Siming District continues to promote the optimization and improvement of the business environment, and makes precise efforts to help enterprises develop

  Siming District is competing to showcase a high-quality business environment to global investors. The picture shows the Guanyinshan International Business Operation Center where the headquarters economy gathers.

  ▲ Siming District is a hot and blessed land for investment and business. The picture shows the beautiful scenery of Lujiang Road.

   Xiamen Network News (Xiamen Daily reporters, Wu Yanru, Lin Wen, correspondent, Xia Sixuan, this map/reporter, Huang Rong) Beautiful Ludao ushered in the "98 time" as scheduled, and guests from all over the world kicked off the feast of international capital.

  At the location of the main venue of the Investment Fair, Siming, the hot land and blessed land for investment and business in the central city, is showing a high-quality business environment to global investors in a competitive manner. Data is the most powerful footnote: in the first half of this year, Siming District achieved a regional GDP of 120.30 billion yuan, an increase of 6.8% year-on-year, and the total amount and growth rate ranked first in the city. This is since the second half of 2009, after a lapse of 12 years, Siming District’s GDP growth rate has taken the first place in the city.

  Those who are good at plotting go far, and those who do are successful. Siming District has made great efforts to "make the first move" in a good business environment, and issued the "Siming District Accelerates the Building of a World-Class Business Environment 2022-2023 Annual Enhancement Plan", focusing on key areas and key links to carry out research, promote the optimization and upgrading of the business environment, consolidate and deepen the construction of the province’s first business environment area, and upgrade the competitiveness of the marketization, rule of law, internationalization and facilitation business environment.

  Key words [concept]

  "Entrepreneurs are city partners"

  When the "BRICS" meets the "Golden Key", the double gold superposition allows domestic and foreign merchants to see more investment opportunities.

  Yesterday, the 4th BRICS New Industrial Revolution Partnership Forum was successfully held. At the meeting, Luckin Coffee from Siming District signed a letter of intent to purchase coffee beans in Brazil with Xiamen C & D, a top 500 Chinese company, Mitsui & Co., the largest green coffee bean trader in Asia, and the world’s second largest coffee trader, Swiss ECOM Group. According to the agreement, Luckin Coffee will purchase a total of about 45,000 tons of coffee beans in Brazil in the next three years. With the support of the Brazilian Embassy, it will continue to cooperate in the coffee industry in Brazil, share industrial concepts and industry practice experience, and promote cooperation in the coffee field to deepen.

  This multi-party cooperation shows the world the huge opportunities and openness of the Chinese market, and also shows the strength and style of Siming District enterprises. "The signing of the Brazilian coffee bean cooperation letter of intent will continue to enhance Luckin Coffee’s supply chain capabilities, allowing consumers to better experience the coffee products and culture of high-quality production areas around the world." Luckin Coffee said that in recent years, Luckin has continued to invest in the coffee professional supply chain. Last year, Luckin imported more than 15,000 tons of green coffee beans, and this year it is expected to exceed 30,000 tons.

  Luckin Coffee, which has its headquarters in Siming, is about to celebrate its fifth anniversary. At present, Luckin has more than 7,000 stores and has become one of the largest chain coffee brands in China. Guo Jinyi, chairperson and CEO of Luckin Coffee, said with emotion, "During the development of Luckin, the province, city and Siming District not only escorted the company when it was riding the wind and waves, but also provided help at the critical juncture of the company. Let us deeply understand that it was a very correct decision to settle here."

  The heartfelt voice of enterprises is a heartfelt affirmation of Siming’s services. Siming District has firmly established the concept of "entrepreneurs are city partners", further optimized the CSO chief service officer mechanism, expanded government-enterprise communication channels, and deepened pro-Qing political and business relations. This year, Siming District has carried out in-depth special projects of "benefiting enterprises", established an Enterprise Services commissioner system and a quick coordination mechanism to help solve enterprise problems with heart. At the same time, focus on key enterprises and key projects, strengthen the combination of leadership linkage and hierarchical coordination, help to improve enterprise growth, and provide full-cycle services for project implementation. On September 4, under the leadership of the district party committee and district government, the Lianqian Street Chamber of Commerce was first established, which not only created a warm "home" for enterprises, but also helped the government and enterprises to interact benignly and communicate efficiently.

  Heart-to-heart service, real help. This year, in the face of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, Siming District, while fully implementing higher-level policies, has timely launched 9 measures to assist enterprises in relieving and reducing costs. In the first half of the year, the accumulated industrial support funds and rescue funds exceeded 1.20 billion yuan, and the accumulated tax rebates, tax cuts and fee reductions reached 1.67 billion yuan, benefiting enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households over 46,000 times. In addition, a series of online consumption season activities were held, digital RMB consumption coupons were issued, and a series of cultural tourism consumption activities were held, which effectively promoted economic consumption.

  Key words [pattern]

  Deep integration of industry and city empowers enterprise development

  In the continuous optimization of the business environment, Siming District takes advantage of the "big improvement on the island" and uses the thinking and pattern of deep integration of the industry and the city to play chess, injecting new momentum into development and giving new vitality.

  In the eastern part of the island, the main venue of the Investment and Trade Fair, the rapid development of the area has attracted much attention. At present, the Kaiyuan innovation community in Siming District is rising rapidly with strong momentum. Good news from the Meiya Poko Group Headquarters Building and Smart City Innovation Center project located in this area: the main body of the building is in the accelerated construction stage, which is expected to be capped within the year and put into use by the end of 2023.

  Luan Jiangxia, executive deputy general manager of Meiya Cupresso, said: "This building will be built as the research and development headquarters of Meiya Cupresso, the research institute of new smart cities, and the technical research center of Meiya Cupresso branches, subsidiaries and some ecological enterprises. We will focus on new smart cities, artificial intelligence, big data and other future industries to carry out new technology research and industry incubation. We also hope to help Siming District gather talents, promote the deep integration of industries and cities, and work together to create a benchmark for the city’s innovation-driven industrial upgrading."

  As a rooting enterprise independently cultivated by Xiamen City and Siming District, Meiya Cupresso has become a strong representative of Siming District’s development of advantageous software information industry. Luan Jiangxia said that Siming District fully promotes enterprise development with an open attitude, international vision and accurate service. This year, Siming District also focused on launching the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Development of Software and Information Service Industry in Siming District", supporting the introduction of 9 supporting measures to promote the development of the software information industry from four aspects: supporting recruitment and recruitment, increasing production and efficiency, R & D and innovation, and attracting and retaining talents, including uncapped production incentives and one-time rewards for senior talents in big data. From another perspective, it also shows that the atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship in Siming District is particularly strong, and Siming District is determined to vigorously encourage and cultivate the rapid development of enterprises.

