Duotu | It’s snowing in Chongqing! Snow scenes from all over the country let you see enough at once.

Affected by the cold wave, the temperature in many places dropped sharply. Last night and this morning, snow fell in Geleshan, Tieshanping and Mudong in the central city of Chongqing. The picture shows that today (15th), Ruixue is floating in Tongluoshan Mine Park in Yubei District.
According to the forecast of Chongqing Meteorological Observatory, from the night of 14th to 16th, there will be low temperature rain and snow in Chongqing, with sleet in most areas, light snow to medium snow in areas above 500 meters above sea level, local heavy snow to blizzard, and gusts of 4~6 in Yamaguchi Valley, and the lowest temperature in most areas will drop to -5℃. During the day on the 17th, most parts of Chongqing gradually turned cloudy. The picture shows Jinyun Mountain in Beibei District today.
The first ruixue this year fell in Jinyun Mountain, Beibei District.
The mountain fire isolation belt in Beibei District has been covered with snow.
Yunzhuan Mountain in Banan, if there is snow, make a snowman!
In the university town, the subway shuttles through the dancing snowflakes.
In the university town, snowfall adds a unique aesthetic feeling to the city.
Children paint on a snow-covered car in chongqing nanshan.
In Jinyun Mountain, Beibei District, children are excited to play with adults in the snow.
Jinyun mountain in beibei district.
In Tiandu Community of Jinke Covered Bridge in University Town, children go out to feel the snowflakes in Chongqing.
In the Tiandu Community of Jinke Covered Bridge in the University Town, the snowflakes in the main city of Chongqing are dancing, and the citizens’ travel life is poised.
Tiandu Community of Jinke Covered Bridge in University Town, walking in the snow.
An aunt took a photo in the snow in Tiandu Community of Jinke Covered Bridge in University Town.
Yunzhuan Mountain in Banan District, in the snow, everyone has endless pleasures.
Yunzhuan Mountain in Banan District.
Incense burner peak in the snow and fog of Jinyun Mountain in Beibei.
Beibei Jinyun Mountain.
Tieshanping, a little snow everywhere, will attract the infinite interest of friends of all sizes.
Tieshanping, have a happy photo.
Tongluoshan Mine Park, Yubei District.
There is snow on the roof of the small train in Tongluoshan Mine Park, Yubei District.
It snowed in Yunzhuan Mountain in Banan this morning.
Wansheng Economic Development Zone has a tourist ring road with beautiful rime.
Wansheng Economic Development Zone tourist ring road, beautiful snow scene.
Gao Peng Agricultural Park, Maguan Town, Zhongxian County.
Longevity Dongshan, snowy.
Longevity Dongshan, photographers shoot beautiful snow scenes.
The Xuefeng Mountain Scenic Area located in Tongle Town, Fuling District also experienced heavy snow.
The car is full of Chongqing people’s love for snow.
Xuefeng mountain, the scene is wrapped in white. The vegetables in the vegetable field are covered with white snow. The roof is covered with thick snow. Step on the ground and make a rustling sound.
There are also many tourists coming to the Ant Temple camping base to enjoy the snow, some with sledges, some with skateboards, some children having snowball fights, and some taking photos, which is a harmonious picture.
Upstream News Special Photography Shen Shengcai Qin Tingfu Sun Kaifang Emperor Wen of Sui Liu Zhitao li ke Xin Huang Yang Rong Wang Luzhou Zhou Bin Cui Jingyin Zhao Jun Yellow River Zhang Songdong Photo Report
Submission email: syxw@vip.163.com
Editor: Wu Shan
Editor: Ran Wen
Audit: Feng Fei

The holiday is approaching, and the "shopping" mode is opened. The Shiji high-speed railway opens and the delicious food along the way is waiting for you.

  CCTV News:The New Year holiday is approaching, and many people plan to travel by high-speed rail during the holiday. Now you may have another choice. On the 28th, the Shijiazhuang-Jinan high-speed railway was officially opened for operation, and the travel time between the two places was further shortened. At 8: 00 am on the 28th, the first train from Shijiazhuang Station started and arrived at Jinan West Station at 10: 07 am as scheduled.

  Food is waiting for you along the way.

  After the opening of the Shijiazhuang-Jinan high-speed railway, the journey from Shijiazhuang to Jinan will be shortened from 4 hours to 120 minutes, and it will only take 5 hours to Qingdao. That is to say, you can take a train from Shijiazhuang in the morning and have a seafood dinner at noon! What must-eat foods are there along the way?

  In Shijiazhuang, cold palace noodles are an essential food.The noodles in Gaocheng Palace in Shijiazhuang are only 0.7 mm in diameter. Although the noodles are thin, they are hollow in the middle. The first choice for making cold noodles is Gaocheng Palace Noodles. The production of Gaocheng Palace Noodles began in the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty, and it was listed as the best imperial food in Qing Dynasty because of its fine craftsmanship and unique flavor, so it was called Palace Noodles.Gaocheng Palace is soft and smooth, and it is not bad for cooking, so it is loved by many people.

  The train went all the way to the east and came to Xinji. Xinji Crispy Sugar is a famous folk snack in Hebei. xinji city has been called Shulu County since Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty. Since ancient times, it has the reputation of poetry and painting, so it is also called.Golden deer crisp candy. It is made by traditional technology, with obvious layering. A crisp candy can reach 6561 layers, also known as thousand-layer crisp. The crisp candy is yellowish in color, shaped like a twist, delicate and delicate like a handicraft, and tastes crisp, fragrant, crisp, sweet, crisp but not scattered, crisp but not broken, sweet but not greasy.

  From Xinji to the east, after Hengshui and Jingzhou, you came to Dezhou, where you must have heard of braised chicken. Many people know that braised chicken is delicious, but few people know its birth process."Dezhou spiced boneless braised chicken" originated in the Ming Dynasty, was founded in the Qing Dynasty, spread in the Republic of China, and flourished today, with a history of more than 300 years. At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Dezhou, as an important transit point of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, followed the river from Kyoto to nine provinces.In 2014, the production skills of Dezhou braised chicken were included in the national intangible cultural heritage representative project.

  Don’t miss the beautiful scenery along the way

  The opening of the Shijie high-speed railway opens the "shopping" mode. Besides the delicious food along the way, the beautiful scenery is also something you can’t miss.

  In Shijiazhuang,Zhengding Rongguo Mansion is a place you can’t miss. It is also the shooting location of the 87th edition of A Dream of Red Mansions. It broke ground in 1984 and was opened in 1986. It covers a total area of 37,000 square meters and is divided into two parts: Rongguo Mansion and Ningrong Street. Completely in accordance with the description in the classical literary masterpiece A Dream of Red Mansions, it was jointly demonstrated by experts in redology and ancient architecture, and was strictly designed and built with reference to the prevailing norms of wooden buildings in China in the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty Code.

