Do not forget your initiative mind, fighting for the best: exploring new forms of public welfare in the live broadcast industry and transmitting positive energy.

On July 17, 2018, in the high temperature outdoor in Wuhan, Feifei, the anchor of "Betta online celebrity Party Branch", was wearing the scorching sun and high temperature and put on the "super thick equipment" of the workers — — Work clothes, work shoes, safety helmet, gloves, experience the profession of "temporary power repairman", and work with workers to investigate abnormal power consumption and conduct circuit temperature measurement and circuit emergency repair, and experience the hard work of power workers.

Perhaps the workers who are used to sticking to their posts and silently dedicating themselves in the hot sun never thought that their work pictures could be seen and praised by millions of viewers all over the country through the live broadcast platform.

And it is DouYu who truly shows these grass-roots staff’s efforts in front of the public. In order to make the vast number of water friends deeply understand the life of workers in construction sites, public services, cultural propaganda and other industries, and feel the hard working state of personnel in various positions at high temperatures, starting from July 17, "The metamorphosis of betta anchor — — The series of live broadcasts of "Persistence in High Temperature" was launched, and Betta called on the anchor to fully show that workers in various industries still adhered to their posts in high temperature weather, and it was not easy to fight for urban construction and social development, which triggered the viewers’ thinking and spread the positive energy at high temperature.

Betta anchor Ti mo Feng’s live broadcast of "Persistence at High Temperature"

DouYu Platform was established on January 1st, 2014. The platform mainly focuses on live games, covering sports, variety shows, entertainment and other live content. It is committed to bringing joy to everyone, and it is a leader among domestic live sharing websites.

Since its establishment, Betta has always been in Do not forget your initiative mind, and it is the best to practice good. In more than three years of public welfare practice, it has always been at the forefront of the live broadcast industry.

After more than four years of development, Betta has changed from a small startup to an enterprise with the entire live broadcast ecological chain. Betta is increasingly aware that it is not only a live broadcast platform, but also a media communication platform, shouldering the responsibility of spreading positive energy in society. As an industry giant, Betta should lead by example, not only to be a bigger and stronger enterprise, but also to shoulder social responsibilities.

With a large number of young audiences, Betta’s every move in public welfare undertakings can cause a stone to stir up a thousand waves. In order to transmit positive energy to more young people and maximize group advantages, Betta began to try public welfare actions in 2015, creating a new form of "live broadcast+public welfare".

From "institutions do charity" in the former media era to "stars do charity" in the TV era, and then to the live webcast in the Internet era, Betta saw the dawn of "charity for all". At the same time, in order to adapt to social development, Betta constantly challenges itself and opens up new live broadcast fields. Now, Betta is the first live broadcast platform in China to open the positive energy section.

At present, there are 132 authoritative media in the country, and 1340 authoritative media, government officials and public welfare organizations are broadcasting in Betta. The Betta platform has conducted more than 9,400 live broadcasts of positive energy, covering topics such as party building, environmental protection, people’s livelihood, culture and innovation. The cumulative viewing volume exceeded 1.85 billion, and the number of barrage was 963 million. Netizens responded enthusiastically to the live broadcast of positive energy theme.

In addition, Betta also attaches great importance to the promotion of positive energy live broadcast, and fully integrates the platform’s high-quality resources, including the first slide of the station, the banner of Betta video home page, the banner of App side, the focus map of Betta positive energy section, new media and traditional media publicity manuscripts, etc., and carries out positive energy live broadcast on the whole network, reaching more than 1.4 billion people.

On November 8-11, 2017, the New Corps of Hubei Military Region invited DouYu to enter the military camp and broadcast live the training, work and life of more than 600 recruits of the new corps. This is the first series of activities that live broadcast into the military camp in China. Before that, webcasting has never entered the military camp. On August 11th, the peak popularity of Betta live broadcast room reached 5,653,600. In the three days of live broadcast, the cumulative number of hits exceeded 104.22 million, and the cumulative number of barrage reached 45.3649 million. What is even more surprising is that the event was reported by more than 300 websites across the country, with a reprint volume of more than 200,000 times.

Through the sufficient preparation of DouYu’s team in the early stage and the full communication with relevant departments, the activity avoided the risk of entering the military camp for live broadcast. With a reasonable live broadcast form and the first perspective of Betta anchor, the life in the military camp was truly displayed, showing the young people the struggle, unity, blood and friendship of the army. The life in the military camp played a great appeal and appeal to them.

In the later period, Betta also held a number of live broadcast activities into the barracks, and the anchors who participated in the activities were mainly party member of Betta "online celebrity Party Branch". "Directly hit the recruits’ rite of passage — — Online celebrity Party branch entered the military camp activities "and" I was on the scene to prepare for the war — — Activities such as "Entering the Wang Jie Army in the Eastern Theater" and "Entering the Xuefeng Special Operations Brigade of the 76th Army of the Army in the Western Theater" all show the actual combat training scenes and camp life of the soldiers in an all-round way through live broadcasts.