  Based on the actual situation of the region, Siming District focuses on leading industries such as software and information services, financial services, business services, cultural and tourism creativity, and further coordinates and optimizes the industrial space layout of the region, promotes the integration of land resource elements, and provides a platform carrier for project landing and development. At present, key areas such as Kaiyuan Innovation Community and Binbei Super Headquarters are accelerating.

  In Siming District, a hotland of innovation and entrepreneurship, the industrial high-energy, functional and high-quality space layout allows companies to take root and grow.

  In the Guanyinshan International Business Operation Center, where the headquarters economy gathers, Anta Operations Center has been located in the area since 2012. In the past ten years, this fertile soil has witnessed the development of Anta Group from a Chinese enterprise to a world-class sporting goods group.

  Li Ling, vice president of Anta Group, introduced that Anta Group opened the operation of Fila Building in Siming District this year, and what made Li Ling feel deeply was that "Siming District’s attentive service and policy support, as well as its unique environment, have attracted a large number of talents at home and abroad for the enterprise, bringing vitality to the development of the enterprise."

  Siming District promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional cultural tourism advantageous industries, and the key investment attraction project "Cultural Protection Wonderful Night" Hulishan Fortress Night Tour Project has developed eye-catching. This year, the project has been fully upgraded to version 2.0, landing the concept of "Yuan Universe", superimposing virtual and interactive scenes, and detonating Xiamen’s summer tourism market.

  To empower the development of cohesive enterprises and stimulate the new vitality of resource elements, Siming District strives to promote the formation of an industrial development pattern with different characteristics, dislocation development and mutual support.

  Key words [innovation]

  Focusing on key areas to create a new model of business environment construction

  Reform stimulates vitality, innovation is wide. Where there is demand for enterprises, Siming extends services to wherever they are.

  Expand the government-bank cooperation model, Siming District established a government service area in the Guanyinshan International Business Operation Center this year on the basis of the pilot project of "government affairs + beneficial enterprises" service area of ICBC Urban Construction Sub-branch, and opened the Guanyinshan Park Service Center. The center provides "one-stop" services such as business establishment, tax-related processing, social security registration, beneficial enterprise policies, and e-government self-service for 2,100 enterprises and 40,000 employees in the area. In the first half of the year, more than 100 people provided various services such as market supervision, construction, taxation, and coordination of area construction, effectively opening up the "last meter" of government affairs for employees of enterprises in the area.

  Deepen the reform of "decentralization, management and service", continue to optimize government services, and allow enterprises to go into battle lightly. As of the beginning of September, the whole district has entered 5,947 online service halls in Fujian Province, with 83.82% of the total process of online office, 96.52% of "no need to run one trip", and 99.88% of "no need to run one trip at most". At the same time, Siming District has broadened the supervision channels of government services, innovatively recruited enthusiastic people to serve as "government service experience officers" to the society. Focusing on themes such as "no-see approval", "simple cancellation of enterprises", and "accelerated retirement processing", it has combined "online experience + offline unannounced and unannounced visits" to check the level of government services. This year, 28 opinions and suggestions have been collected, and relevant departments have prescribed the right medicine and improved it.

  The rule of law is the best business environment. Xiamen is making every effort to build the Haisi Central Legal District into an important platform for developing modern service industries, deepening reform and opening up, and building a market-oriented, rule of law and facilitation of international business environment. According to the requirements of the "Overall Construction Plan of the Haisi Central Legal District", in accordance with the overall layout of "one island and two districts are complementary and superimposed, the free trade area will be tested first, and the Siming area will be fully demonstrated." Siming Demonstration Zone will build a high-energy legal institution and a carrier of legal science and technology.

  Siming District anchors goals, innovates ideas, adheres to a high position to promote organizational planning, incubates legal talents with a high vision, gathers legal resources with high efficiency, guarantees the implementation of high-demand projects, plans the layout of the area with high standards, optimizes the rule of law services with high quality, makes scientific plans and layouts, gathers resource elements, and strives to create a first-class rule-of-law business environment. At present, four enterprise units including Shenzhen Fadada Network Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian Chongyu Law Firm, and Xiamen Bar Association have successfully landed in Siming Demonstration Zone. The No. 1 Legal Fund of Haisi Central Legal District has successfully settled in Siming District. Four projects including Pigsy Network Intellectual Property Big Data Southeast Regional Headquarters and Edition Shentong have been signed. At present, 54 legal and pan-legal institutions have settled in Siming Demonstration Zone.

  With more enterprises settling in, the service guarantee force of the demonstration area is also constantly strengthening. Siming Court and Belt and Road Initiative International Commercial Mediation Center have established the first professional intellectual property mediation institution "Intellectual Property Mediation Office of Haisi Central Legal District", which has accepted 220 cases. Siming Court’s "Commercial Lecture Hall" brand project has been introduced into Siming Demonstration Zone to explore the construction of a legal risk prevention and control exchange mechanism between enterprises, so as to better improve the legal risk prevention and control capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises.

  Siming District fully supports Xiamen’s efforts to create the second batch of national business environment innovation pilot cities, focusing on leading industries, exploring and implementing a number of ground-breaking and leading reform measures, and building a pilot demonstration zone for innovation pilot cities.

  Key word [quality]

  Optimize urban functions and enhance public service security

  Quality education is an important indicator and a strong supporting condition for an excellent business environment. In Xiamen, "Siming Education" is undoubtedly a household name.

  In the golden autumn of September, the "good school" at the doorstep of Siming District was reopened. The Lingdou Campus of Datong Primary School welcomed the first batch of 220 first-grade students. On the first day of school, the school held a highly ceremonial "drop into the heart of the sea" activity. The freshmen held blue liquid and poured it into the "concentric sea" one by one, reflecting the school’s school philosophy of "establishing the path of’Datong ‘with the heart of forging ahead". Huang Yingmin, head of the student development center of the Lingdou Campus of Datong Primary School, has high hopes for the children: "At this moment, you are like a boat going to sea, raising a new sail and starting a new journey."