  At the same time, Zhengding is also the birthplace of Yuanqu. Nowadays, in Zhengding Yuanqu Museum, there are not only more than a dozen musical instruments accompanied by Yuanqu, such as drums, suona, zhongruan, pipa, etc., but also the script form of Yuanzaju and the five palaces, four tones and qupai of formal singing are illustrated on the exhibition wall. When you walk in here, people will always involuntarily sing along with the Yuanqu minor played in the museum.

  I came to Gaocheng, the hometown of palace lanterns.Traditional Gaocheng Palace lanterns are all hand-made, and the process is extremely complicated, such as making the base, sawing bamboo pieces, scraping bamboo strips, punching bamboo holes and piercing bamboo strips … … Among the 56 processes, the most critical one is scraping bamboo strips. If the bamboo strips are scraped unevenly, the radian will be different after bending, and the lanterns will not be round.Want to make lanterns round and good, every step is very elegant.

  The train continues eastward to Xinji, which is the northern leather capital of China and Xinji International Leather City. Since its opening in 2010, it has settled in 1,200 enterprises, 32 world famous brands, more than 100 national brands and provincial brands.

  The last stop of Shijike Passenger Dedicated Line in Hebei is Jingzhou Station, and the first stop after entering Shandong is Dezhou East Station.In this border area between Hebei and Shandong, the culture is of the same origin. In the Han Dynasty, it belonged to Guang Chuan, and it was also the hometown of Dong Zhongshu, a great scholar in the Han Dynasty. There are Jingzhou Tower, Gao’s tombs, Feng’s tombs and Dong Zi Cultural Park in Jingzhou.

  The train enters Jinan, which is a famous spring city. When you come to the spring city, the first thing you experience is the spring water.The 800 springs in Jinan are divided into ten spring groups, such as Baotu Spring and Black Tiger Spring. The ten spring cities, such as Chaoran Zhiyuan, Minghu Tingqu and Quanshuiren, are beautiful. The most famous one is Baotu Spring, which ranks first among all springs in Jinan. According to legend, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty went down to the south of the Yangtze River and drank his own Yuquan water in Beijing along the way. When he tasted Baotu Spring water, he immediately changed the water and named Baotu Spring "the first spring in the world".

Fireworks love charming eyes. Let’s take a look at this guide to the safe use of fireworks during the Spring Festival.

"The sound of firecrackers says goodbye to the old year, and gongs and drums greet the new year". With the increasingly strong voice of lifting the ban on fireworks this year, the more we reach the end of the year, the more we can feel the strong Chinese New Year atmosphere in the bright fireworks and the loud firecrackers. Fireworks are beautiful and full of fun. However, every Spring Festival, there are always many tragedies related to fireworks and firecrackers, and eye injuries are an important part of these tragedies. Doctors from Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital will introduce the guide to the safe use of fireworks during the Spring Festival.
Who are the most vulnerable to fireworks and firecrackers?
There are several groups of people who are most likely to be injured by firecrackers: children and people who like to watch the fun.
Children are the main injured people. They are full of interest and curiosity about fireworks and firecrackers, and often set off fireworks without their parents. However, without good safety awareness or parental guidance, it is easy to make a big mistake.
There are also a few people who love to watch the excitement and have their eyes injured by fireworks. Some of these people are injured because of their unfavorable actions after drinking, and some are injured because they have no awareness of safety avoidance.
Which situations are most likely to injure eyes?
The first thing to do is to look at the "squib". This kind of injured people are not only common in children, but also in adults and even the elderly. In this case, the injury is often more serious and even the risk of enucleation is faced. Secondly, setting off inferior fireworks can easily lead to eye injuries. This kind of fireworks is more prone to the phenomenon of "squib", or the phenomenon of combustible materials bursting around after discharge. In addition, some children like to set off fireworks in bottles or sand, which is also prone to eye injuries.
What should I do if fireworks are injured?
First, judge the severity of the injury by yourself. You can check whether your vision has dropped significantly by yourself, and ask others to help you check whether it is eyelid injury or eyeball injury, and whether there are symptoms such as bleeding.
Secondly, don’t press and squeeze the eyeball, don’t bandage the eyeball with pressure, and don’t wash your eyes with water. Avoid applying any external force to the injured eyeball, resulting in the loss of intraocular structures from the wound.
Don’t be far away from the near, you should be treated nearby. The primary treatment principle of eyeball rupture caused by fireworks explosion is to suture the broken eyeball as soon as possible to avoid the loss of normal tissue structure in the eye. Therefore, it is very important to be sent to a nearby hospital for first-stage surgery for follow-up treatment and eyeball saving.
Don’t put any ointment in your eyes. Self-application of eye ointment and other drugs will affect doctors’ further examination of wounds, judgment of illness and delay treatment.
How to ensure the safety of setting off fireworks during the Spring Festival?
Buy fireworks and firecrackers produced by regular manufacturers, and don’t buy "three noes" products cheaply.
Fireworks and firecrackers should be set off at the place designated by the government. Stay away from the crowd and take care of the children.
Older children should be accompanied by parents’ guidance to set off fireworks. It is recommended to buy children’s fireworks with high safety and low power produced by regular manufacturers for setting off fireworks. It is recommended not to let children set off firecrackers, especially not to set off firecrackers in containers such as bottles and tin cans to avoid injury.
It is forbidden for children to set off fireworks and firecrackers.
Children can wear goggles when setting off fireworks, which can not only prevent foreign objects such as cannon fodder from entering their eyes, but also protect their eyes when they accidentally explode.
Once again, once an injury happens, don’t handle it yourself and go to the hospital in time. (Correspondent Hu Rong)

"Warm management" of Beijing Sports Lottery Store warms people’s hearts.

In the cold winter, Beijing is freezing. In order to provide a warm haven and resting place for lottery buyers and pedestrians who travel in the cold, Beijing Sports Lottery stores have started "warm management" one after another, helping everyone dispel the cold and protect their health with warm environment layout and enthusiastic service.

Sphygmomanometer plays a big role

"Small seeks you this incredibly have a sphygmomanometer? Then I have to test it. " Another lottery buyer who walked into the 36245 Sports Lottery Store in Haidian District in the cold wind quickly found the electronic sphygmomanometer specially placed in a conspicuous position by the agent Mr. Mou, and took the initiative to ask for blood pressure measurement.