"Prepare for war-I am on the scene-"online celebrity Party Branch entered the military camp series in 2018.

In addition to entering the military camp series, the positive energy section of Betta is full of positive energy everywhere.

In order to care for the growth of hearing-impaired children, Betta held a live broadcast of "Let Love Hear" urban public welfare orienteering in Wuhan, bringing public welfare activities into the competition.

In March, 2018, ten star anchors of DouYu Platform participated in the city orienteering race to raise love funds for a group of poor hearing-impaired students in Wuhan No.1 School for the Deaf to help them realize their dreams for the college entrance examination. During the live broadcast, the anchors constantly called on fans to pay attention to the deaf students in their own cities, and also showed the city appearance of Wuhan during the running process, calling on everyone to enjoy sports fun and feel the charm of the city. The interactive effect of the whole live broadcast was excellent, and the live broadcast screen was constantly screened by fans.

In order to let more people participate in the activities of "advocating science and staying away from cults", DouYu, Wuhan Prevention Office and Municipal Education Bureau jointly launched a series of publicity and education activities of "live broadcast+anti-cults".

On April 16th, 2018, more than sixty primary school students from Xinjian, Shenyang Road and Yiyuan Road in Jiang ‘an District of Wuhan entered the Wuhan Science and Technology Museum to participate in the practice activities with the theme of "advocating science, cherishing life and staying away from cults", which was broadcast live by Lan Panger, the anchor of online celebrity Party Branch of Betta. In the exhibition hall, the narrator introduced the origin of the universe, the formation of the solar system and the evolution of life to the children, and broke the heresy one by one. At the scene, the children also watched popular science musicals and sitcoms, which deepened their understanding of science.

It is reported that the mode of "live broadcast+anti-cult" is also the first in China. As of July 11th, Betta has conducted four live broadcasts, with the cumulative hits of the first three events reaching more than 16 million, and the number of online users watching each live broadcast is stable at more than 300,000.

On February 1, 2018, Zhang Jun, Feng Caihong and others arrived at Guangzhou Railway Station early to wait. Together with the other 1604 Hubei folks in Guangdong, they will take a free "love train" from Guangzhou to Wuchang to go home.

This new year has a special meaning for them. The day before the bus ride, Li Xuan and Yan Yu, anchors of Betta "online celebrity Party Branch", accompanied Zhang Jun and Feng Caihong to pack their bags and go to the shopping mall to buy Spring Festival gifts. The anchors Gina, Jia Huizi and others went to their hometown in Tianmen and Xiantao respectively to accompany their parents to buy new year’s goods and new clothes.

This is DouYu’s activity of "Caring for Homecoming People and Warming the Way Home" specially created for fellow villagers in Hubei. In order to show the working and living conditions of Hubei people who are "living in a foreign land" and to show the new look of the countryside with "rural revitalization" as the starting point, the anchors of Betta Energy "online celebrity Party Branch" have been dispatched one after another to record the living conditions of Hubei fellow villagers in Guangdong, accompany them on their journey home and send New Year greetings to their relatives in their hometown.

At nine o’clock this morning, the train departed from Guangzhou and slowly entered Wuchang Railway Station late at night. After arriving at the station, the anchors sent pillows around the betta fish to the children in the car, and the villagers also sent New Year greetings to the "water friends" in front of the camera. The station is full of laughter and laughter, and the hard work of the past year seems to be gone.

The live broadcast began at 9: 00 am on January 31, 2018 and ended at 1: 52 am on February 2, 2018. It was a 24-hour network+all-media inter-provincial live broadcast, recording the way home of Hubei villagers and going deep into the hometown of migrant workers in Hubei to send New Year greetings to the left-behind elderly.

During the live broadcast of "Warm Home Road", 20 million "water friends" were online in real time, and more than 10,000 netizens barrage. After the event was reported, it was reprinted more than 200 times by websites such as People’s Daily, China Daily and Xinhuanet.

This is not the first time that Betta has helped Spring Festival travel rush.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2017, DouYu and Gaode Map jointly built a live broadcast room in Spring Festival travel rush to provide people with the latest road conditions and travel information in Spring Festival travel rush. On the afternoon of January 21st to 24th, live anchors connected with map technicians and host guests in Gaode, and had a heated interaction with netizens on the latest traffic trends, Spring Festival travel rush road information, travel tips and other contents, which caused many onlookers.

Off-line, the betta anchorperson incarnated as "Shark Man" and shuttled through the train stations in eight major cities, including Beijing, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing and Shanghai, and launched a special trip to Spring Festival travel rush with the theme of "8 cities and 8 stations, fighting fish will send you home happily".

