Starway Eta Ursae Majoris goes to sea and goes to the west. High-end intelligence goes to the world | Steam cover

Steam potential Auto-First| Zhang Chi

History is a cycle. Zheng He’s voyage to the Western Ocean 600 years ago opened China’s eyes to the world and made the world know about China. Today, 600 years later, many industries in China have started a brand-new "voyage to the West".

For most of the past century, cars have been imported, and China people can only look up and follow them.

Taking the automobile industry revolution led by new energy and intelligence as an opportunity, China brand cars have an excellent time to change lanes and overtake.

In the first quarter of this year, China’s total automobile export volume reached a new high, surpassing Germany and Japan, and became the world’s first in export.

Chery, as a leader in China’s automobile export, recently created the column "See the World with Eta Ursae Majoris" by its high-end brand Xingtu, which made more overseas consumers know about China automobile and raised a strong sense of national pride in China people’s hearts. This overseas column created by Starway has created many firsts of the brand: driving a Chinese blue brand vehicle in the Middle East for the first time; The first China international live broadcast; The first outdoor international broadcast of Gobi Desert; The first outdoor international live broadcast of Kuwait Sea.

At present, the total exposure of the project has reached more than 900 million times, attracting more than 16 million user interactions, setting off a car boom in China overseas, and the charm of intelligent manufacturing in China has been greatly demonstrated.

Starway takes the domestic market as the cornerstone and the international market as the transition. The two main lines fight side by side, and the two potential energies empower each other. With the multi-dimensional cooperation of market and brand, it will create a different road for China brand to rise.

Change lanes, overtake and sail out to sea.

In the future, China brand will definitely be born into a world-class automobile brand, and this idea has sprouted in the minds of China autobots.

China brand cars have never stopped exploring the sea and brand promotion, and have made many rounds of attempts. It is common for them to fail and hit a wall.

The automobile industry chain and intelligent manufacturing system, which grew up with the automobile market in China, nourished the automobile brands in China. In 2023, the watershed event of China automobile going overseas has appeared. I still remember that the shock of 2,000 overseas friends and dealers gathered at the Chery booth at the Shanghai Auto Show in April showed Chery’s outstanding performance and strong atmosphere in overseas markets, and it was also a prelude for China automobile to become a world-class brand.

Why can China become the largest automobile exporter today, and China brand cars can be sold for more than 400,000 yuan? What is the logic behind it?

China brand has obvious advantages in new energy and intelligence at the time of new energy transformation and profound changes in the automobile industry. The market share of China brand in China market is over 50%, and the new energy penetration rate of autonomous passenger cars is also over 50%. In many market segments, China brand cars have begun to become the leader.

In 1908, Ford Model T led the first automobile industry revolution, and then Toyota’s lean production promoted the second automobile industry revolution. The third industrial revolution is already on the way.

In the global automobile industry chain, China brand has been doing dirty work for too long, and needs to share more harvest fruits. The revolution of the automobile industry will be an excellent time to reshuffle the cards and upgrade the brand of China.

Eta Ursae Majoris was born at the right time.

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Group, once compared Chery to Volkswagen and Starway to Audi. Yin Tongyue said: "Xingtu is the pinnacle of the brand pyramid of Chery Group, and it is a global high-end strategic brand of Chery facing the future layout. It must be duty-bound to lead Chery’s mission of technological breakthrough and brand promotion".

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is the first strategic product in Starway Development Phase 2.0, which bears the heavy responsibility of "market breakthrough, user breakthrough and brand breakthrough".

In fact, China’s automobile market is diversified, and the barrier for consumers to choose independent high-end products has gradually broken the ice. Behind it is the real improvement of the quality of China brand automobile products. More importantly, in terms of design, configuration and intelligence, China brand has crushed the joint venture brand. Even though the price has gone up, it still has a super high quality-price ratio.