In September 2023, Beijing Sports Lottery launched the "Healthy China Healthy Sports Lottery" activity, and established the Beijing Sports Lottery Health Benefit Station through the form of "Sports Lottery+Medical Care". Beijing Sports Lottery has equipped the first batch of 80 health benefit stations with electronic sphygmomanometer, oximeter and body fat scale as convenience facilities in the sports lottery health benefit station for use in the store. This winter, these health facilities played a big role. Mr. Mou told reporters: "Our store has an electronic sphygmomanometer sent by Beijing Sports Lottery Center, and my wife has a nurse qualification certificate. She is very concerned about the health of lottery buyers on weekdays and has been thinking about how to serve everyone as much as possible."

"Cold weather is very unfriendly to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. After Beijing cooled down this year, I put the sphygmomanometer in a conspicuous position in the store, which is convenient for the lottery buyers to test themselves. For older people, as well as tourists from the south, I will take the initiative to persuade them to measure their blood pressure and pay attention to their health. " Mr. Yan said.

Hot ginger soup to create a warm haven

No matter how windy and slippery the road is, there are always some people who have to go out. The Beijing Sports Lottery Store with sufficient heating and hot water can be their warm haven. "The people in this store are very good. I am actually waiting for someone nearby. The little girl said to let me come in to warm up and have a cup of hot water. It’s still warm in the house, but the enthusiasm of sports lottery is warmer and warmer in my heart. " In the 43276 Sports Lottery Store in Yongledian Town, Tongzhou District, an uncle praised the salesman Li Hongyan.

"There is no heating in the sports lottery store, but I turn on the air conditioner every day. The store is as warm as spring, and many people who go to the market will come to my store to rest." Li Hongyan said, I am warm to every guest who comes in, even if they are not here to buy lottery tickets, but just to take shelter, drink water or borrow a pump.

There are many sports lottery shops in Beijing, like Li Hongyan, which prepare hot water in their shops to provide a safe haven for their guests. Others specially cooked ginger soup at home and took it to the store in a thermos. "It is said that drinking ginger soup can better drive away the cold and prevent colds, so I have prepared some for people in need. It is not easy for people to go out in cold weather, and good health is very important. " Li Yong, a consignment agent in Tongzhou District, said.

Warm service can drive away the cold.

A cup of hot water can warm your hands, a warm room can warm your body, and a warm word can warm your heart. When it snowed before, many Beijing Sports Lottery people not only swept away the snow and ice in front of the door, but also swept the road at the door together with the snow in the nearby community, and laid anti-skid mats in the store, posted anti-skid tips, and used warm words and temperature service to drive away the cold for the guests who entered the door; In Yanqing District, which is colder than the urban area of Beijing, when it was found that heating and air conditioning could not effectively raise the temperature in the store, the Sports Lottery Store No.48022 decided to temporarily add a salesperson to reduce the waiting time of lottery buyers. There are also physical stores that strive to consider the possible needs of lottery buyers and prepare facilities in place. For example, umbrellas, chargers with various interfaces, band-AIDS, cold medicine, shoe polish and brush, disposable handbags, newspapers and magazines, chewing gum, etc. are always available.

It’s warmer in Leng Qing, and the cold wind can’t blow away the light and heat of sports lottery. In the new year, Beijing Sports Lottery and the respectable and lovely Beijing Sports Lottery people will continue to send more true feelings and warmth to the lottery buyers and the society. (From January 30th, China Sports Daily, 08 edition) 

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Guide | Where to eat for the Wuhan Youth League Banquet? Rescuing selection difficulties