  In addition to the Lingdou Campus of Datong Primary School, the Hexiang Branch of the Primary School Affiliated to Xiamen Foreign Language School has also made a new appearance, and they all operate in the form of an "educational community". The opening of these new schools will help the high-quality development of regional education. It is reported that this year, Siming District has also newly renovated and expanded the second phase of Binhai Primary School. The Lingdou Campus of Datong Primary School, the Hexiang Branch of the Primary School Affiliated to Xiamen Foreign Language School and the second phase of Binhai Primary School have added a total of 3,510 compulsory education degrees.

  As one of the first batch of "strong education areas" in Fujian Province, education has always been placed in the strategic position of priority development of Siming District. In April 2022, Siming District was confirmed as the first area to create a high-quality and balanced national compulsory education. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the whole district will also strive to renovate and expand no less than 30 compulsory education construction projects, add 30,000 compulsory education degrees, and make every effort to promote the high-quality and balanced regional compulsory education. At the same time, from the continuous expansion of school-based close education communities, and the promotion of education and teaching reform, it will help regional education to start at a high level and develop with high quality, and enhance Siming Education’s ability to serve the city’s economic and social development.

  All along, Siming District has been continuously optimizing the level of education development, improving the quality of urban education, solving the children’s education issues that investors, entrepreneurs and all kinds of talents are most concerned about, and making every effort to create a suitable and livable working and living environment. Based on the endowment advantages of the central urban area, Siming District also focuses on the fields of medical and health care, entertainment, ecological environment, urban management, etc., and continues to work hard to improve the soft environment, create a characteristic humanistic environment, optimize the functional quality of the urban area, and make investors, entrepreneurs and all kinds of talents live in Siming more happy and belong.

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The music synthesis has come up with a new trick! The official publicity lineup of "Come and See Our Concert" has caused controversy

In the current variety show market, music variety shows were not uncommon, and even began to appear homogeneous. In order to attract more audiences, the music comprehensive program team had created different concepts, which were mostly divided into rock, folk, pop, electronic music, and so on according to the type of music.

The recent broadcast of a music synthesis "Come and See Our Concert" has innovated in the form of performance, emphasizing that "Full Open Mai" gives the audience a closer experience of live music. At the moment of the epidemic, people have not walked into the stadium for a long time to feel the power of the chorus at the concert, and the program concept is to capture the audience’s miss for live music, which naturally has an advantage over other music complexes.

The lineup of the show has also been announced recently, covering Chinese singers of all ages, including old, middle-aged and young, and performing in the form of a combination. Zhang Xinzhe, Wu Sikai, Dai Penny and other classic singers and songwriters come together to believe that they can evoke many people’s youthful memories. Pin Guan, who once played a popular short video platform with the song "The Door Is Not Locked", will also be on the stage with his friends.

Most of these singers are representatives of the popularity of songs, and their songs have spread all over the streets, but no one cares about the singers themselves. In such a collection that focuses on the strength of the scene, I don’t know if they can become popular again.

However, when it comes to "turning red", the 07 fast men who are also in the show lineup may have more experience. After the draft fever more than ten years ago faded, familiar names such as Chen Chusheng, Land Rover, Wang Yixin, and Zhang Yuan were gradually forgotten by people. Some of them adhered to their musical dreams, some switched to filmmaking, and some gradually retired… It was only recently that the fast men returned to the public eye with a reality show. The originally unpopular slow variety show exploded, and the Douban score was as high as 9.7, which also gave the 07 fast men unprecedented attention.

Regardless of the singing ability, the plot of the brothers’ reunion on the stage for many years is enough to attract the audience. After going through their own complicated lives, the brothers can still get together, and the "brotherhood" between them is the key to the recent popularity, and it is also the focus of the program’s promotion. The slogan of the fast man of the year on the promotional poster is also to attract a wave of nostalgic fans and expand the audience.

The show gathered a lot of powerful singers, and naturally also needed traffic blessing, so the new generation of singers was indispensable. However, after the official announcement of the lineup, the appearance of Zhou Zhennan and the little devil caused a lot of controversy. Zhou Zhennan and Cai Weize of the same company formed a "47" group to perform together. Due to the previous incident of Zhou Zhennan’s father being sued, many audiences did not have a good impression of him. The comments even called it "mouse shit spoiled a pot of porridge", and such a poorly reviewed artist had a more or less negative impact on the show’s ratings.

Due to his irrational fans and exaggerated costumes and makeup, the little ghost Wang Linkai has also been controversial from all sides. His performance style on the stage is exaggerated, and the action of "air guitar" is mocked out of the circle, and most people say they cannot appreciate it. The punk style image that the little ghost has maintained for a long time is not very suitable for the positioning of the show "All Open Mai Power Singing General", and his singing skills are not the focus of his performance. In fact, his performance form is greater than the content. The lack of nutritious lyrics has been criticized, and most fans are attracted by the appearance of niche subcultures. If the little ghost still performs in the show in the usual unoriginal way, it will inevitably lead to a wider discussion and criticism.

However, the program team also put a lot of effort into arranging the lineup, and the partners of the two traffic students are Cai Weize and Zhang Bichen. Although Cai Weize also made his debut in the Son of Tomorrow series, as the lead singer of the band at the same time, he has good singing skills, and Zhang Bichen is recognized by the circle and the audience as a strong singer. The cooperation of partners during the performance can also enrich the stage effect to a certain extent, and more importantly, the collision of different types of musicians can increase the topic and accumulate heat for the program.

Such an attempt to make a real "concert effect" is undoubtedly ambitious, and inviting a group of veteran singers is proof. While the controversial artists have a negative impact on the show, they have actually attracted more attention to the show, virtually creating momentum for go LIVE. With the cooperation of the artists’ own traffic and the promotion of the show, many people have noticed this new music synthesis that is about to go LIVE. And whether the concert can be moved into the variety stage as mentioned in the promotion, we will see after the show goes LIVE.

Hu Ge’s new film "It’s Worth It" exposes a patch trailer, and Huang Lei is officially announced to participate

Time Network News is produced by Cao Baoping, directed and written by Liu Jiayin, starring Hu Ge, starring Wu Lei and Qi Xi, and Bai Ke’s special movie "It’s Worth It", today’s exposure of the sticker trailer and the role poster of Huang Lei, and the official announcement of Huang Lei’s special starring role.

