"Cloud Life" electronic products such as tablet computers and notebook computers sell well.

Zhang Xinxin, a student from Wenquan Village, Andi Town, yinan county City, Linyi City, Shandong Province, has a difficult family life. He used to need to borrow someone else’s mobile phone to attend the "air class" offered by the school. The picture shows a volunteer from yinan county Da Ai Yimeng Volunteer Service Team (right) sending a tablet computer to Zhang Xinxin and teaching her how to use it. Photo by Du Yubao (People’s Vision)

Students are reading personalized books recommended by e-readers. Photo by Shi Yalei (people’s picture)

  The COVID-19 epidemic has had a great impact on consumption in China in the first quarter of this year. The data shows that from January to February, the total retail sales of consumer goods nationwide decreased by 20.5% year-on-year. However, in the "home" life and "cloud" life, the sales of some consumer electronic products have increased against the trend, which has become a bright color when consumption is cold in the short term. Green consumer products represented by electronic products are helping to boost consumption and consumption upgrading.

  Electronic products sell well against the trend

  "Kindle reader, Bluetooth speaker … …” Zach Li, an engineer working in Beijing, found that he spent the most on electronic products besides daily necessities such as rice, oil and salt.

  "Reading, games and music are all long-term learning and entertainment activities for epidemic prevention at home, and these electronic products make it long and boring ‘ Zhai ’ Life adds interest. " Zach Li said.

  When consumption was cold due to the epidemic, "cloud life" drove the sales of some consumer electronic products to increase greatly, and the supply of emerging products continued to increase, allowing many new formats to develop against the trend.

  Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that from January to February this year, the demand for electronic products such as 3D printing equipment, smart watches and smart bracelets increased rapidly, and the output increased significantly year-on-year, with growth rates of 101.0%, 119.7% and 45.1% respectively. The growth momentum of emerging kinetic energy has not changed.

  On several major e-commerce platforms, the sales of electronic products have also increased. In February, notebook computers, tablet computers, printers and smart cameras became hot items on e-commerce platforms such as Suning.cn and JD.COM, and some products were even out of stock. Perhaps it is precisely because of the new consumer demand generated by the epidemic that many consumer electronics companies choose to release their new products in the near future. Among them, Apple recently launched a new tablet iPad Pro and computer Macbook Air, which received wide attention.

  Smartphones hit bottom and rebounded.

  The situation of epidemic prevention and control in China continues to improve, and the consumer market is recovering with the warm spring. At the same time, related enterprises have also actively launched "self-help".

  In the field of smart phones, the rebound and recovery of consumption are more obvious. Previously, affected by the epidemic, many mobile phone manufacturers closed their factories, and normal mobile phone production could not be guaranteed. Under the background of the whole society’s resumption of work and production, the mobile phone industry is increasing its productivity, and the output is gradually approaching the normal level. Recently, many mobile phone manufacturers, such as Huawei, have said that they are fully restoring the supply chain to ensure market supply.

  A person in charge of a mobile phone manufacturer said that from the sales performance at the beginning of March, the sales volume of smart phones in China has approached or even exceeded the same period last year. Industry insiders predict that the domestic 5G smartphone market is expected to resume its growth momentum in the second quarter of this year.

  While increasing horsepower to ensure production, the release of new machines by major manufacturers has also been carried out one after another. Since late February, the listing speed of new 5G mobile phones has obviously accelerated. According to the data of China Information and Communication Research Institute, there were 16 new models listed in February this year, including 11 5G mobile phones. Recently, Huawei held an online conference to release three P40 series mobile phones to the world — — P40, P40 Pro and P40 Pro+. It is worth mentioning that this model is equipped with the HMS Apps terminal cloud service ecosystem independently developed by Huawei.

  Experts said that in the fields covered by "new infrastructure", 5G is considered to be the top priority, and the industrial chain extended by 5G will also be rapidly driven. Thanks to the acceleration of "new infrastructure", the construction of 5G infrastructure and the improvement of 5G communication environment will further stimulate the recovery of the industry and promote the arrival of the "replacement tide" of 5G mobile phones.

  Create a new consumption format

  In order to better release the new consumption potential, in recent days, the central and local governments have successively introduced a series of measures to promote consumption to promote consumption in electronic products and other fields.

  A few days ago, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 23 departments jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Consumption Expansion and Upgrading to Accelerate the Formation of a Strong Domestic Market", increased support for electronic products and other fields, and proposed to encourage green smart consumption, accelerate the improvement of recycling networks in the fields of home appliances and consumer electronic products, and encourage enterprises to use technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to promote the intelligent upgrading of various electronic products.

  At the same time, many governments have accelerated the introduction of preferential measures to encourage green and smart consumption and promote product upgrading through measures such as issuing consumer subsidies and replacing old electronic products with new ones. Many e-commerce platforms have also launched promotional activities such as home appliances and electronic products.

  Experts said that in this COVID-19 epidemic, new consumption formats and new consumption models represented by electronic products showed strong growth potential. With the progress of science and technology and the acceleration of the updating of consumption concepts, the upgrading and intelligent upgrading of electronic consumer goods and other products will enter a fast-paced stage. How to cultivate and grow the new consumption and upgrading consumption power generated by the epidemic, and how to realize the long-term development of short-term products is a new test faced by the government and enterprises, which is of great significance for stimulating the formation of new kinetic energy and promoting steady economic growth.