The best meal in a year should be the New Year’s Eve reunion dinner.
In the twelfth lunar month, parents started planning, cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle, and curing fish and bacon. China parents, who are not good at expressing their love, used a big dinner on New Year’s Eve to show their concern for their families.
A sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner bears the most abundant feelings of China people. It divides the old year and the new year, soothes the homeless and celebrates the time of reunion.
But my parents are old, and they are reluctant to let them work hard. Finding a suitable restaurant and having a happy reunion dinner has become the most important thing before the new year.
Near the end of the year, you may not be able to screen carefully because of your busy work. Don’t panic, Wu Lvjun traveled all over Wuhan and found these high-quality restaurants. The New Year’s reunion dinner has its own characteristics, and you will be satisfied if you need to sit down.
* ranking in no particular order, sorted in pinyin order.
starred hotel
Sheraton Oceanwide Hotel
Write Spring Festival couplets after dinner.
During the Spring Festival, Sheraton Oceanwide Hotel has prepared a lot of annual activities. For example, on February 5 (New Year’s Day), four lively and festive lions will appear at the entrance of the hotel, stepping on plum blossom piles and passing on New Year’s greetings.
△//Old Shanghai smoked small yellow croaker
In addition, during the whole Spring Festival, guests who enjoy the New Year’s Eve in the hotel can use the pen, ink, paper and inkstone provided on the spot to write down the Spring Festival couplets and take them home for the whole family to enjoy.
△//Braised mandarin fish larvae with Shaoshan flavor
At present, the Chinese restaurant in the hotel offers five kinds of New Year’s Eve menus, starting from 2688 yuan, which you can choose according to the number of guests.
The group annual banquet is available at the price of 2688/2888/3988/5988/12988, which can meet the different needs of 10-20 people. The price already includes 10% service charge and 6% value-added tax.
Restaurant information
Address: Sheraton Caiyuexuan Chinese Restaurant, No.80 Fanhu Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-63601978
The westin fuli hotel
Dining in 180 River View
Adjacent to Wuchang River Beach, the hotel dining adds a sense of ceremony. There are 7 kinds of meals available for the group annual banquet, and the price ranges from 3688 yuan to 10,000 yuan, meeting the dining needs of all grades.
There are three must-order dishes: signature dried Kun fish head, hot and sour plum ginseng, and black sesame bean curd with pine needles.
The signature Gankun fish head is about 7 kg of Tianmu Lake male fish, which is cooked with slow fire. Under the fish head, there are crisp handmade shepherd’s purse dumplings, bamboo shoots and prawns, all of which are mixed with delicacies.
Hot and sour plum ginseng is a secret seasoning that cuts plum ginseng and drenches it with hot and sour and refreshing. It tastes smooth and Q-bomb, and it is spicy to eat seafood, which is just in line with Wuhan people’s preferences.
The method of keeping fit with pine needles and black sesame bean curd is novel. The bean curd is wrapped with fine black sesame powder and immersed in golden pumpkin juice, which is fresh and sweet.
The group annual banquet is available at 3688/4688/5688/8088/12888/16888, which can meet the different needs of 10-28 people. The price already includes 10% service charge and 6% value-added tax.
Restaurant information
Address: The Westin R&F Hotel, No.96 Linjiang Avenue, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-88168888
Kyle won Ro Hotel.
The whole roast pig was served on the table.
Kyle Ro Hotel launched the "Lucky Golden Pig" this year, following the cooking tips recorded by the Qing Dynasty culinary expert Yuan Mei in the "Suiyuan Food List". "First, roast the meat inside and make the ointment enter the skin, then the skin will be crispy and the taste will not go."
In the roasting process, pine, white wine and maltose are also added to make the pork exude a rich aroma from the inside out.
The rare seafood in the group annual banquet package is the highlight. After a table, you can taste fresh flavors all over the country.
Throughout the year, eat a big meal and start a new year full of blessings.
In addition to the meal fee, 10% service charge and 6% government value-added tax are added to each table. There are three packages of 2888/3888/4688 yuan to choose from, and you need to make an appointment in advance for meals.
Restaurant information
Address: Shangdu Taoyuan Chinese Restaurant, 2nd floor, Ro Hotel, Kyle, No.159, yanjiang road, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan.
Tel: 027-82778888 to 8920
Shimao Hilton Hotel
Chef’s customized New Year’s Eve dinner
Hilton Shimao Hotel is located on the bank of Hanyang River. Through the floor-to-ceiling panoramic glass window, you can see a touch of red on the Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge.
Zhang Youbin, the chef of Jiu Chinese restaurant in the hotel, has been in business for nearly 30 years.This year’s New Year’s dinner package focuses on his specially made authentic Hubei cuisine, and there are also Cantonese and Sichuan dishes to choose from.
The three must-order specialties are hand-torn beef, Kyoto mutton soup and Mende chicken. In addition, Wuhan specialty Jiang Xian, Cai Tai, Nihao and lotus root ribs soup are all good choices.
There is no fixed menu for the group annual banquet, so it is a feature of this family to order whatever you want.
You need to make an appointment in advance for the Spring Festival meal, and customize the menu according to your needs.
Restaurant information
Address: Jiu Restaurant on the second floor of Shimao Hilton Hotel, No.190 Binjiang Avenue, Hanyang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-59402740
Wanda Ruihua Hotel
Luxury choice on the street of Chuhehan
If there are distinguished guests coming from afar during the Spring Festival, it is recommended here.
Wuhan Wanda Ruihua Hotel has a high-quality Huaiyang cuisine restaurant in Wuhan, and exquisite Jiangnan dishes such as Huaiyang boiled dried silk, crab powder tofu pot and crab powder lion head can be eaten here.
Besides, if guests want to experience the authentic local flavor, there are typical Hubei dishes such as bacon, vegetable moss and pork ribs and lotus root soup in restaurants.
After dinner, it is a very good travel experience to take new friends and old friends to the Han Street in Chuhe for a walk, or to take a cruise on Han Street to the East Lake.
Dining needs to be reserved one week in advance. The group annual banquet has five grades of 5288/6888/8888/9999/19999, which can be enjoyed by 10-26 people, and each table includes drinks. In addition to the meal fee, 6% value-added tax is added.
Restaurant information
Address: Banquet Yipin Huaiyang Chinese Restaurant, 6th Floor, Wanda Ruihua Hotel, No.138 Donghu Road, Shuiguohu Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-59599999 to 6160
Shangri-La Hotel
The annual flavor of old Wuhan
Shangri-la leaves this yearSimple and people-friendly styleOn New Year’s Eve, the New Year’s Eve party brought the old Wuhan scene back to life. Wuhan traditional snacks are made on the spot, fried meatballs, lotus root clips, fried dumplings and popcorn, which are full of year-round flavor.
The dishes are all common dishes on Wuhan people’s New Year’s Eve dinner table, made by star chefs, and the appearance is naturally refined.
In addition to the New Year’s Eve dinner, there are various annual activities during the seven days of the Spring Festival, such as making dumplings, tying lanterns, cutting window flowers, and even playing mahjong to win the buffet free of charge. You can have a one-stop meal, eat, drink and have fun, and you can have a Chinese New Year with great excitement.
The New Year’s Eve banquet is only provided on New Year’s Eve, with a price of 3288/2288 yuan. The opening time is 18:00, and reservations are required.
Restaurant information
Address: Grand Ballroom on the second floor of Shangri-La Hotel, No.700 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-85806868 to 6320
Characteristic restaurant
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store
Authentic Beijing roast duck roasted on site
This restaurant, which specializes in roast duck, chooses Beijing stuffed duck, which grows on the bank of Yanqi Lake. The duck blank is dried for 3 days to discharge acid, and baked on the spot for 50 minutes by traditional oven hanging technique.It is the orthodox craft of Beijing roast duck.
