Wang Xin’s career and love have a double harvest! Get Ma Kui’s approval and capture Merry ma’s heart!

Before the Spring Festival, "Coming from South to North" was on the air.
Xiaoqi plays with his family every day.
It is simply a necessary entertainment link for the Spring Festival.
The train and the interesting things in the courtyard were staged one after another, and the atmosphere was full of family fun.
It really adds a lot of happiness to the New Year.
After the new year, "going south and going north" also ushered in a new atmosphere.
All staff have a new look, and each has its own new breakthrough.
Let Xiaoqi show you a new scene of prosperity in the compound!
Remember Wang Xin (Bai Jingting) and Ma Kui (Ding Yongdai)
Was it incompatible when we first met?
Today’s Wang Xin is growing up in setbacks.
He is no longer an afterlife who talks about "the little gun king of the police academy"
He took master’s words to heart.
Think again and again when you encounter problems.
After making a mistake and being transferred, Wang Xin stopped acting rashly.
Several cases, large and small, have been cracked in succession.
This is different from the past
Today’s Wang Xin deserves this big red flower.
Won the recognition of Ma Kui.
Also won the heart of Merry ma (Gina)
How can Ma Kui, as a master, lag behind his disciples?
The original Ma Kui was strict father, a strict teacher.
I don’t know much about how to get along with my family
Under the warmth of the closest relatives.
Ma Kui seemed to turn on the tender feelings switch.
Although the mouth is still hard, but the soft heart has overflowed the screen.
He took the initiative to visit Wang Xin at Hongyang Station.
Take Merry ma to buy high heels and try them on for her.
The Relationship among Wang Xin, Ma Kui and Merry ma
Is getting closer and closer.
Encouraged by the growth of both boyfriend and father,
Merry ma also found a new direction of love and career.
Once, her love was hard to open in my heart.
Watching a sweetheart fall in love will only sulk.
Today’s Merry ma has a delicate mind
Take the initiative to help Wang Xin and Ma Kui break the ice
After understanding one’s own mind
She took the initiative to visit Wang Xin in Hongyang.
The relationship between the two is heating up rapidly.
No more guessing each other’s minds
See others doing small business.
Merry ma also wants to do business in the sea.
Start with a stall and accumulate little by little.
Can Ma Yan make a career?
We can look forward to it
"Going from south to north" is a new atmosphere in the new year, and the compound also welcomes new people
Niu Dali (Liu Guanlin), who pursues love with brute force, has made rapid progress in her feelings.
Pulling Yao Yuling (Jiang Yan) to push up the car of love.
It’s just that Yuling is always uncertain about Yao, and seems to have other choices.
With the concerted efforts of Qi Xin from all the people in the compound.
Cai Xiaonian (Song Jiateng) successfully married his wife.
In a happy place, the Cai family is also happy.
A guest from Harbin, Jia Jinlong (Li Naiwen), also came to the compound.
Woolen coat and small leather shoes, handsome and full of praise.
When Jinlong Yuling met under the cherry tree, it seemed like an idol drama.
The relationship between these two people seems very unusual? !
Ma Kui’s old friend visited.
Lili (Rain Wang), the daughter of an old friend, also lives in Ma’s house.
As soon as they met, Merry ma and Lili got along like sisters.
The two girls are stubborn and obedient, which makes people curious.
Can Lili blend into Ma’s family smoothly?
Can Ma Kui’s bowl of water be leveled?
The newcomers in the compound are wave after wave.
Everyone smiles and is very lively.
Wang Xin, Ma Kui, Merry ma and others also ushered in new challenges.
The train was shocked by the case of dismemberment, and Wang Xin and Ma Kui jointly investigated it.
Wang Xin and Merry ma have increasingly clear feelings.
Can they get Ma Kui’s permission?
The excitement of "going north and south" continues.
Meet you at iQiyi at 19:30 every day on time.