Online games are addictive and forced to chat naked … The safety of online use for teenagers’ holidays deserves attention.

  The safety of teenagers’ holiday internet is worthy of attention.

  Our reporter Zhou Xiaopeng

  With good results in the senior high school entrance examination, Xiao Zhang, who lives in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, was successfully admitted to the target high school, but before long, this joy was replaced by constant quarrels between him and his mother. In the mother’s view, during the holiday, Xiao Zhang was either a computer or a mobile phone every day, and spent too much time indulging in the Internet. Xiao Zhang, on the other hand, is quite opposed to this: I finally have a holiday to relax, so why can’t I play more mobile phones and games?

  In fact, for this generation of teenagers who were born with a mouse and grew up with their mobile phones, the internet has become an indispensable part of their lives, especially when they enter the holidays, and the time spent touching the internet has increased greatly, making it easier for them to indulge in the internet and cannot extricate themselves. In addition, because teenagers generally lack social experience and don’t know how to protect personal privacy, they are more vulnerable to bad information, online fraud and even illegal acts on the Internet.

  Experts told the "Legal Daily" reporter that when children enter the holiday "mode", they can spend more time online and relax their entertainment appropriately, but they must make reasonable plans and not be "cyber slaves". Schools and parents should actively guide teenagers to surf the Internet healthily, so as to use the Internet safely, in a civilized and healthy way.

  Prevent online game addiction

  Looking up at the computer, looking down at the mobile phone, regardless, playing games all night, this is a true portrayal of many teenagers’ holiday life. In June 2018, online game addiction was officially declared as a mental illness by UNESCO. Statistics show that teenagers between the ages of 12 and 16 are high-risk groups of Internet addiction. The proportion of global teenagers who are over-reliant on the Internet is 6%, and the proportion in China is close to 10%.

  When he noticed this data, Zhang Rucai, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, was really shocked. "The bad content of online games is imperceptibly affecting teenagers." Zhang Rucai told reporters that the development and operators of online games only seek to maximize economic benefits, which has caused unhealthy online games to become a public hazard that destroys the physical and mental health of young people.

  In 2018, Zhang Qingbin, a representative of the National People’s Congress, received a petition signed by many parents on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, calling for legislation to save many children, which made him systematically pay attention to the problem of teenagers indulging in online games. Zhang Qingbin said that he really felt the seriousness of this problem in his hometown in rural areas. "Many teenagers drop out of school early because they are addicted to online games and become idlers. There are also many teenagers who have all kinds of psychological problems and even make some excessive behaviors because they are addicted to online games." As a result, Zhang Qingbin launched research, went deep into schools and communities to listen to the voices of the masses, and consulted with departments such as culture and online information to understand the situation. "Many online games design various links according to people’s psychological needs, and induce players to fall into addiction layer by layer, which is difficult to resist the temptation for teenagers’ immature psychology." Zhang Qingbin said.

  In medicine, internet addiction is a clear concept, which usually refers to indulging in online games. When online games are stopped, withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and sadness appear. Lose interest in other hobbies before, even if you understand the impact of the game on yourself, you still focus on the game; Use online games to escape or relieve negative mood.

  In the view of Xiao Zhang’s mother, Xiao Zhang has already had some symptoms of Internet addiction. "The child’s addiction to the Internet not only leads to the damage of the parent-child relationship, but also aggravates the parent-child conflict. More seriously, his daily life rules are completely broken, and he is afraid that a holiday will cause him various psychological obstacles." Xiao Zhang’s mother said.

  Beware of illegal network infringement

  "Can you send me a nude photo of your bust? I promise to treasure it myself and not let others see it." Last winter vacation, Xiaomei (a pseudonym), a 14-year-old junior high school student, met a small town (a pseudonym) who claimed to be 15 years old on a short video App. After the two sides closed each other, the exchange was transferred to QQ. Just after half a month of understanding, the town made such a request to Xiaomei for the first time.

  Although she was worried, Xiaomei agreed to the other party’s request, and this became the beginning of a nightmare. Since then, the town has been making unreasonable demands, from naked photos to naked videos, and the original pleading has also become a threat.

  Xiaomei’s reticence and trance made her mother discover the clue. After repeated questioning by her mother, she confessed everything, and Xiaomei’s parents immediately called the police. The police of the Criminal Police Brigade of Qiaoxi Public Security Bureau in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, who was in charge of the case, launched an investigation through the QQ number of the suspect and quickly locked the suspect Yang and arrested him.