The film tells the story of Wen Shan, an ordinary screenwriter who is "left behind", who accidentally changes to writing eulogies for a living. In his encounters with ordinary people of all kinds, Wen Shan comforts others, gains warmth, and finally finds his own life direction. In the film, Wen Shan, as the person who writes the eulogy, will stage a real and warm human story with multiple groups of clients. Huang Lei’s "Mr. Wang" is one of the clients. His story with Wen Shan will also be the opening story of the film.

In the film, Huang Lei plays one of Wen Shan’s clients, "Mr. Wang," who commissions Wen Shan to write a eulogy because of the death of his father. With a busy career, he is unsmiling and direct, and he is so busy that he is almost inhumane. When he talks about his father, he is even more alienated as an outsider. In this story, Wen Shan hides the regrets of his relatives’ life in the text, hoping to give Mr. Wang compensation and comfort.

Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry, suggested strengthening the "smart transformation" of the food manufacturing industry and accelerating the development

On March 5, the Second Session of the 14th National People’s Congress was grandly opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In his second year in office, Chen Bairong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and wine designer of the wine design department of the Shede Wine Industry Production Technology Center, brought 5 suggestions in the fields of new quality productivity, Baijiu internationalization, and regional development, actively responding to industry and social concerns. Among them, "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity" and "Suggestions on Strengthening the Work of Intelligent Reform and Digital Transformation in the Food Manufacturing Industry" are closely related to the high-quality development of the food manufacturing industry.

Chen Borong, a deputy to the National People’s Congress and Shede Wine Industry

At present, the food manufacturing industry is in a critical period of development from traditional to modern, from artificial to intelligent, and from experience to science. These topics that Chen Berong focuses on not only reflect the industry’s in-depth thinking on moving towards high-quality development, but also reflect the determination and responsibility of the wine industry to promote the intelligent upgrade of the wine industry, develop new quality productivity, help China Baijiu go global, and promote social and economic development.

Focusing on cultivating new quality productivity and gathering new impetus for high-quality development

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made important arrangements to accelerate the construction of a digital China, emphasizing the construction of a modern industrial system, the promotion of new industrialization, and the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

As one of the basic industries of the national economy, the food manufacturing industry is constantly accelerating the process of digital intelligence. In particular, the Baijiu industry has vigorously carried out informatization and digital construction in the past ten years, and comprehensively improved the intelligence level of R & D, production, marketing, management and service. Among them, Baijiu leading enterprises have accumulated a lot of practical experience.

As a frontline worker in Baijiu’s scientific research, Chen Berong deeply understands the key role that "smart transformation and digital transformation" plays in the development of Baijiu’s industry. In order to improve the intelligent level of the industry and promote the full-link transformation and upgrading of enterprises, Chen Berong put forward the "Suggestions on Strengthening the Smart Transformation and Digital Transformation of the Food Manufacturing Industry" at the two sessions this year. When it is implemented, it is recommended to take the Baijiu industry first and choose parks with better basic conditions to carry out pilots, such as Sichuan Tuopai Green Ecological Food Industrial Park. She suggested building industry traceability standards, guiding enterprises to build traceability systems, improving industry service quality, and opening up industry data assets, ensuring intelligent manufacturing levels, improving industry production efficiency, and strengthening national policy guidance and talent training. She also suggested actively exploring and promoting the Chuanjiuyuan universe project to enhance the industry’s innovative layout.

At the same time, Chen Berong is concerned about the current imbalance in the level of digital intelligence promotion in the industry, and the high participation threshold for small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized wine merchants, which is a pain point related to the overall high-quality development of the industry. To this end, she put forward the "Suggestions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Traditional Alcohol Industry with New Quality Productivity". She suggested that we should increase the policies and financial support for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry and the circulation industry, support the establishment of public DataRocks in the wine industry, and strengthen cooperation between industry, academia and research, and cultivate professional talents. At the same time, we should formulate and improve relevant standards for the digital intelligence transformation of the alcohol industry to ensure the standardization and safety of

It is worth noting that a number of wine industry representatives put forward suggestions on the development of new quality productivity at the two sessions, which is undoubtedly a positive reflection and response to the higher level and more sustainable development of our country’s wine industry. It is foreseeable that with the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society, new technologies and new models will be more widely used in the wine industry, injecting new impetus into the sustainable prosperity and development of the industry.

Fosun and Yuyuan are deeply empowered and willing to forge new engines for the development of the wine industry

The development history of Baijiu is the history of innovation in winemaking technology. In the current wave of intelligence and digitalization, China’s wine industry focuses on technological innovation, technological research and development, and enhances its core competitiveness. Among them, famous wine enterprises play a leading role.

As a famous wine enterprise in China and one of the six golden flowers of Sichuan wine, Shede Wine Industry has taken "science and technology innovation drive" as one of the top strategies under the guidance of the science and technology innovation strategy of Fosun and Yuyuan. From hiring chief scientists, cultivating scientific research talents, building high-energy scientific research teams, to building the three major industry-university-research innovation platforms of "China Shede Aging Wine Research Institute", "China Ecological Brewing Industry Technology Research Institute" and "Sichuan Wine and Grain Industry Technology Research Institute", Shede Wine Industry has provided strong technical support for the development of science and technology innovation work.

In recent years, Shede Wine Industry has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence. By continuously optimizing the production supporting facilities and equipment such as three-dimensional warehouses, new water purification workshops, wine storage equipment, and filling equipment, Shede Wine Industry has improved the level of factory intelligence and promoted the improvement of production and operation quality and efficiency. Not only that, Shede Wine Industry closely combines "ecological brewing" with the concept of green, low-carbon and environmental protection, and is committed to empowering the green development of enterprises with technological upgrades. For example, in 2022, the company invested in the biogas purification of biological natural gas in wastewater treatment stations. Since it was put into operation, it has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 6,000 tons every year, effectively purified and utilized about 3 million cubic meters of natural gas, and saved about 6 million yuan in gas purchase costs. Due to its good results in carbon reduction and efficiency, the project was successfully selected into the "2023 Model Case of China’s Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Synergy" by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

At the same time, Shede Wine Industry is also committed to applying digital means to create a deep consumer experience, not only pioneering "dynamic wine age" in the industry, but also realizing the visualization, dynamics and transparency of wine age through digital means. It also pioneered the innovation and implementation of the high-quality Baijiu full-link grading traceability system based on blockchain technology, realizing the traceability and closure of Shede Old Wine from raw grain, brewing, storage, packaging, circulation to consumption, etc., bringing users a high-quality consumption experience of true vintage and true old wine.

