Official announcement! Closed on New Year’s Eve; Ask M9 to go public! It will definitely break 10,000 vehicles; "science and technology innovation board first case" reconciliation! Investors were comp


On December 26th, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and North Stock Exchange announced the arrangement of closing for some holidays in 2024, and closed on New Year’s Eve.It will be closed from Friday, February 9 to Saturday, February 17, and will open as usual from Monday, February 19. In addition, February 4 (Sunday) and February 18 (Sunday) are closed for the weekend.

On December 26th, Huawei officially released the M9, with a starting price of 469,800 vehicles and a top allocation of 569,800 yuan.Yu Chengdong said that the M9 is "the best SUV within 10 million yuan and the most powerful SUV that can be seen on the road". On that day,Huawei officially announced: "After two hours on the market, the M9 will definitely break 10,000 units".

Investors v. Zeda Yisheng (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd. and 12 defendants, including controllers, senior executives and intermediaries, were settled by mediation.As a case involving listed companies in science and technology innovation board, the total amount of compensation in this case is more than 280 million yuan, of which the maximum compensation for a single investor is more than 5 million yuan, and the average compensation for investors is 38,900 yuan.

Tianyuecha App shows thatRecently, Wang Xiaofei added a piece of information about the person to be executed, with an execution target of 7.48 million yuan.According to the risk information, Wang Xiaofei’s shares of 9.2 million yuan, 3.47 million yuan and 200,000 yuan in Herunlin (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd., Beijing Hezun Real Estate Co., Ltd. and Beijing Xiaowangma Liuji Culture and Technology Development Co., Ltd. have been frozen by the Beijing No.3 Intermediate People’s Court.

International oil prices rose sharply.WTI February crude oil futures closed up 2.73% at $75.57/barrel; Brent February crude oil futures closed up 2.53% to $81.07/barrel.

macroscopic view

On December 26, the National Audit Office released the 2022 annual audit rectification report, which showed thatBy the end of September, 2023, relevant localities, departments and units had rectified more than 957 billion yuan, formulated and improved more than 1,600 rules and regulations, and held more than 2,540 people accountable.

On December 26th, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce issued the Opinions on Supporting Special Measures to Relax Market Access in Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone. It mentioned:Fully serve the financing needs of innovative resources in Macao; Encourage the research and development and production of traditional Chinese medicine preparations in Macao medical institutions in Guangdong and Macao medical institutions.

Li Chunlin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said on the 26th that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will focus on four aspects:Study and improve the top-level design of the market access system, continue to promote the relaxation of access to new formats and new fields, continue to carry out the collection and notification of cases that violate the negative list of market access, and promote the full coverage of market access effectiveness evaluation.

The central bank conducted a 7-day reverse repurchase operation of 383 billion yuan on the 26th, and the winning bid rate was 1.80%, which was the same as before.A 14-day reverse repurchase operation of 85 billion yuan was carried out, and the winning bid rate was 1.95%, which was the same as before. Due to the expiration of the 7-day reverse repurchase of 119 billion yuan on that day, the net investment was 349 billion yuan.

On December 26th, the Ministry of Commerce announced that in 2024, the allowable import volume of fuel oil for non-state trade was 20 million tons.In 2024, the allowable amount of fuel oil imports will be distributed on a "first come, first served" basis.


Lei Jun issued a document on 26th, saying that Xiaomi SU7 is in the trial production and climbing stage, and it will take several months for it to be officially listed. There is no final decision on pricing.However, "Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a bit expensive, but please believe that what we are doing is’ expensive for a reason’, and the experience will definitely exceed everyone’s expectations."

On the 26th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicles with Vehicle Purchase Tax Exemption (the first batch).Two millet SU7s are listed, and the name of the automobile manufacturer is "Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.".

Recently, the equity of Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. changed.The original shareholder Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group Co., Ltd. withdrew, and a new shareholder Beijing Yinglang Commercial Management Co., Ltd. was added, with a shareholding ratio of 100%.At present, Shanghai Wanda Hotel Investment Co., Ltd. operates Shanghai Wanda Ruihua Hotel.

Recently, it has been reported that Longji Green Energy, a leading photovoltaic enterprise, has laid off employees on a large scale, mainly reducing laborers and Guan Peisheng. In this regard, Longji Green Energy’s secretarial department said on the 26 th thatI can’t comment on this at present.Enterprises are facing fierce market competition, and will certainly make corresponding resource allocation according to their operating conditions, changes in the market environment and future industrial restructuring.


