The Ministry of Education regulates the practice in colleges and universities: students shall not be arranged to practice in entertainment places.

  BEIJING, July 30 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Education, recently, the Ministry of Education issued opinions on strengthening and standardizing the internship management of ordinary undergraduate colleges. The opinions pointed out that universities and internship enterprises should provide students with necessary conditions and a safe and healthy environment. Students should not be arranged to practice in entertainment places, and they should not charge students fees in violation of regulations, and they should not detain their property and certificates.

  In recent years, with the joint efforts of universities, government agencies, enterprises, institutions and social organizations, the integration of Industry-University-Research has been deepened, and the internship of college students has been carried out steadily and the quality has been improved steadily. At the same time, some colleges and universities still pay insufficient attention to practice, insufficient investment in practice funds, irregular practice base construction and inadequate practice organization and management, which affect the overall improvement of talent training quality to some extent. In order to further improve the quality of practice and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students, schools and practice units, the Ministry of Education put forward relevant opinions on strengthening and standardizing the practice management of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities.

  The opinion mentioned that it is necessary to fully understand the significance of internship and accurately grasp the requirements of internship in the new era.

  In addition, the opinion said that the internship teaching arrangement should be standardized from four aspects. First, strengthen the construction of practice teaching system; The second is to arrange the organization form of internship reasonably; Third, scientifically formulate the internship program; The fourth is to choose a good practice instructor.

  The opinion also pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the organization and management of internship. Colleges and universities should work out internship plans together with internship units, clarify internship objectives, tasks, assessment standards, etc., and jointly organize and implement student internships. Practice instructors should do a good job in training students, track and guide students’ internship on the spot, check students’ internship, deal with problems in practice in time, and do a good job in internship assessment. It is strictly forbidden to entrust intermediary agencies or individuals to organize and manage students’ internship on their behalf.

  According to the opinion, colleges and universities should conduct on-the-spot investigation and evaluation before determining the internship unit, and after determining that the internship conditions are met, they should sign a cooperation agreement with the internship unit to clarify the rights, obligations and management responsibilities of both parties. If the cooperation agreement is not signed according to the regulations, no student internship may be arranged.

  The opinion also said that it is necessary to strengthen the management of student education. Colleges and universities should do a good job in safety and discipline education and daily management of students. Practice units should do a good job in students’ safety production and professional ethics education. Students should respect the practice instructors and on-site technicians, abide by the rules and regulations and labor discipline of the school and the practice unit, keep the secrets of the practice unit, and obey the on-site education management.

  At the same time, we should do a good job in protecting students’ rights and interests. Colleges and practice enterprises should provide students with necessary conditions and a safe and healthy environment, and may not arrange students to practice in entertainment places, charge students fees in violation of regulations, or detain students’ property and certificates. Before the internship, colleges and universities should buy internship liability insurance or personal injury accident insurance for students.

  In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the management of on-the-job and on-the-job practice. On-the-job and on-the-job practice is an essential practical link to cultivate applied talents, and all colleges and universities should organize it scientifically and implement it according to law. Strictly sign the internship agreement among schools, internship units and students, and clarify their respective rights, obligations and responsibilities. Strictly abide by the regulations on working hours, rest and vacation. Unless there are special requirements for clinical medicine and other related majors and internship positions, the working hours shall not exceed 8 hours per day and 44 hours per week, and overtime and night shifts shall not be arranged. In order to protect the rights and interests of internship students to obtain reasonable remuneration, the labor remuneration shall not be lower than 80% of the salary standard for probation period of the same post in principle. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, students under the age of 16 may not be arranged for internship.

  The opinion also mentioned that it is necessary to improve the work responsibility system and strengthen the construction of practice bases. Colleges and universities should continuously deepen the integration of production and education, vigorously promote the construction of practice bases, and encourage the construction of comprehensive, open and shared practice bases that meet the needs of multi-disciplinary practice. Support qualified provincial education administrative departments and universities to strengthen the construction of internship information, establish an internship information management platform, realize the docking of internship demand information between schools and enterprises, and strengthen the whole process management of internship. Support colleges and universities to strengthen the application of modern information technology and virtual simulation technology in practice, and encourage the development of corresponding virtual simulation projects to replace on-site practice that cannot be carried out due to factors such as production technology and technological process.

  The opinion also pointed out that colleges and universities should increase the input of internship funds to ensure the basic needs of internship. We should actively strive for the support of internship units, reduce the cost of internship and ensure the quality of internship.

  Finally, the opinion emphasizes strengthening the supervision of internship work: the provincial education administrative department should strengthen the supervision of internship work in colleges and universities, focusing on monitoring whether the internship links in the undergraduate training program are scientific and reasonable, whether the internship organization and management are standardized, whether the safety and legitimate rights and interests of students are guaranteed, whether the internship funds are sufficient, and whether the internship effect reaches the predetermined goal. Commend universities with solid internship work and remarkable achievements in internship teaching reform and research. Investigate and deal with violations in the internship process in a timely manner. For schools and places with poor supervision, frequent problems and strong social repercussions, it is necessary to interview relevant responsible persons, urge them to implement the main responsibility, and conduct informed criticism within a certain range.