Thousands of sails are competing for the "new" line, and the tide is surging in the east like a rainbow. As a contemporary advanced productive force, the new quality productive force will continue to release strong momentum with the in-depth promotion of scientific and technological innovation. Represented by Shede Wine Industry, many leading enterprises have anchored technological research and development and are committed to promoting the technological progress and digital intelligence transformation and upgrading of the industry, and together contribute more to accelerating the cultivation and development of the new quality productive force.


"China Star Jump" Wen Ya trained hard and his thighs were blue.


Wen Ya training chart


Wen Ya practices diving.

  A few days ago, @ Zhejiang Satellite TV China Blue @ China Star Jump triggered a new diving boom. During the visiting classes of fans and the media, we found that Wen Ya’s body had been seriously overdrawn after many days of training. In order to complete the strict training again and again, not only was her thigh bruised by water spray, which was worrying.

  Among the many stars who appeared in "China Star Jump", Wen Ya is the first female star to start diving training. With her own efforts, she also has a very good reputation among the staff. According to the staff, Wen Ya is the earliest to arrive at the training ground every day and the latest to leave. Girls love beauty, but Wen Ya has made painstaking efforts for training, which made her thighs covered with bruises caused by diving. Many fans expressed their anxiety after watching it, but Wen Ya didn’t mind it. She said that these efforts can let everyone see her beautiful diving process on TV, which is very worthwhile for her.

  In the interview, Wen Ya didn’t disclose more information, but some fans in Wen Ya said that Wen Ya’s nose had lost its sense of smell for a week because of a strong water impact during training, except for a thigh injury. Although the doctor said that this loss of sense of smell was not permanent, Wen Ya’s efforts to overdraw her body for the audience were really touching.

Brilliant! BYD Han’s brand-new color matching exhibition car is amazing at Shanghai Auto Show.

  Economic Daily-China Economic Net April 22-On April 19, at the BYD booth of the 19th Shanghai International Auto Show, BYD Han, the "global super-safe intelligent new energy flagship car", led the exhibition with new colors of "Energy White" and "Smart Blue", and decorated the interior with colored carbon fiber and traditional large lacquer panels respectively. Mastermind casting, integrating modern trends, paying tribute to traditional culture and conforming to the tonality of luxury products, BYD Han’s brand-new color matching exhibition car not only represents the latest achievements of BYD’s continuous improvement in design, but also highlights the self-confidence of Chinese aesthetics, which detonated the auto show scene at one time.

  Energy white with terracotta brown, writing BYD Han EV advanced texture

  The matte energy white used in the exterior decoration of BYD Han EV on the booth is inspired by Dehua white porcelain, which is dense in texture, glittering and translucent as jade, moist and greasy in glaze, and full of energy. In terms of technology, this Chinese EV adopts a special "fluorophlogopite" coating, which is more delicate and uniform, and the texture is bright and transparent. Together with matte varnish, it finally realizes the color change texture of silk metal.

  Matching with the white appearance of Han EV energy, it is a brand-new terracotta brown interior color. Its color inspiration comes from, "Top-grade terracotta sand, out of the mountains and stones of Chen Jin, above the white stone bed, with twelve pieces as one, looks like a bright day without a red lotus." The delicate luster of terracotta brown makes Han EV show the leather texture of top-grade leather, and its sense of luxury is further enhanced.

  In detail, this Han EV is decorated with carbon fiber on the C-pillar and the tail tail, and the matte carbon fiber is also added to the interior decoration, which echoes the color of terracotta brown, creating a very luxurious and sporty driving experience. Thanks to the brand-new color scheme, the exclusive sense of dignity of Chinese luxury of Han EV is strongly highlighted, and the performance of China mass-produced new energy cars represented by its 100-kilometer acceleration of 3.9s is further highlighted.

  Smart Blue with Sky Grey shows the multi-faceted nature of BYD Han DM.

  Since its listing, BYD Han’s appearance color has its own representative color from the space-time of the universe to the field of humanities and culture. The Han DM exhibited in this exhibition further adopted the wisdom blue which represents the creativity of human beings, and applied the painting process of two-color paint. The high-saturation blue hue presented in high-light illumination is gorgeous and colorful, and it will turn into a deep dark blue phase in dark environment. The strong contrast between light and dark gives people an extraordinary visual experience, which is very intriguing.

  On the interior, Han DM is equipped with BYD’s latest "Sky Grey" light-colored interior, and its design is inspired by China’s "elegant culture". The style, layout and detailed modeling combine the Chinese aesthetic concept and the essence of China culture, which is reminiscent of ink painting and painting, misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, elegant without losing style, showing the strong oriental elegance of Han, and embodying the profound cultural connotation and aesthetic interest of Chinese luxury. In addition to the brand-new color matching, Han DM also added the traditional big paint technology to the decorative panel, further sublimating the ancient charm of Chinese style.

  From the contrast between light and shade of wisdom blue to the collision between tradition and modernity of grey in the sky, the brand-new color matching of Han DM complements its diversified product personality. Han DM has five power modes that can be switched intelligently. It is mainly driven by electricity in daily commuting, which is quiet and fuel-efficient. When it enters the high-speed motor and cooperates with the engine, it can not only achieve the ultimate performance of generate, but also cruise efficiently, thus realizing the full-dimensional satisfaction for users.

  Decorating automobile accessories with large lacquer craft, BYD empowers lacquer art to revitalize.

  In the Han DM exhibition car, the decorative panels made of lacquer technology are particularly eye-catching. This is the result that BYD invited Mr. Fu Yizhou, the national inheritor of lacquer technology, as a consultant, and Mr. Wu Yongqiang, a lacquer expert from Guangdong Academy of Arts and Crafts, personally designed and produced for Han. It is a cross-border masterpiece that skillfully combines exquisite lacquer technology with interior design of new energy vehicles, and it is also a new exploration for BYD to practice the innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

  In the Han Dynasty, the splendid culture of the Chinese nation was transmitted to the world through the Silk Road, and lacquer reached its peak as a decorative craft in the Han Dynasty. Since then, lacquer craft, as a treasure of China culture, has been passed down in the thinking collision between artists and designers. Nowadays, BYD Auto reproduces the impression of the Silk Road in BYD Han through the continuation and innovation of culture, and the art is sublimated again, and the charm of traditional lacquer art will be appreciated by more consumers.