Sliced duck master’s on-site slice cutting and loading trayIt is divided into three parts: duck skin, duck breast and duck leg.
Duck skin with blueberry sauce and pop rocks, duck breast dipped in yellow mustard sauce, seems to be a "dark dish", but it tastes amazing.
The duck leg meat follows the traditional eating method of Beijing roast duck. The fat and thin duck meat, with all kinds of small ingredients and dipping sauce in the eight-treasure box, is rolled up with lotus leaf cakes.
The duck rack with sliced meat is not wasted. You can choose to make duck soup, add tofu and Chinese cabbage, which is light, fresh and sweet, and balance the greasy taste of oil.
In addition to roast duck, there are various famous northern dishes in the annual meal package, which can taste the strong flavor of the year from Beijing.
The New Year’s Eve dinner package has three options: 1888 yuan (8 people) /2388 yuan (10 people) /2578 yuan (12 people), all of which include freshly roasted roast duck. Private rooms have 8-14 room types to choose from, and the margin is small. There is also a big table, and an appointment is required.
Restaurant information
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store (Hanjie Branch)
Address: No.9, the first block of Chuhehan Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-87268216/87268219
Beijing xi he Yayuan Roasted Duck Store (Yifang Branch)
Address: Floor 5, Yifang Shopping Center, No.1515 Zhongshan Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-82301899/82302899
Dayin art restaurant
Wangjiangchi fish
A restaurant under tiemenguan in Hanyang has a view of the river beach. The hall is decorated with Chinese flower arrangements, and the sound of guqin is the background, which is full of ancient charm.
The recommended dishes are braised pork, Wuchang fish, Dali wrapped black tofu and Guanyin duck, which are not only unique in Hubei, but also blend the flavors from all over the country.
The restaurant is close to Qingchuan Pavilion. After dinner, it is comfortable and beautiful to go for a walk in Qingchuan Pavilion.
The annual meal package has a price of 2999 yuan, and there is an additional 10% service charge for meals. The restaurant is open from 10: 00 a.m. to 14: 00 a.m. and from 16: 00 p.m. to 21: 00 p.m., and it is closed from the first day to the sixth day. A small number of private rooms can be reserved for dining before the New Year.
Restaurant information
Address:No. D70 Ximachang Street, Hanyang, Wuhan
Tel: 027-65021677
Rice Field; the fragrance of rice
Hong Kong-style potted dishes, lively New Year.
Daoxiang, a Hong Kong brand that has been stationed in Wuhan for many years, is most famous for its stable quality morning and evening tea. During the Spring Festival, its family also has a new year’s dinner to book.
The menu is the same as the daily banquet menu, and the Hong Kong style is rather light. I am used to eating thick oil red sauce on weekdays, so I can try something fresh for a change.
The representative dishes of Hong Kong-style New Year’s dinner areready-to-cook dishStack all kinds of ingredients in a big pot, which means that the pot is full and the harvest is reunion.
Pot dishes can have as many as nine floors, which are basically cooked vegetarian dishes, with miscellaneous materials in the middle, and precious ingredients such as shrimp, scallop, abalone and sea cucumber all over the top of the pot, which has both ornamental and taste functions.
A large basin was served on the table, steaming hot, and a family shared a treasure hunt. The atmosphere immediately became lively and the taste of the year was even more sufficient.
Potted vegetables can be eaten in the hall or taken away in gift boxes, but they must be booked 7 days in advance. The reunion dinner has three price points: 1988/2388/2888 yuan. There are private rooms and large tables, and you need to make an appointment.
Restaurant information
Daoxiang seafood hotpot restaurant (Hanjie branch)
Address: Floor 3-5, No.1 Hanjie, Shuiguohu, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-87829595
Hong Kong Daoxiang Seafood Dim Sum Restaurant (Qiaokou Branch)
Address: Room 4003-4004, 4th Floor, Zone A, Yuexiu Xinghui Victoria Harbour Shopping Center, No.1 Zhongshan Avenue, Qiaokou District, Wuhan.
Tel: 027-59808899
Daoxiang Seafood Hotpot Restaurant (moore city Branch)
Address: Floor 1, Building C, moore city, Wuhan, No.6 Longyang Avenue, Wangjiawan, Hanyang District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-84516767
Hankou privacy kitchen
Happy time in the old villa
The brand of coarse tea and light rice is positioned as a private-owned official dish.It is a typical taste of Hubei.
Lion’s head, tofu balls,Fish head king, glutinous rice ribs, beef bean skinWait for the characteristics, while retaining the local characteristics, make a little innovation and improvement, and eat comfortably like home cooking.
Restaurant decoration takes a retro route.It’s like walking into a husband’s pavilion in the last century, with typewriters, phonographs and other antique furniture on display in the corridor.
It is also very special to take a family photo after dinner.
There are 14 private rooms in the restaurant, which can meet the dining needs of 4-16 people, all with separate toilets. Reservations are required in advance for private rooms for annual meals.
Restaurant information
Address: No.977 Jianshe Avenue, Jiang ‘an District, Wuhan (opposite to Wuhan Evening News)
Tel: 027-82776007
Hubin guest house
View from the lake, comfortable and comfortable.
In the old restaurant near the East Lake, every private room can overlook the lake, and the environment is perfect.
In winter, it is very suitable to order a stew of firewood and lotus root, and choose a seven-hole lotus root specially used for simmering soup to simmer slowly, so that the bones of firewood and fish will melt, and a bowl will warm the heart and stomach.
The fish head of Tangxun Lake is also the signature here. The fish round is soft and tender, with a little shadow of Jiang Mo, but the taste is not strong, but it adds a little fragrance.
As the boss is from Zhejiang, hangzhou dishes has become a major feature.
Shaoxing fragrant carved chicken is fine-tuned according to the taste of Hubei people. The native chicken and pig’s feet in western Hubei are selected and stewed with Shaoxing carved wine, which is salty and fresh in one bite and full of wine.
Booking a private dining room, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the East Lake in the afternoon and dining near the lake in the evening may be the most pleasant way to open the New Year’s Eve.
The annual meal package is available at the price of 3880/4880/5380 yuan. Reservation is required for dining, and the menu can be customized according to the taste of the guests.
Restaurant information
Address: East Lake Tingtao Scenic Area, No.78 Huangli Road, Wuhan
Tel: 027-88166666
Tian yi ju cha life
Drinking tea, catching up with the past and watching the lake.
A very elegant tea and food restaurant by the northwest lake. The small door is not conspicuous in the garden road business circle.But there are floor-to-ceiling glass windows facing the northwest lake, and the scenery is good.
The whole meal tastes light, and most cooking methods add tea elements.Rice is also cooked with tea soup.In addition to the original taste of rice, it adds a hint of tea fragrance.
The restaurant has an elegant environment, and the menus are all written in calligraphy. In the afternoon, make an appointment with friends and relatives, first have tea to catch up with the past, and then have a leisurely tea meal with the lake view, which can be regarded as a kind of life enjoyment.
There are three price options for the annual meal package, 888/1288/1688, all of which include a tea. You need to make an appointment for dinner. When you book the annual meal package, you will be given a special menu of writing brush and calligraphy.
Restaurant information
Address: Downstairs of Marriott International, No.8 Xibeihu Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan
Tel: 027-85780089
Year after year
The reunion dinner is steaming.
Simplicity or decency are nothing but skins.
The family sat round and round at the table.
Talk about this year’s life
Enjoy each other’s company
Is the most precious thing.
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Where will you eat this year’s reunion dinner?
Let’s talk in the comment area!

