there was also a fully blackened interior. The seat and the auxiliary instrument panel have been able to see the idea of full blackening. At the same time, pay attention to the shape of the chair surface. It is not the version on the previous test car, and it is exactly the same as the new generation of Tiggo 7Plus seats exposed at the Chengdu Auto Show. It seems that this seat will also be fully promoted. Of course, the chair surface itself is slightly different. Personally, consumers can choose all-black and blue-and-white color matching interiors. After all, everyone has different tastes, which does not mean that all-black interiors are available.

There is no suspense in terms of power. At present, there are three fuel versions of 230T(1.5TCI engine), 300T(1.6TGDI deep gantry version) and 400T(2.0TGDI engine) declared in the catalogue. As for whether ET-i will continue on the new model, there is no official hammer at present, so I won’t do too much speculation here. In theory, it should be all switched, and the rest is the official listing time. At present, there is no official information disclosure, but the possibility of this year is very great. Otherwise, it is too early for the real car to appear in the 4S shop (it is stated that this is not a production car to the store, this is the Star Road 4S shop around Wuhu headquarters, which should be passing by).

The line of sight turns back to Chengdu Auto Show. Just a few hours ago, Starway officially released the official Chinese naming of M38T, named "Eta Ursae Majoris", which is the production version of the Eta Ursae Majoris concept car at the Shanghai Auto Show. But to be honest, the difference is too big, so it can only be said that it is a continuation of the naming, and the style still depends on the Atlanti X production concept car unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show. Because the author is not on the scene, I am quite curious why it says "Please pay attention to the appearance in September" on the background screen. It’s already the end of August, so is there any official activity in September? Will the official mass-produced Eta Ursae Majoris model be exposed?

Previously, the CDC adjustable suspension photographed on the data acquisition vehicle of T26 (that is, Tiggo 9) platform was finally officially hammered. Although it was mentioned by M38T, the two platforms shared, and there were spy photos of the real vehicle, it can be confirmed that the follow-up Chery high-end models will follow up one after another, not only the Star Road brand can be used. As for the double hydraulic suspension mentioned later, the entity spy photos were also photographed on the data acquisition vehicle of T26 platform. Combined with the stable handling of the original M3X Pro Mars architecture, Star Road

Another focus is the new generation of power technology. From the perspective of the chassis on the far right, it is obviously a plug-in hybrid version. Indeed, the official information of the plug-in hybrid version and the extended range version was mentioned before the mass production car in Eta Ursae Majoris. It can be clear that the chassis layout is close to that of the Tiggo 8Plus Kunpeng e+, but the size and specifications of the battery pack seem to be expanded, indicating that the pure electric cruising range can be increased further.

After enlarging the picture, there are two pieces of information worthy of attention, all of which are related to the transmission link. The first is the hybrid version, and the effective thermal efficiency exceeds 43% (this part is very important, and many propaganda mentions theoretical thermal efficiency, even 50% of the thermal efficiency dares to shout out, which is really not afraid of the wind). This is obviously for the new plug-in hybrid version, followed by the 3DHT hybrid special transmission. It is mentioned that the power is greater than 165K w and the rim torque is greater than 4000Nm. If nothing else, at least the speculation of 3DTH is correct. Yesterday, I just mentioned the relevant information of Chery’s three 1-speed DHT hybrid special transmissions. At that time, it was analyzed that 3DT may be exclusive to models like Starway, and the cost is slightly higher, but it is consistent with its positioning. It is said that some spare parts manufacturers have been informed that the 1DHT130 transmission may be enabled in the Tiggo 8 series.

The most eye-catching thing is the appearance of the 8AT transmission. Before that, the author only photographed the full moon 8AT test vehicle, and it was filmed once. Later, Chery officially showed the physical prototype of the 8AT, but it is not yet clear whether the 8AT transmission mentioned by Eta Ursae Majoris is self-produced or purchased. The key is that there is no mass production schedule of the 8AT, so we can’t make a corresponding judgment, and we can only wait for the subsequent official to reveal the answer, at least for now.