  As the flagship of BYD’s dynasty, BYD Han took luxury as the bone and tradition as the rhyme from the beginning of design, and opened up a harmonious but different way of Chinese luxury. The two brand-new color-matching exhibition cars at the Shanghai Auto Show have further increased and integrated traditional and modern elements, which fully embodies the inclusiveness and tension of BYD Han’s design.

  On April 13th, 2021, the results of German iF Design Award were announced, and BYD Han EV made the list, becoming the first award-winning car model of China brand, which further proved that BYD Han’s high-end aesthetic experience based on the profound connotation of Chinese luxury is leading the trend of new energy vehicle design.

Starting from 88,800 yuan, how does King Kong Gun stir the low-end pickup market?

  Original title: Starting from 88,800 yuan, how does King Kong Gun stir the low-end pickup market?

  "Thanks toThe high self-sufficiency rate of spare parts and the supply chain crisis such as chips have little impact on the Great Wall pickup truck. Zhang Hao Bao, CEO of Great Wall Motor pickup brand, told Time Finance.

  Recently, Great Wall Motor’s commercial pickup king kong gun was officially listed. It is reported that the car provides two kinds of power, gasoline and diesel, and there are many different versions of two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive. The gasoline model starts at 88,800 yuan and the diesel model starts at 95,800 yuan.

  "King Kong cannon is a strategic model of the Great Wall pickup truck, which is of great significance." Zhang Hao Bao, CEO of Great Wall Motor pickup brand, told Time Finance at the Guangdong linkage listing conference held on April 7th.

  Source | Great Wall Motor official website

  Some insiders said that from the perspective of the pricing and product strength of King Kong Gun, Great Wall Gun has high hopes for this car. In addition to refreshing its past brand impression, it also wants to subvert the domestic pickup market segment.

  Different from the previous pickup truck shape, the appearance of King Kong Gun is more fashionable and the overall recognition is stronger. Its front face adopts a honeycomb air intake grille, and the periphery is decorated with thick chrome trim strips, so the overall temperament is tough. The details such as the waistline and front and rear wheel eyebrows make the new car more exquisite.

  "King Kong Gun focuses on creating a core label that is solid, durable, economical and convenient." Previously, the top management of the Great Wall pickup truck once said. King Kong Cannon has three kinds of containers: standard box, long box and flat bottom. The long box model has a 1.82-meter super-large container, and at the same time, details such as low cargo platform and container lighting are added. The turning diameter of 11.9 meters makes the new car more flexible in turning and turning around. In addition to the flat box model, the functions such as the cargo box light that can be turned on by the center console button, the car system that supports FOTA upgrade, the 360 panoramic image, the whole car radar and tire pressure monitoring also make the King Kong gun more practical and functional.

  In terms of power, the King Kong Gun is equipped with a power combination of 2.0T+6MT, the GW4C20B gasoline engine is mature and reliable, with a peak torque of 360N·m, and the high-power version of GW4D20M diesel engine has a peak torque of 400 N m.. On April 7th, when Time Finance tried to ride the King Kong Gun, it was found that the noise of its powertrain was low, and the performance of the King Kong Gun was not bad in terms of road feeling and vibration filtering.

  Source | Great Wall Motor official website

  Some insiders said that with the product strength and pricing of King Kong Gun, it may have a good market performance in the future. It is worth mentioning that, as the leader of the domestic pickup truck market, the Great Wall pickup truck sold 233,000 vehicles in 2021, including 43,599 overseas vehicles, up 119% year-on-year. Previously, Cui Xiaohui, general manager of the Great Wall pickup truck brand, revealed that "the goal of the Great Wall pickup truck in 2025 is to achieve 500,000 vehicle sales, ranking among the top three pickup truck sales in the world".

  "Thanks to the high self-sufficiency rate of parts of Great Wall Motor, the impact of supply chain crisis such as chips on Great Wall pickup trucks is not great." Zhang Hao Bao told Time Finance that in terms of pickup truck policy, Great Wall pickup truck also cooperated with China Automobile Association, Passenger Association and pickup truck friends to promote the introduction of new pickup truck standards, prepare for the establishment of pickup truck association and promote the lifting of pickup truck policy. According to statistics, at present, more than 70% cities in China have relaxed the restrictions on pickup trucks entering the city.

Equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM hybrid system, Qin L Beijing Auto Show was officially unveiled.

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, Niuche. com learned from BYD officials that BYD’s new compact car, Qin L, will officially meet with consumers at the Beijing Auto Show on April 25, and the new car will be equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM hybrid system. It is understood that the price of the new car will be around 120,000 yuan.

In design, BYD Qin (parameter picture) L adopts the latest family design of "New Country Tide and Beauty Aesthetics", which is younger and more refined visually. The interior of the huge middle net adopts dot matrix design, and the grille on both sides stretches the width of the whole front face. At the same time, the headlights of the new car are very sharp and connected by light strips, which is visually very scientific and technological.

The side line of the new car runs from the headlights to the back door, and the B-pillar and C-pillar are designed in a hidden way, combined with the slip-back design, which makes the whole car younger. At the same time, the new car is equipped with multi-frame wheels, which is more visually sporty. In terms of vehicle size, the length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm, 1900mm and 1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790mm. Compared with Qin PLUS currently on sale (length, width and height: 4765/1837/1495mm, wheelbase: 2718mm), Qin L is larger as a whole.

At the rear of the car, the new car adopts a penetrating taillight group, and the rear enclosure is also treated in a sporty style. It is worth mentioning that the tail of the new car is also equipped with a luminous "BYD" English logo. In terms of car body color matching, BYD Qin L will provide four car body colors: Bingpo Green, Jianyao Purple, Runyu White and Tea Crystal Grey.

In terms of interior, Qin L adopts the latest design concept of the family, which is visually simpler and more layered. The interior of the three-position multi-function steering wheel is decorated with brown elements, which looks good. The full LCD instrument panel is embedded in the central control panel, and the 15.6-inch central control large screen supports rotation. At the same time, it is equipped with DiLink intelligent network connection system, which supports functions such as customized navigation in Gaode, karaoke function, Himalayan music, cool me/cool dog music, BYD market, car WeChat/Tik Tok and so on.