The electric shadow of Japanese automobile empire: the choice and torture of traditional manufacturing industry

  The electric shadow of Japanese automobile empire: the choice and torture of traditional manufacturing industry | geography of overseas automobile market

  Xiao yisi

  "The market share of pure electric vehicles can only account for 30% at most, and the remaining market share will be occupied by hybrid vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and fuel vehicles." Recently, Akio Toyoda, chairman of Toyota Motor Corporation, once again "shelled" pure trams. He said that because of the lack of charging facilities, about 1 billion people in the world could not use electric vehicles, so a single pure electric vehicle could not provide transportation services for everyone.

  In addition, Akio Toyoda also said that giving up fuel vehicles and choosing electric vehicles should be decided by customers, not by policies or regulations.

  Judging from the recently released data, it seems that Toyota Motor is quite likely to win in this new and old energy dispute, and has made outstanding achievements in profitability, company market value and global sales. Take the company’s market value as an example. On the day when Akio Toyoda "shelled" electric vehicles, Toyota’s closing market value was fixed at 48.7 trillion yen (about 328.8 billion US dollars), making it the company with the highest market value in Japanese history.

  As a pearl of Japanese automobile industry, Toyota is almost the vane of the development of the whole Japanese automobile market. Completely different from the streetscape where various brands of electric vehicles are constantly shuttling in Shanghai, when the First Financial Reporter walks on the streets of Japan at the end of 2023, the chances of seeing new energy vehicles are very small, and even Tesla is close to disappearing here. Instead, K-car (ultra-small car with a displacement of no more than 0.66L) or Toyota Erffa, which are nicknamed "Old Man Le" and "grocery cart" in China market, can be seen everywhere.

  Here, it is obviously too early to talk about the end of the era of fuel vehicles. "It is no exaggeration to say that what Japanese cars were like when I first came to Japan 25 years ago, and what they are now, but the cars are new, and the consumption concept is still the same as before." Wang Li, chief operating officer of Hongqi Japan Experience Center, said in an interview with China Business News recently that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Japan is very low, coupled with the low willingness of Japanese car companies to transform, never deliberately promoting electric vehicles and poor charging infrastructure.

  According to the data of Japan Automobile Sales Association Federation and Japan National Mini-car Association Federation, the sales of new cars (including mini-cars) in Japan reached 4.78 million in 2023, up 13.8% year-on-year, the first growth in five years, but it still failed to surpass the level before the epidemic in 2019. While the auto market is improving, the data released by Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Association, show that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Japan is less than 3% in 2023, which is not only far lower than that in China and Europe, but even lower than that in Canada, Mexico, South Korea and other countries.

  It is the low penetration rate of new energy vehicles that makes many car companies see opportunities in the Japanese market. Tesla and BYD have successively entered the "forbidden import area" of Japan. Previously, according to Japanese media reports, SAIC-GM-Wuling has also investigated the Japanese market, and there are plans to introduce Hongguang MINI EV into sales. In 2023, the import of pure electric vehicles by foreign car companies in Japan exceeded 20,000 vehicles for the first time, reaching 22,890 vehicles, up nearly 60% year-on-year. Among the imported manufacturers, Tesla and BYD were among the top, while the pure electric vehicles imported by Japan just exceeded 10,000 vehicles in 2022.

  It is true that the quantity of imported pure electric vehicles is still very low compared with the annual automobile sales in Japan. It is still difficult to decide whether it will be a single spark that started a prairie fire or a fleeting meteor. Just as in the face of the changing trend of global car electrification, whether the Japanese domestic market and the whole automobile industry it has cultivated are the afterglow of the empire or the sober-up after everyone is drunk remains to be concluded.

  Automobile kingdom on internal combustion engine

  Although the Japanese automobile industry has a history of more than 100 years, the real story basically begins with Ford entering Japan.

  In 1925, Ford began to assemble the Ford Model T, which was popular all over the world, followed by General Motors and Chrysler, and came to Japan to set up companies to assemble and sell cars. In the following ten years, the embryonic Japanese automobile market was almost monopolized by the three major American automobile companies. However, American auto companies have also brought technology and manufacturing management experience to the Japanese auto market.

  Looking closely at the development history of Japanese automobile industry, the government’s protection policy is essential. In 1936, Japan promulgated the Automobile Manufacturing Law, which prohibited foreign automobile companies from entering Japan, and Ford and GM were forced to withdraw. However, Japanese local car companies are increasing day by day, and today’s global champion Toyota Motor was established in 1937.

  The early development of Japanese car companies was mainly based on imitation. Toyota’s early AA cars and SA cars were based on Chrysler Airflow and Volkswagen Beetle.

  In order to avoid the impact of imported cars from Europe and the United States, since 1951, the Japanese government has also set high tariff barriers on imported cars, while strictly prohibiting overseas capital from directly investing in the Japanese automobile industry. The protection policy is superimposed on the popularity of local automobile consumption brought by Japan’s economic prosperity. Since the 1960s, Japan’s automobile industry has risen rapidly, and the local sales volume has jumped from 400,000 vehicles in 1960 to 4 million vehicles in 1970, achieving a tenfold high-speed growth. In 1966, Japan’s automobile production surpassed that of Britain and squeezed into the top three positions in the world.

  The second take-off of Japanese cars benefited from two oil crises. In the 1970s, Japanese cars were not satisfied with the local market and began to expand overseas. At this time, it coincided with the soaring oil price, and the price of crude oil rose from $3.3/barrel in 1973 to $36.8/barrel in 1980. The economical and fuel-efficient characteristics of Japanese cars made them popular all over the world, and opened up the American market advocating high horsepower in one fell swoop. Coupled with the cost reduction brought by lean manufacturing, Japan’s total automobile output exceeded 11 million in 1980, surpassing the United States to become the largest automobile producer and exporter.

  Since then, in order to avoid trade friction and further reduce production costs, Japan has replaced the simple export trade model by setting up factories overseas to directly produce or assemble cars. By 2015, the overseas production scale of Japanese cars has reached 18.09 million, almost twice that of domestic 9.28 million.

  In Japan, the semiconductor and home appliance industries have not lagged behind one after another, and the automobile industry is very important to Japan. At present, it is the largest pillar industry in Japan, accounting for about 10% of Japan’s total GDP and 40%~50% of its industrial output value. There are 78 factories in 22 prefectures and counties in Japan, with more than 5.5 million related employees.

  At the same time, with the development of Japan’s automobile industry, the consumption concept that used to be proud of owning an American car has already changed. The Japanese auto market has become a "forbidden place to import", and over 90% of the local market share has been occupied by Japanese auto companies. In 2023, the top ten automobile sales in Japan were all Japanese brands, including Toyota, Suzuki, Daihatsu, Honda and Nissan, among which a single Toyota brand occupied 26.5% of the market. In addition to local brands, there are almost only European brands that can be seen on Japanese streets, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen and Volvo.

  Traditional fuel vehicles have made Japan’s automobile industry, but Japanese cars have also generated great inertia, which makes it difficult for them to "turn around like an elephant" in the face of global automobile electrification transformation.

  Trapped in the transformation of new energy sources

  "There is almost no publicity about new energy vehicles on traditional communication platforms such as TV and mailbox." An international student who has lived in Japan for a long time told reporters that the information of trams will only appear on the Internet, which is very fragmented compared with the domestic situation.