On December 26, the market opened lower and went lower all day, and the GEM index led the decline. At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.68%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 1.07% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 1.26%.The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today was 609.9 billion yuan, 1.8 billion yuan more than the previous trading day.

According to wind data, as of December 26th, the number of liquidation funds has reached 256 since 2023, setting a new high level in the past five years (since 2019).Among them, the number of liquidation of equity funds reached 61 in 2023, which was the highest since the beginning of Public Offering of Fund industry in 1998.


Shanghai Customs officially released the "Implementation Measures for Regulatory Innovation of Integrated Circuit Industry (Version 2.0)" on December 26th, which mentioned that,Change the "entry and exit" mechanism into the "enterprise filing" system.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Finance and other four departments jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of Internal Control in Public Hospitals. It is mentioned that,It is clearly required to strengthen asset management, prohibit borrowing to purchase large-scale medical equipment, and standardize the behavior of renting, lending and disposing of state-owned assets.

According to Announcement No.739 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,The first batch of production and operation licenses for genetically modified corn and soybean seeds were approved and issued, and the relevant production and operation licenses involved a number of seed listed companies.Including Dabeinong, Longping Hi-Tech, Fengle Seed Industry and Denghai Seed Industry.

people’s livelihood

Recently, Taobao publicized a proposal to change its platform dispute handling rules, which was formally implemented on December 26th.According to the new regulations, if sellers get too many bad reviews or violation records on Taobao platform, once they receive complaints, they may face the judgment of direct return or only refund.

Recently, some netizens reported on the idle fish App that the materials donated by Canada Goose to Gansu earthquake zone were resold. In response, the idle fish responded thatThe actual situation is that the user sells down jackets in order to drain the hot spots, and fabricated the information of relief materials, which is a malicious marketing drainage behavior.The platform has removed the goods at the first time and permanently banned the account.

Recently, Arifa’s auction of a luxury house in Guangzhou Qiaoxin Huiyuetai attracted attention. The starting price of this suite was 70 million, equivalent to a unit price of 191,700 yuan/m 2. According to the introduction of the subject matter, the property owners of this suite are Wang Guoan and Ni Suting.And Wang Guoan is the founder of the domestic beauty brand Han Hou.In this regard, Wang Guoan responded that the auction of this property was mainly to repay personal debts.

After the Jishishan earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2, Qinghai police severely cracked down on rumors related to the earthquake.A total of more than 40 clues about online rumors were collected and found, 3 people were given administrative punishment according to law, 16 people were criticized and educated, and 3 typical cases of fabricating and publishing earthquake online rumors were published.


It was learned from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate that the case of Qu Min, former member of the leading group and vice chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, was investigated by the National Supervisory Commission (NSC) and transferred to the procuratorate for examination and prosecution.A few days ago, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Qu Min on suspicion of accepting bribes.

On December 26th,The Shanghai No.1 Intermediate People’s Court publicly pronounced the case of Hu Wenming, the former party secretary and chairman of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, accepting bribes and abusing his power by state-owned company personnel.After trial, he was sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment and fined RMB 5 million.

On December 26th, the State Council appointed and dismissed state employees.Lu Lei was appointed as the deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China.

Overseas news

The three major US stock indexes closed up across the board,The Dow rose 0.43% to 37,545.33, the S&P 500 rose 0.42% to 4,774.75, and the Nasdaq rose 0.54% to 15,074.57.

Most of the popular Chinese stocks rose.Genxi Bio rose by 60.26%, Shengmei Semiconductor by 7.34%, Weilai Automobile by 10.81%, Xpeng Motors by 1.63% and LI by 3.77%.

Late at night on December 26th, Beijing time,The Office of the US Trade Representative announced that it would further extend the 301 tariff exemption period for 352 imported goods from China and 77 imported goods from China related to epidemic prevention in COVID-19.The deadline was extended from December 31st this year to May 31st, 2024.

Comex February gold futures settlement price closed up 0.03% to $2,069.8 per ounce.

In October, the house price index of 20 big cities in S&P/CS in the United States rose by 4.87% year on year.Expected to rise by 5%, the previous value rose by 3.92%.

Brazilian Finance Minister Haddad said,Brazil will tax diesel fuel in 2024.

Indian police said on December 26 local time,The Reserve Bank of India (the central bank) received a bomb threat email saying that bombs had been planted in 11 different locations in Mumbai.The specific locations of three bombs were listed, and the police then went to the scene to investigate, and no suspicious items were found.