During the event, the anchors actively helped the elderly, the sick and the disabled, and the passengers who carried a lot of luggage alone. At Beijing West Railway Station, an old man who was traveling alone got lost. A "Shark Man" found the old man, took the initiative to pack his luggage, sent him into the station entrance, and gave him a Peking Duck at his own expense.

DouYu not only travels on Spring Festival travel rush Road in major cities, but also sends love to every household in remote areas.

In November 2017, Ye, the outdoor anchor of Betta Fish, walked into Cliff Village, Daliangshan, Sichuan with live broadcast tools, bringing living materials to villagers in poor mountainous areas. Since January 2018, the outdoor anchor "Brothers Company" and his party have visited the lonely elderly and left-behind elderly people in Tongjinpu Nursing Home in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, and sent pigs and sheep, as well as new year’s goods worth 5,000 yuan. The team of food anchor "Deep Mountain Cafe" went into Ya ‘an mountain area of Sichuan with cooking utensils on their backs to cook for the lonely old people in the mountain … …

Betta’s "Warm Home Road" series of public welfare activities has been going on for two years. Whether it is to help passengers at the train station, to prepare new year’s goods for fellow villagers, to accompany them home, or to go into the mountains and cook a New Year’s Eve dinner for the villagers, the anchors use their personal actions to make the New Year more warm and let the public see the power of live public welfare.

From Guangzhou to Wuhan, from Ya ‘an to Zhangjiajie, DouYu broke the geographical and formal restrictions, allowing anchors to bring public welfare content and behaviors to users. At the same time, due to the real-time nature of the live broadcast, the impact of the live broadcast on the audience is very intuitive. Without editing and design, what the audience sees is real public welfare. This form of public welfare is very realistic, which makes good deeds within reach and attracts the participation and interaction of "water friends".

After the "Warm Home Road" series of public welfare activities are broadcast, "water friends" will spontaneously make menus for the anchor, and will also mail materials for the anchor to help donate. Both the platform for fighting fish, the anchor and the participating audience all played their social value in the activity.

In many years of practice, Betta has opened up new ideas, actively used various resources and organized various forms of public welfare activities. Wherever I went, I left many unforgettable memories.

In April 2017, Betta participated in the live webcast of the first large-scale public welfare activity "Love Miles" in China. "Love Miles" is a strategic cooperation activity between China Children’s and Teenagers’ Foundation and China Overseas Chinese Public Welfare Foundation. The activity covers a total distance of 60,000 kilometers and lasts from the day of self-driving to the end of 2017.

The "One Clothes Good" charity project advocated by this activity will bring 7 million donations and 500,000 clothes donated by two foundations, and pass through 28 provinces and 155 cities and regions in China, driving 200,000 caring public welfare people to pass through, and donating clothes and daily necessities worth 20 million yuan to 100,000 poor children and families along the way.

The charity work in the past year has not only tested the ability of Betta’s online live broadcast service, but also provided theoretical basis and rich experience for the live broadcast industry to cooperate with national charity activities in an all-round way. More importantly, during the event, all the rewards and gifts in the live broadcast room were used for charitable donations. Webcast has narrowed the distance between audience and public welfare. Wan Li’s trip is condensed in a small electronic screen, which makes hundreds of millions of live viewers feel the power of public welfare action.

Since May 2017, DouYu and Guangming. com have jointly launched a large-scale series of live broadcast activities of "To Be Intangible, Respect and Ingenuity". This is the first time that the central media joint live broadcast platform has widely spread intangible cultural heritage through live broadcast.

The elite teams of DouYu and Guangming. com went to 22 live broadcast sites in 14 provinces for 3 months, went deep into the birthplace of intangible cultural heritage, visited nearly 30 inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, and launched 30 interactive live broadcasts of intangible cultural heritage. On July 15th, in Beijing Chang ‘an Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, the Costa Rican boy Murray experienced the magical acupuncture skills of China for the first time, and he was amazed. On August 2nd, He Daojun, the inheritor of Qingcheng Wushu, and Xian Zongli, the "Chinese Woman King Kong", displayed the traditional China Wushu on Qingcheng Mountain. On August 9th, in Tengchong, Yunnan, Liu Yongzhou, the inheritor of Tengchong Shadow Play, led the children of Liu Jiaban to show the exquisite shadow play production and performance … …

During the live broadcast, Betta gave full play to the characteristics of large platform traffic, strong interaction and flexible expression, which helped the non-legacy get rid of the consistent impression of "high cold" and was understood by the audience, which also stimulated the young audience’s interest in the protection and inheritance of the non-legacy.