  According to Rho Motion, a market research company, the global sales of electric vehicles in 2023 was about 13.6 million, up 31% year-on-year, of which 9.5 million were pure electric vehicles. In terms of market, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China reached 9.495 million, accounting for nearly 70% of the global market. In Japanese market, the sales volume of new energy vehicles is less than a fraction of that of China market. In 2023, the sales volume of pure electric vehicles just exceeded 20,000.

  As a big automobile country, Japan is not only a "forbidden place for import" but also a "forbidden place for new energy". There are almost no electric cars on the road, and even Tesla Model Y, whose sales volume won the championship for the first time in 2023, has to be defeated in the Japanese market. In 2021, Tesla sold a total of 5,200 cars in Japan and only 1,900 cars in 2020.

  Tesla’s difficulty in selling in Japan can also be seen from the price of Model Y in Japan, which is almost second only to China, the world’s most "rolled" new energy market.

  "Japan has accumulated nearly a hundred years in the traditional internal combustion engine track, and it has achieved today’s achievements. Once you turn around and turn to new energy vehicles, it will involve more than 5 million families. This is not only a problem in the automobile industry, but also a social problem. " A Japanese car dealer investor told reporters.

  Akio Toyoda has repeatedly stressed the unemployment cost caused by Japan’s automobile transformation. Earlier, Akio Toyoda declared that if Japan began to implement the "carbon neutral" plan focusing on electric vehicles, Japan would lose 5.5 million jobs and 8 million new car production capacity by 2030.

  Wang Li told reporters that Aichi Prefecture in Nagoya is the location of a famous Japanese automobile industry cluster, where hundreds of Toyota parts suppliers gather. Once the electric vehicles are transformed, the whereabouts of these suppliers and local industries in Aichi Prefecture will be a big problem.

  On the other hand, Japanese car companies headed by Toyota have repeatedly missed the electrification technology tree, which has further delayed its transformation process. In fact, it is not too late for Japanese cars to develop and explore new energy sources. Japan is one of the earliest countries to lay out batteries. As early as the 1990s, Japan had the first generation of "Big Three" composed of Panasonic, Sanyo and Sony. By the beginning of the 21st century, Japanese companies have produced nearly 90% of the world’s consumer lithium batteries. In 1997, Toyota introduced the world’s first mass-produced hybrid Prius, and in 2010, Nissan listed the world’s first mass-produced LEAF for pure electric vehicles.

  But around 2010, Japanese auto giants headed by Toyota once believed that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were the future. Mirai hydrogen fuel cell model launched by Toyota in 2014 is a representative event. Akio Toyoda has repeatedly "advocated" that lithium battery electric vehicles are not really clean energy, and the real new energy vehicles are actually hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. He believes that the world’s mainstream optimism about electric vehicles is likely to be a misunderstanding.

  This concept makes the Japanese battery industry chain bet on hydrogen fuel cells, but ignores the investment in lithium-ion power batteries. Because of this, Japanese cars missed the first half of the development of global electric vehicles.

  At present, the patent share of Japanese car giants represented by Toyota in the field of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles exceeds 74%, and it involves core fields. However, only technology has no market, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles simply cannot stand on their feet. By the end of 2022, the total number of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in major countries in the world was 67,315, of which only 8,150 were in Japan.

  "There is a hydrogen refueling station within one kilometer of my home, so I can occasionally see several hydrogen fuel cell cars, which are basically not seen in other places." Wang Li said.

  Based on this, the above-mentioned investors told reporters that there are very few choices of electric vehicles in the Japanese auto market, and ordinary consumers have little knowledge of electric vehicles. The new energy vehicle market has not been cultivated at all.

  Foreign brands take advantage of the situation to attack

  However, the wheel of the times is rolling forward, and many countries around the world have identified electrification as the main direction of new energy vehicle reform in the future. The Japanese government, which was hesitant, also set the goal of "no burning" in early 2021, and announced that by 2035, 100% of the new cars sold will be electric vehicles.

  In terms of subsidies for consumers to buy cars, Japan has also raised the maximum subsidy for pure electric vehicles from 400,000 yen to 800,000 yen, for plug-in hybrid vehicles from 200,000 yen to 400,000 yen, and for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles from 2.25 million yen to 2.5 million yen.

  With the support of policies, the reporter learned from the consulting firm Kearney that the Japanese market is expected to turn to electric vehicles steadily in the future. By 2025, the penetration rate of electric vehicles (including pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles) will increase from 3% in 2021 to 8%, and further increase to 35% in 2035, when the global penetration rate of electric vehicles is expected to reach 27%.

  In this context, foreign brands are gradually knocking on the door of Japan, a "forbidden place for imports", through new energy sources. Tesla opened the first local delivery center in Tokyo, Japan in November 2021 and began to deliver Model 3. In September 2022, Tesla officially announced that its current best-selling model Model Y has also landed in the Japanese market and opened a reservation.

  BYD also officially entered the Japanese market on July 21st, 2022, becoming the second China automobile brand to enter Japan after FAW Hongqi.

  "BYD’s entry into the Japanese passenger car market is a trend." BYD told the First Financial Reporter that on the one hand, the penetration of new energy vehicles in Japan is low, which shows from the side that there are still huge growth potential and industry opportunities in the Japanese electric vehicle market, and the Japanese government is committed to promoting automobile electrification, providing certain car purchase subsidies for electric vehicles, and actively encouraging more enterprises to participate in the construction of charging facilities. On the other hand, BYD has a good market base and brand base in Japan. In 1999, BYD started to serve Japanese customers with rechargeable batteries. Subsequently, BYD’s pure electric commercial vehicles, energy storage and other businesses were successfully carried out in Japan, accumulating a good market foundation and brand foundation.

  So far, BYD has opened 17 stores in Japan, distributed in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Fukuoka and other places, and plans to open more than 100 stores in Japan by the end of 2025. At present, BYD has listed BYD ATTO 3 and BYD DOLPHIN in Japan, and will soon launch BYD SEAL and other products.

  Previously, according to Japanese media reports, I took a fancy to Japan’s huge K-car market. SAIC-GM-Wuling also investigated the Japanese market and planned to introduce Hongguang MINI EV into sales. Because of the narrow roads in Japan and the limited parking space resources in Japan, mini-cars have been selling very well in Japan, and Hongguang MINI EV is expected to sell much cheaper in Japan than mini-cars made by local Japanese companies. But for some reason, SAIC-GM-Wuling has not officially announced its entry into the Japanese market.

  Although the absolute value of electric vehicle sales of foreign manufacturers in Japan is still very small, the year-on-year growth rate is very fast. In 2022, the sales of pure electric vehicles by foreign manufacturers in Japan exceeded 10,000 vehicles for the first time, and in 2023, the data exceeded 20,000 vehicles. The proportion of pure electric vehicles imported by foreign manufacturers also reached a new high, reaching 9.2%. Among them, BYD delivered 1,237 vehicles in Japan in the first year.