  The police found out that Xiaomei’s so-called friend town was completely fictional by Yang, and the school, information and photos were all false. Yang’s real identity was from Tianjin, born in 1978, married and had a criminal record of theft. Yang often chats through various online social software and chooses a minor like Xiaomei to cajole and threaten, and Xiaomei is not his only chat object. At the end of March this year, Yang was prosecuted by the People’s Procuratorate of qiaoxi district, Zhangjiakou City for allegedly molesting minors.

  "It is best for minors not to make friends online." In the preliminary investigation, faced with the interrogation of the prosecutor of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, who was in charge of the case, Yang confessed his illegal behavior, and also said that minors should take warning. On June 12, the court made a first-instance judgment, and the defendant Yang was convicted of child molestation and sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

  Not only that, because teenagers’ physical and mental development is not fully mature, their vigilance is low, and they are easy to trust others, so they can easily become "things in the bag" of cyber criminals. In addition to browsing unhealthy web pages and contacting bad information on the Internet, all kinds of fraud such as false enrollment, part-time job, recruitment, etc. often target at the student group. For example, defrauding the client’s funds in the name of online billing is a common online fraud method used by scammers during the summer vacation. In fact, these fraudulent means are not novel, but they have long appeared in holidays, and students are deceived every year.

  "Don’t click on pop-ups and unknown links that appear in the process of surfing the Internet at will. You should be vigilant when making friends online, don’t expose your own and others’ private information, don’t threaten, insult or slander others on social platforms, don’t make or spread unconfirmed information, and stay calm and confident when encountering cyber bullying, and communicate with teachers or parents in time … … These should be common sense when teenagers touch the net. " Zhang Qingbin said.

  Guide children to use the net safely.

  Wu Guiping, chief of juvenile criminal prosecution department of qiaoxi district Procuratorate in Zhangjiakou City, said that Internet social interaction is widely used now. As parents, they should pay more attention to their children’s mental state and make friends, and make timely safety education, let them know the uncertainty of online friends through equal communication, and tell their children the principles of making friends in the virtual world. If you don’t tell each other your real identity information easily, you can’t send photos and videos involving privacy to each other.

  "Parents should also consider the psychology of adolescents. They are no longer satisfied with their parents’ care and love, but have more needs to communicate with others. I hope that friends with similar aspirations and interests can’t blindly suppress this desire to make friends. We must correctly guide and help them and inform them of the bottom line and principles of communication." Wu Guiping said frankly.

  In fact, the network security literacy level of minors is closely related to personal personality factors, family factors and school environment. In addition to preventing internet addiction and using the internet scientifically and rationally, protecting personal information, spreading positive values, not believing in rumors and not spreading rumors should also become the proper meaning of safety education for minors using the internet. In this regard, both family education and school education should actively make up a lesson.

  According to Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education, minors have realized the convenience of the Internet early, but they have no independent ability, which is the main reason for Internet addiction. "For parents, it is necessary to give their children a sense of rhythm in regulating the use of the Internet, such as giving them a fixed time to browse the Internet every day and giving guidance to what they browse, so that they can form their own ability to plan their lives as soon as possible." Chu Zhaohui said.

  Chu Zhaohui believes that at present, in most primary and secondary schools, mobile phones are forbidden to be brought into the campus. How to spend their spare time and holidays is a test for students and parents. "Some parents will regard mobile games as a reward for their children. I think this is a misunderstanding. It is very important to enhance children’s autonomy and enrich their lives. "

  At this year’s National People’s Congress, Zhang Rucai and Zhang Qingbin both put forward suggestions on strengthening the management of online games and legislating as soon as possible, and suggested that the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) should introduce the online game management system to protect teenagers’ physical and mental health, the network protection law for minors and other relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible.

  "It is necessary to strengthen government supervision, improve the online game real-name authentication system, and purify the online game content and network environment." Zhang Qingbin said that we can learn from the examination and approval system for film and television works, strictly examine and approve online games, and at the same time introduce functions such as "face-brushing camera" to prevent registered users who do not match their actual identities from logging in.

  Relevant experts pointed out that during holidays, parents should guide their children to establish correct network values and teach them to learn the behavior of using the internet safely. Parents and children can discuss and formulate mutually acceptable online time, which will not affect their daily life and rest, so as to establish a good time concept; Parents should pay more attention to their children’s online process, listen more and admonish less, avoid damaging the parent-child relationship with critical words, spend time with their children, and cultivate their interest in the real world, instead of focusing on the virtual online world.