Pre-sale in Eta Ursae Majoris is a highlight moment, with 12,900 pre-sale orders and 5,118 large users in a short time. Up to now, in Eta Ursae Majoris’s sales structure, four-wheel drive models account for 64%, which is the best-selling China car in the four-wheel drive version within 200,000 yuan, which further robs the joint venture brand of the right to speak on four-wheel drive pricing. Moreover, the portrait of users in Eta Ursae Majoris has also ushered in an upward leap, accounting for more than 70% of the purchases, more than half of which are joint venture luxury users, and 9% of users once owned BBA. These data indicate that there are a group of people in the market who dare to break the inherent cognition, be good at thinking and have the courage to choose China products, which is also an important foundation for Star Road and even China brand to form market breakthroughs and user breakthroughs.

Chery is partial to Starway, and all new technologies are the first to bring it. Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is the first product of Eta Ursae Majoris 2025 Laboratory’s scientific research achievements. It was born in M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, which won the special award of the third China Automobile Fengyun Festival by China Radio and Television General Station. It is the first product of this architecture and the first product put into production by a brand-new smart factory. Of course, Eta Ursae Majoris has lived up to expectations. It is a car with the brand positioning of "smart, trendy and energetic", which will effectively promote the landing of brand image and form a brand breakthrough.

150,000-200,000 yuan, the market is full of water and fish.

In addition to its excellent technology, it enjoys the advantage of equal rights in technology. In fact, Eta Ursae Majoris’s domestic traditional energy passenger car market of 150,000-200,000 yuan is the second market segment. Among them, there are many well-known mainstream joint venture brands such as Tiguan L and CRV. Some people will say, why is Starway wrestling with them?

Design is the translator of the brand, and Starway Eta Ursae Majoris won the 16th American IDA Design Gold Award for its excellent appearance interpretation. IDA International Design Award is one of the four top industrial design awards in the world. In recent two years, the models that have the chance to win IDA Gold Award in the automobile field are basically ultra-luxury brands, and Starway can win the award of changing items, which represents the real rise of automobile design in China.

In fact, Starway has surpassed many joint venture brands in the sense of new energy in appearance, exquisite interior and driving quality of chassis. The flying fish super-sensing chassis adopted by it combines a series of advanced equipment, such as CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft Stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, intelligent brake-by-wire system, freewheeling steering system, etc. Many technologies are also difficult to see on 400,000-class vehicles. This chassis has truly achieved the luxury driving control quality of "starting without looking up, braking without nodding, turning without tilting, bumping without sprinkling water". In addition, with the functions of all-terrain technology system and all-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system, the vehicle’s passability and ability to get rid of difficulties are ahead of the same level.

Moreover, 200,000 yuan can enjoy the co-driver’s queen’s seat, L2 driver’s assistance, Sony stereo and Qualcomm 8155 chip configuration, which is unimaginable in joint venture brands. With the luxury quality of 400,000 yuan, Eta Ursae Majoris launched a "luxury equal rights" campaign for 200,000 yuan SUVs on the market, which is the most cost-effective SUV within 200,000 yuan.

The sense of value is universal. Starway is replacing BBA in some overseas markets, and even "BBE" in some countries. Starway is one of the rare China brands whose overseas sales and prices are higher than domestic ones, and their excellent performance is positively affecting the cognition of domestic consumers. As the cornerstone of sales, domestic sales have made the star road stable and far-reaching. At present, Xingtu brand has formed a positive cycle, and it is forming a unique high-end model of its own brand through the efforts of domestic and international dual markets to build a brand upward.

Concept of steam potential: Eta Ursae Majoris’s domestic and international dual kinetic energy has gradually become a new trend

Farmers who are simple and lack of ability will not lose their time in the world, and they will not lose their geographical position in the world. They will get people in harmony and never waste everything. 2,300 years ago, Xunzi, a great Chinese philosopher, told us that it is necessary to make the best use of the right time, the right place and the right people in order to succeed in business. China’s automobile brand is facing a golden opportunity of "harmony between the right time and the right people".

If China brand tried many rounds of brand promotion more than ten years ago, and even went out and hit a wall, it was a tuition fee that had to be paid. Then Eta Ursae Majoris’s voyage to the sea is more like Zheng He’s taking China’s tea and porcelain to other parts of the world 600 years ago, so that the world can appreciate China’s manufacturing and another understanding of automobiles. Eta Ursae Majoris and even Xingtu brand, driven by the dual kinetic energy of domestic and international markets, is becoming a new fashion of China brand cars.