  Compared with the total sales of more than 3 million vehicles in the whole year, BYD’s sales in Japan are almost negligible, but Chairman Wang Chuanfu attaches great importance to the Japanese market. According to relevant reports, in October 2023, Wang Chuanfu personally attended a dealer meeting in the port area of Tokyo. Recently, BYD Japanese dealers also came to Shenzhen for communication.

  For the arrival of BYD, the largest publishing house in Japan, Nikkei BP, also dismantled the seal of BYD, and published a book, including BYD’s 3.0 platform, Sandian, CTB battery pack and body structure integration, etc., and the price was as high as 880,000 yen (equivalent to 43,000 yuan).

  On the contrary, Japanese cars have gradually lost power in China, the fastest-growing new energy market. In 2023, the share of Japanese brands in China market fell to 17%, the lowest level in three years, and in 2020, it was 24.1%. In terms of brands, Toyota’s sales in China in 2023 was 1,907,600 units, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7%; Nissan’s sales in China were 793,800 units, down 24% year-on-year; Honda’s sales in China were 1,234,200 vehicles, down 10.1% year-on-year.

  Will there be a "Nokia moment"?

  On December 17, 2020, at the year-end press conference of Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Akio Toyoda, as the president, publicly "shelled" electric vehicles, saying that electric vehicles were over-hyped. He believed that with the advent of the electric vehicle revolution, many enterprises would die, many investments would be wasted, and more carbon dioxide would be released in this process.

  When such remarks came out, it triggered a lot of discussion in the industry. On December 21st of that year, He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng Motors, forwarded the above remarks and wrote a story about Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia, implying that Toyota was compared to Nokia in the era of smart phones.

  Previously, there has been a discussion in the industry about whether traditional car companies will be subverted like Nokia. The sales of new energy vehicles are growing rapidly, eroding the basic disk of traditional fuel vehicles, which also makes many traditional car companies more and more anxious. Tesla CEO Musk, who holds a completely opposite view to Akio Toyoda, warned that if traditional car companies do not quickly transform into electric vehicles, they will be eliminated, just as Kodak, the film giant of that year, was abandoned by the digital age.

  In this context, China’s new energy vehicles are not only entering the Japanese domestic market, but also entering the Southeast Asian market occupied by Japanese cars.

  Climate Group, an international non-profit climate group, once published an independent report saying that if Japan cannot switch to pure electric vehicles in time, it will lose half of its automobile exports and 1.72 million jobs by 2030; By 2040, it will lose 14% of GDP and 80 trillion yen in profits (equivalent to 3.88 trillion yuan).

  However, it is worth noting that although Japanese cars have suffered setbacks in China market, they have prospered in other markets, especially the achievements of Japanese cars in 2023 have given them more confidence in resisting electric vehicles. In terms of sales volume, Toyota is still the overlord in the era of fuel vehicles. In 2023, the global sales volume is expected to reach 10.65 million units, ranking first in the world for four consecutive years. In terms of financial performance, Toyota expects that in the latest fiscal year ending in March this year, the company’s consolidated operating profit will increase by more than 60% year-on-year, reaching 4.5 trillion yen (about 30.5 billion US dollars). If realized, Toyota will become the first Japanese company with an operating profit of more than 4 trillion yen. In terms of the company’s market value, on the day when Akio Toyoda "shelled" electric vehicles, Toyota’s closing market value was fixed at 48.7 trillion yen (about 328.8 billion US dollars), making it the company with the highest market value in Japanese history.

  In addition to Toyota, in the third quarter of 2023, Honda’s net profit also reached 253.2 billion yen, a year-on-year increase of 34%; Nissan’s net profit was 190.7 billion yen, up 173.3% year-on-year.

  For Japanese cars, the global market for traditional fuel vehicles is still large enough. However, in order to cope with the trend of electrification in the future, Japanese car companies such as Toyota have to be wrapped up in transformation, although electric vehicles are bombarded every three to five times. In May last year, Toyota announced that it would invest 5 trillion yen in related fields of pure electric vehicles (EV) by 2030, which increased by 1 trillion yen on the previous plan. Honda, which is famous for its engine technology, has formulated the most radical electrification strategy among the "top three Japanese companies", that is, only electric vehicles will be sold in the global market by 2040. Among them, in the China market, Honda will not launch new fuel vehicles by 2030, and 100% of new car sales will be pure electric vehicles by 2035.

  On January 29th, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. also announced that it will independently produce lithium iron phosphate batteries that do not use expensive materials such as nickel, and strive to be installed in pure electric vehicles launched by emerging countries after 2026. Nissan’s move is intended to reduce the cost of batteries by 20-30%, reduce the price of pure electric vehicles, and accelerate the popularization in emerging market countries.

  "In terms of market share of power battery, a key component of electric vehicles, Japan has been left far behind by China and South Korea. If Japan wants to play a’ turnaround’, it is necessary to see the next generation of battery technology. " Hu Qichao, founder and CEO of SESI Corporation (SES), which focuses on mixed lithium metal batteries, pointed out to the First Financial Reporter.

  At present, in the transformation of new energy vehicles, Japanese cars still hold two cards, namely solid-state batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. Solid-state battery has always been regarded as the next generation battery technology for electric vehicles. The First Financial Reporter learned from the global patent database of Wisdom Bud that Japan is in a leading position in terms of technology source and layout. In terms of patent distribution, Japan accounts for about 30.4% of the global total, followed by China, the United States, Europe and South Korea, accounting for about 26.2%, 14.4%, 5.2% and 3.9% respectively.

  Toyota also regards the solid-state battery, whose energy density is expected to be greatly increased, as the key to overtaking in the curve on the electrified track. Investors’ high expectations for the commercialization of solid-state batteries and taking advantage of hydrogen fuel cells have also supported Toyota’s share price rise this year.

  For the Japanese automobile empire, which relies heavily on the traditional internal combustion engine, some people think that it is only the afterglow of the sunset, but some people also point out that it is sober under the fanatical transformation. Zhu Huarong, chairman of Chang ‘an Group, mentioned not long ago that foreign brands are waiting for the best opportunity. Once they are transformed, with the resources they have and the global market, their rise cannot be underestimated.

  In 2023, the global automobile sales will be between 79 million and 81 million, and the new energy penetration rate will be around 17%, while the new energy penetration rate in the global market except China will be only around 8%. It is foreseeable that the end of the automotive electrification reform has not yet come, and it will still be a protracted war.