Betta platform integrates all-round advantageous resources such as home page recommendation (pc and mobile phone), channel recommendation, WeChat Weibo, and building customized live broadcast room for promotion. The cumulative number of viewers of 30 intangible live broadcasts reached 30 million, and the highest popularity of many live broadcasts exceeded 100,000. Among them, the cumulative number of viewers in woodblock printing workshops reached 462,000, and that in Guqin production workshops reached 580,000.

In addition to joining forces and jointly launching large-scale live broadcast activities, betta anchors also took action to form teams to explore poetry and distance.

In April 2017, several anchors of Betta established the "Self-rescuer Alliance" to advocate the concept of environmental protection with live broadcast.

The anchors of "Self-help Alliance" first came to beijing happy valley to clean the amusement facilities for Happy Valley and clean up the garbage in the playground. In front of the camera, the anchor called on the audience to start from the little things around them and join the environmental protection action together. The "Self-rescuer Alliance" also visited the nature reserves in Inner Mongolia and Linger County, and broadcasted the real face of this barren and water-deficient land, and how people came up with drought-resistant tricks through wisdom and diligence to save themselves.

The anchors’ self-help actions are, on the one hand, to remind the audience to start with small things and contribute to environmental protection, and on the other hand, to show the inseparable relationship between man and nature. Only when the earth’s resources are protected can mankind have a better living environment and development conditions. In the live broadcast, tens of thousands of people watched online at the same time, and the barrage exploded from time to time, and the screen was full of praise and support.

To the north, DouYu entered Inner Mongolia; To the west, Betta entered Xinjiang.

In September 2017, four betta game anchors, Lu Weiliang and others, formed a "Betta Charity Tour" group and went to Gulahama Township, Qira County, Xinjiang to teach. This is a small town located at the northern foot of Kunlun Mountain and the southern edge of Taklimakan Desert. It takes a whole day to drive from here to Urumqi.

The anchors prepared teaching knowledge such as geography, ocean and computer for the children, and also accompanied the children to play football, tug of war and other interesting activities. After class, the anchors visited local poor families, sat around with farmers and helped them with farm work.

At the same time, 860,000 users watched the live broadcast online. The form of "online celebrity anchor+teaching teacher" also aroused strong repercussions, which made more people know about teaching through the live broadcast platform, encouraged everyone to participate in it, and gave more support to children in remote areas.

Liu Xiaodong, Party Secretary of Qira County Education Bureau, said that this activity is of great significance in terms of social contribution, and expressed the hope that we can continue to build such platforms and organize such activities in the future.

In the first half of 2018, Betta continued to March forward on the road of public welfare.

At the beginning of the year, Betta held live events such as "Warm Home Road";

In March 2018, a series of publicity and education activities of "live broadcast+anti-cult" co-organized by DouYu was held in Wuhan, which will last until February 2019;

In May 2018, three betta anchors participated in and broadcast a 50km stampede in Shanghai, and raised 157,030.76 yuan in creative ways on the way. The money was finally donated in full to Shanghai Lianquan Public Welfare Foundation and publicized;

In July 2018, DouYu joined hands with Dream Guardian, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping children suffering from major diseases, and completed his own musical dream for Xiao Yuxi, a 9-year-old hemophilia child, and recorded his original song "Sunshine"; In addition, "the metamorphosis of betta anchor — — The series of live broadcasts of "Persistence in High Temperature" was also launched in the hot summer, and the contents were divided into four categories, namely, workers in high temperature, public officials in high temperature, cultural workers in high temperature, and love transmission in high temperature.

Now, Betta is preparing to cooperate with the non-profit organization Silent Planet to launch a "Xingbao Food Line" to help autistic children carry out social integration activities and create a live program to show the daily work and dedication of autistic children and autistic workers. In the end, all the proceeds from the live broadcast will be donated to the Bud Miao Fund of the Beijing Disabled Welfare Foundation, which will be used for the rehabilitation and education of autistic children.

No pains, no gains. From the initial attempt of "live broadcast+public welfare" to actively cooperating with various public welfare organizations or spontaneously organizing public welfare activities, Betting Fish has always been in Do not forget your initiative mind.

At present, the public welfare strategy in the CSR (corporate-social-responsibility) of Betta mainly focuses on the field of children’s public welfare, including children’s education and children’s care. At the same time, it also takes into account the development of public welfare fields such as education, poverty alleviation, medical and health care, and environmental welfare. Because of the younger nature of the betta platform itself, betta will make more efforts in the field of children and help the future generation grow up healthily with its own strength.

In the second half of 2018, Betta tried to create some long-term public welfare activities, and directly funded public welfare projects through the communication and profitability of the live broadcast.

Betta dares to try different kinds of public welfare activities and public welfare forms, hoping to become a leading enterprise in the live broadcast industry to implement CSR, and promote the social responsibility of the whole live broadcast industry, give play to the advantages of "live broadcast+public welfare" and "live broadcast +N" and work hard for social progress.