It is worth mentioning that the new car does not completely cancel the physical buttons. The physical buttons such as start, driving mode, air conditioning control and volume adjustment are integrated around the new BYD Heart crystal ball head shift lever, which is convenient for users to operate quickly.

In terms of power, Qin L will be equipped with BYD’s fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology, in which the maximum power of the 1.5L engine is 74kW and the maximum power of the motor is 160kW. The new car is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery from Fudi, Zhengzhou. The battery provides 15.874kWh and 10.08kWh for consumers to choose, and the corresponding pure electric cruising range is 90km and 60km respectively. It is understood that the comprehensive battery life of the new car can reach 2000km.

The official announcement: Volvo will stop production of diesel vehicles next year, and the overall electrification transformation will accelerate.

Nowadays, with the gradual increase of the market share of new energy products, major car companies have also accelerated the layout of this market. For example, Dongfeng Honda is about to launch a brand-new independent brand of new energy; Hyundai wants to join hands with BAIC Group to develop electric vehicles; Volkswagen cooperates with Xpeng Motors to develop pure electric vehicles.

It has to be admitted that joint venture brands have been involved in the "spring tide" of new energy. Volvo, as a luxury brand that laid out new energy routes earlier, also began to speed up on the road of full electrification. Recently, Volvo officially announced that it will stop production of diesel vehicles in early 2024. This means that it is a step closer to achieving full electrification. At the same time, Volvo will become the first mainstream traditional manufacturer to completely abandon diesel vehicles.

It should be noted that until 2019, diesel models will still be Volvo’s main market in Europe. With high reliability, low noise and low fuel consumption, Volvo’s diesel models are widely recognized in the European market. However, according to relevant data, with the rise of new energy vehicles, the market share of Volvo diesel models has also dropped from 50% in 2015 to 14.1% in July 2023.

Previously, Volvo Cars said that by 2030, the company plans to sell only all-electric vehicles; By 2040, the goal will be to become a carbon neutral company. Volvo’s decision to stop production of diesel vehicles has made people full of confidence in Volvo’s future new energy development.

In addition, Volvo sold its shares in the internal combustion engine development company as early as last year, saying that it would not invest any more money in new internal combustion engines. Moreover, Jim Rowan, CEO of Volvo, said: "Electric powertrain is our future, and the company is fully focused on building a series of superior and pure electric vehicles to meet all the expectations of customers for Volvo." It is not difficult to find that Volvo’s determination to transform into electricity is great.

Not only that, Volvo will launch two pure electric SUVs in the next few months, namely Volvo EX90 and EX30, to meet consumers’ demand for Volvo’s new energy products. At the same time, Volvo also announced in August that Volvo EM90, Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, will be launched in the world on November 12th this year, and the reservation in Chinese mainland will be started simultaneously.

Known as "the safest and most secure pure electric SUV ever", Volvo EX90 appeared in the domestic market as early as April this year, and the new car will be listed in China market in 2024. It is reported that the Volvo EX90 is based on the Volvo SPA2 platform and has a good performance in terms of performance.

Another luxury pure electric small SUV, Volvo EX30, also made its world debut as early as June this year. The car is priced at 34,950 US dollars (about 249,000 yuan) in the US market and 36,000 euros (about 274,000 yuan) in the European market. In the China market, the pricing of Volvo EX30 may be more "people-friendly". Volvo EX30 is built on the vast architecture platform of Geely SEA, and smar Elf #1 is also from this platform.

As Volvo’s first pure electric luxury MPV, Volvo EM90 is built on the vast architecture platform of Geely SEA. It is expected to be driven by dual-motor four-wheel drive, and is expected to be equipped with ternary lithium batteries and the latest Kirin batteries. The pure electric cruising range is expected to be around 800km.

In the eyes of Volvo CEO Luo Wenjin, electric power systems are superior to internal combustion engines. They produce less noise, less vibration, lower maintenance costs for customers and zero exhaust emissions. Therefore, whether from the point of view of consumers’ later consumption or Volvo’s goal of coping with climate change, electric vehicles are the best choice.

In the era of fuel vehicles, Volvo is the leader of automobile safety. In the new energy era, Volvo will sublimate safety into new energy vehicles and become the "leader" of new energy vehicle safety. You know, as early as April this year, Volvo released the World Tree Intelligent Security System, which combines the trend of electrification and intelligence to realize the inheritance and evolution of security.

Write it at the end

The debut of Volvo EX90 and Volvo EX30 indicates that Volvo has begun to accelerate on the new energy track. The suspension of diesel models is Volvo’s determination to fully electrify the outside world. Next, Volvo EM90 will be unveiled soon, which further enriches Volvo’s new energy product matrix.

(This article was originally produced by Wenwu Lane New Media Studio, please indicate the source: Wenwu Lane, author: Xia Mu)

Over 120 billion yuan! Second-level approval, "Shenzhen Plan" is far ahead

China Fund News reporter Guo Yujun

How long does it take for small and medium-sized enterprises to apply for bank loans? How much can I get? The answer of Shenzhen Yuanxing Technology Co., Ltd. (Yuanxing Technology) is-"in a few seconds, 5 million".

As a specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprise in Shenzhen, Yuanxing Technology is one of many small and medium-sized enterprises served by Weizhong Bank.

The shortage of collateral, difficulty in obtaining effective information and high cost for small and medium-sized enterprises are the main blocking points that restrict financial institutions from providing financing services for them. How did Weizhong Bank do it?

"Shenzhen Scheme" of Credit Service Entity Economy

Promote financing of over 120 billion yuan.

It is understood that in order to solve the problem of information asymmetry and solve the problem of difficult and expensive financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, on January 10, 2022, with the strong support of the head office of the People’s Bank of China and the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Shenzhen Credit Information Bureau completed the filing of enterprise credit information agencies and officially operated it. Weizhong Bank is one of the first deep cooperative banks in Shenzhen Credit Information.

Shenzhen Credit Information Co., Ltd. provides risk control decision support for different banks’ risk preferences by jointly building innovative laboratories with banks or providing customized services, effectively promoting bank customer identification and credit supply, and achieving "second-to-second loans and instant loans". At present, it has carried out in-depth cooperation with four banks, including China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Bank of Ningbo and Weizhong Bank, and jointly built an innovation laboratory with China Construction Bank, and launched 12 customized service products.