December 26, local time,The Russian government announced the extension of the export ban on ammunition and shell casings until the end of 2025.

The Singapore Economic Development Board released data on the 26th.Singapore’s industrial output in November increased by 1% year-on-year, with an estimated increase of 2.2%; In November, industrial output decreased by 7.8% month-on-month, and it is estimated to decrease by 5.1%.Singapore’s output of electronic products increased by 7.3% year-on-year in November.

On December 26th, Siyoung Choi, head of Samsung Electronics OEM business, delivered a speech at the 2023 International Electronic Devices Conference, saying that,Samsung Electronics postponed the mass production of its new factory in Taylor, Texas, USA from 2024 to 2025.

Recently, the official website of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine published a draft law.It is proposed to lower the legal minimum age of personnel who can be mobilized to carry out combat missions from the current 27 years old to 25 years old.

The South Korean Ministry of Finance said on the 26th that the South Korean Cabinet approved the plan to spend 412.5 trillion won (about 317.79 billion US dollars) of the annual budget of 550 trillion won from January to June next year.This means that 75% of the fiscal expenditure in 2024 will be implemented in the first half of the year.

Japanese Finance Minister Suzuki Shunichi said on December 26th that,The Japan Financial Agency has issued business rectification orders to the core departments of Tokyo Maritime Holding Company, MS&AD Insurance Group Holding Company and Damage Protection Holding Company. The reason is that these companies collude to manipulate prices when signing contracts with corporate customers.

Recently, Haiyan Zhang, general manager of Microsoft Xbox game AI, announced that he had signed a cooperation agreement with Inworld AI, a digital human development company.Will bring a series of development tools to developers, allowing the creation of AI-based NPCs for games.

Important announcement

Eston:The holding subsidiary plans to increase capital and share to introduce the national manufacturing fund.

Dabeinong:Terminate the intention agreement with Aonong Investment and Aonong Bio.

Renfu Medicine:Ethyl eicosapentaenoic acid soft capsule was approved by FDA.

Longyun shares:The company’s business scope does not involve "short play" business, and there is no relevant investment or business plan.

Gansu Energy:Chairman Liu Wanxiang resigned.

Lizhong Group:The subsidiary company obtained the customer’s approval certificate for heat-free alloy materials.

Zhongtian technology:It is planned to set up a Pakistan branch.

Azure creature:There are few R&D projects reserved by the company’s synthetic biotechnology innovation laboratory, and it is not yet industrialized.

Yuanxing Energy:Directors, supervisors and senior managers of the company did not participate in soda ash futures trading.

Entrepreneurship in the west:The external power supply project of Ningdong Railway Electrification Reconstruction Project was approved.

Samsung Medical:Pre-winning the bid of 209 million yuan for China Southern Power Grid bidding project.

A.D. shares:The holding subsidiary Gongyuan Xinneng’s application for listing on the North Stock Exchange was completed.

Baiyun Airport:Sign a contract for the transfer of the right to operate the parking business with Post Parking.

Wolong electric drive:The holding subsidiary’s application for listing on the New Third Board was accepted.

Constant aluminum shares:It is planned to publicly list and transfer 5.38% equity of Origen.

Aojing Medical:Received the notification of major national projects.

Funeng shares:The subsidiary cooperates with related parties to develop distributed photovoltaic projects.

Haixing Power:Pre-winning the bidding project of China Southern Power Grid with 165 million yuan.

CITIC Publishing:The Administrative Measures for Online Games (Draft for Comment) has no impact on the company’s business.

Central South Culture:The company is a co-producer of the online drama "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars".

Guang Yuyuan:Shanxi Guangshengyuan applied for the design patent of "wine bottle (far-word brand Guilingji wine)" without the permission and authorization of the company.

Tianqi shares:The company has been in business contact with Xiaomi Automobile in the early stage.

Xiangyuan new material:The company’s products have not been used in semi-solid batteries yet.

Zhuhai Port:International Composite Materials, a shareholding company, will be listed on the GEM on December 26th.

calendar of finance and economics

half past nine  China’s annual profit rate of industrial enterprises above designated size in November this year, and China’s annual profit rate of industrial enterprises above designated size in November.

five o’clock pm  Swiss December ZEW investor confidence index

eleven o’clock pm  December Richmond Fed manufacturing refers to the United States