It is an important measure for the People’s Bank of China to implement financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises and serve the development of the real economy by building a local credit reporting platform, filing enterprise credit reporting institutions, collecting and sharing enterprise-related credit data of government departments and public institutions according to law, and cleaning and processing them according to credit reporting business rules, so as to stably export products that meet the requirements of financial institutions.

According to the data released by Shenzhen Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, by the end of May 2023, the platform had collected and shared 1.13 billion pieces of enterprise-related credit data from 37 government departments and public institutions, achieved full coverage of more than 4 million active commercial entities in Shenzhen, and completed technical and business docking with 51 commercial banks in the city, serving more than 210,000 enterprises in total, which helped enterprises obtain financing of 120.5 billion yuan, of which small and micro enterprises accounted for 87% and credit loans accounted for 87%.

The construction of local credit information platform in Shenzhen adheres to the principle of "taking demand as the center" and "being practical, easy to use and sustainable". Practice has proved that it is a feasible and effective "Shenzhen scheme" to alleviate the financing information asymmetry problem of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Technology empowerment bank

"Precision Drip Irrigation" Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

According to reports, since 2022, Weizhong Bank’s artificial intelligence (AI) team and Shenzhen Credit Information Platform have conducted several rounds of in-depth communication and cooperation in privacy computing, federal learning, data products, etc., for example, while ensuring data security and privacy, further explore data value from more dimensions and explore innovative data products that are more in line with business scenarios. Next, the two sides will strengthen cooperation, fully focus on the value of data, release data productivity, provide more convenient services for enterprises to apply for financing, and let inclusive finance "drip irrigation" every small and medium-sized enterprise to help the high-quality development of the real economy.

The reporter learned from Shenzhen Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China that Shenzhen local credit information platform provides customized joint modeling services for "easy loan" loan products, aiming at Bank of Ningbo’s problems such as asymmetric information between banks and enterprises and difficulty in controlling credit risks, combined with Bank of Ningbo’s credit standards, and uses data mining methods such as machine learning and correlation maps to deeply analyze and mine multidimensional data such as business, operation and employment of enterprises, forming quantitative model products, and fully empowering bank risk management and control. One month after its launch, it helped 87 small and micro enterprises to obtain financing of 235 million yuan.

According to Shenzhen Construction Bank, as of May 2023, Shenzhen Construction Bank has introduced eight data products, including enterprise personnel size, enterprise subsidy information report and enterprise concern information report, which have been actually applied to the pre-lending, mid-lending and post-lending links of Shenzhen Construction Bank’s loan products related to small and medium-sized enterprises. By May, 2023, a total of 267,000 data of Shenzhen Credit Information Company had been called, covering more than 164,000 enterprises.

For example, in terms of pre-lending access, in order to judge the real business situation of customers, account managers need to complete due diligence through on-site visits and various government websites, which takes a long time. After introducing the enterprise personnel size analysis and enterprise subsidy information data of Shenzhen Credit Information, Shenzhen Construction Bank, combined with the data sources in the bank, directly judges through the loan product model of Shenzhen Construction Bank, which greatly improves the approval efficiency.

Shenzhen Branch of Bank of Communications is cooperating with the credit information platform to promote the development of data-driven innovative product "high-enterprise loan". The scope of data cooperation includes enterprise social security, provident fund, operational stability and other trend data. By enriching the dimensions of enterprise data, Shenzhen Branch of Bank of Communications can improve its judgment on the continuous operation ability and stability of enterprises. Make use of the rich data dimension of Shenzhen Credit Information, create a highly online "high-enterprise loan", actively grant credit to national high-tech enterprises, and improve the credit coverage of technology enterprises.

"Shenzhen Plan" is far ahead.

Provide reference for the construction of domestic credit information system.

Weizhong Bank is a pure internet online bank, which has the ability to provide online credit services for small and medium-sized enterprises across the country. According to Liang Huan, head of science and technology finance in the enterprise market and innovation business department of Weizhong Bank, all parts of the credit information platform also want to do it. The data of Shenzhen credit information platform is far ahead of the national level, whether it is a data source or a specific application (such as combining with banks to serve small and micro enterprises).

Ceng Gang, deputy director of Shanghai Finance and Development Laboratory, said that the credit information platform, as a carrier of credit information, plays an important role in breaking the "information island" by collecting and sharing the enterprise-related information held by local government departments and public utilities, and connecting with "government, banks and enterprises". Generally speaking, the establishment of local credit information platform is helpful to the formation of the strategic layout of "national+local" and "government+market", which can effectively promote the docking between financial institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises and improve the quality and efficiency of microfinance services.

Ceng Gang pointed out that at present, all localities are actively building credit information platforms, but there are still some problems, such as low level of system development and data mining, high repetition of data content, and difficulty in continuously and effectively collecting data. Many local credit information platforms still aim at increasing the number of data. Comparatively speaking, the data of Shenzhen Credit Information has obvious advantages in information timeliness and data granularity. On the one hand, the platform can timely reflect the changes of corporate, registered capital, registered address and other industrial and commercial information of enterprises, help banks to identify whether enterprises are operating normally or not, and timely identify and control the risks of existing customers. On the other hand, through in-depth analysis and mining of data, the platform can further reveal the hidden depth information of data, which can help banks realize online accurate classification of enterprises, not only reduce manual entry, improve customer experience, but also facilitate the implementation of differentiated risk strategies.

According to Liu Zhen, executive deputy general manager of Shenzhen Credit Information, since the establishment of the platform in 2022, Shenzhen Credit Information has received about 30 local credit information platforms across the country and shared the experience of Shenzhen with them. Liu Zhen said: "We are also actively exploring to build and share systematic data products with some local credit information platforms that started late, including promoting mutual recognition of our superior data standards and conducting more commercial cooperation.

Liu Xinhai, executive deputy director of the Credit Management Committee of the All-China M&A Association, said that as the front window of reform and opening up, the number of small and micro enterprises in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is not only large, but also more dynamic, and the demand for financing is also more urgent. Making full use of public big data resources and privacy computing, the market demand drives the research and development of alternative data models for credit reporting. Shenzhen actively builds a local credit reporting platform, focusing on scene innovation, which has achieved fruitful results in a short period of time, and gives a successful "Shenzhen Plan", which can provide valuable reference for the construction of domestic credit reporting system.

Editor: Xiao Mo

Audit: Xu Wen

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Original title: "Over 120 billion yuan! Second-level approval, "Shenzhen Plan" is far ahead "

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